Tag Archives: Thought reform

Thought Reform? At WOFF? (3) Mystical Manipulation

    We are continuing on the subject of thought reform. This post is the third in a series which will tell what thought reform is and what behavior(s) is evidence of thought reform. Our reference book is “Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism” by Robert Jay Lifton (original copyright 1961, later published again in 1989, ISBN 0-8078-4253-2 [alk. Paper]). I will work from Chapter 22 titled “Ideological Totalism”. The second post explained the control of communication and how that affected people within WOFF. Next, we will review another characteristic of thought reform- Mystical Manipulation. Did I see this characteristic during my time at Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF)? WOFF is lead by Jane Whaley; I spent 16 years being involved in that group.

    Before I answer that question directly, let me say that I have hesitated for weeks in writing this post as well as all the ones in this series. As I reviewed the material and considered the direction that each post may take, I had come to the unpleasant realization that I have been under the thought reform which I was learning about. I was subject to it while at WOFF- for many years. That is a fact which I cannot deny. At this time, I cannot say with confidence that I see all measures of thought reform that were used against me. Many days, I feel like I am standing on the shore of a vast lake or ocean that is full of new thoughts and deeper more accurate understanding of what happened to me. There is so much that happened which I do not comprehend the full effects- yet. By telling what I have experienced and putting my thoughts out in the light, I am gaining some semblance of understanding and comfort. For sure, I am not alone in admitting that I was under the control of Jane Whaley. She controlled my life as well as the lives of my family directly and indirectly for years. Hundreds and even thousands of people have been and are being controlled by Jane Whaley. Some of those people have left WOFF, many still remain as members.  

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Thought Reform? At WOFF? (2) Communication

    We are continuing on the subject of thought reform. This post is the second in a series which will tell what thought reform is and what behavior(s) is evidence of thought reform. Our reference book is “Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism” by Robert Jay Lifton (original copyright 1961, later published again in 1989, ISBN 0-8078-4253-2 [alk. Paper]). I will work from Chapter 22 titled “Ideological Totalism”. The first post explained the environment for such Ideological Totalism. Next, we will review the characteristics of such environments and how I saw these characteristics during my time at Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). WOFF is lead by Jane Whaley; I spent 16 years being involved in that group. 

    Just what kind of influences and/or pressures does Lifton claim are brought to bear on someone to begin or continue the process of “thought reform”? He writes: “The most basic feature of the thought reform environment, the psychological current upon which all else depends, is the control of human communication.” (page 420) Lifton calls this “milieu control”.  A simple definition of “milieu” is the “physical or social setting in which something occurs” – found here: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/milieu. So, the purpose of a totalistic group leader is to control the environment that he or she has created and more specifically the communication or flow of information within that group or environment.

    Before we go further with Lifton’s writings on the effects of such control, let’s stop and reflect about what we know of WOFF and Jane Whaley. Could this even be true at WOFF? Is there an attempt to control the communication at WOFF? One may note there are so many cell phones at WOFF, how could Jane control their use? It should also be noted that WOFF folks ideally stay around WOFF folks most ALL the time. How could Jane control the conversations and communications between members?

Continue reading Thought Reform? At WOFF? (2) Communication

Thought Reform? At WOFF? (1)

    A term such as “thought reform” is not a common one in our country. Many may wonder what exactly “thought reform” is. Isn’t that something that only occurs in some Communist or third world countries? Certainly, something such as “thought reform” would not occur in the United States of America? Our country is built on the foundation of personal freedom and at least some pretext of freedom of expression and “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. How could and would anything such as this happen here in America?

   If I had heard of such a term as thought reform before leaving Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) – I don’t remember. I may have heard of it in college, but do not remember studying it to any degree. In a previous post titled Movies and Thoughts on “Thought Reform”, I introduced the subject from a reference book titled “Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism” by Robert Jay Lifton (original copyright 1961, later published again in 1989, ISBN 0-8078-4253-2 [alk. Paper]). The previous post is found – https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=3040 .

   Before we get too far into the subject, let me just explain my thoughts on going forward with something that sounds as ominous as thought reform. Could this really have gone on during my time at WOFF under the teachings and preaching of Jane Whaley? As I started learning about the process of thought reform, it became clear that it was a lot more complicated than just attempting to reform or change someone’s thoughts. It is apparent to me in some degree that teaching or preaching the Scriptures has the intent of informing and thus attempting to change the thoughts of the hearers. For it is obvious that if you can teach someone and change their thoughts, that then in turn there should be a change in the actions of that individual. Does that seem plausible? Can we agree on that? When other teachers and preachers in other churches stand up before their members, do you hope to affect their thoughts and in turn their actions? That seems likely, doesn’t it?

    Continue reading Thought Reform? At WOFF? (1)

Movies and Thoughts on “Thought Reform”

     In 1990, I went to a movie theater in West Ashley near Charleston, SC. The movie was “China Cry”, produced by TBN Films. This movie is the story of Nora Lam, her life and escape from China. I attended with two younger folks and remember much of that evening. That would be the last film I would view in a movie theater until 2004 when several Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) members were allowed to attend “The Passion”, directed by Mel Gibson. We viewed it in the theater in Forest City, NC.  That was a night I will not soon forget. Jane Whaley did not attend. Here is link to a previous post where I mention attending “The Passion”.. https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=216

    Recently, I watched “China Cry” again. By mentioning this movie here, I am not endorsing a particular ministry or TV preacher(s). For the time period, the movie was done with quality and I would recommend others to watch it. What struck me this time was the very detailed depiction of the thought reform used by the Communist Party under Chairman Mao Zedong. Both Neng Yee Sung, who later changed her name to Nora Lam, and her husband were forced into detailed confessions of their past, their relationship and other areas of their lives individually and together. It was said that the officials were trying to get confessions about past transgressions and Nora’s Christian education. One scene shows Nora’s husband secretly admitting the temptation to “give them what they want”; he was ready to confess but, he was not sure to what. Later, the officials would use simultaneous lies against both husband and wife in an attempt break their bond and their love for each other. “Reform” would come to resisters through “labor training.”

    This visual depiction correlates well with the accounts found in Robert Jay Lifton’s work in “Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism” (original copyright 1961, later published again in 1989. ISBN 0-8078-4253-2 [alk. Paper]). The subtitle of the book is “A Study of Brainwashing in China”. Lifton studied the thought reform used on Westerners by the Communist party in the 1950’s. I have not finished the book, but what I have read has been fascinating. I quote from the PREFACE of the recent edition, “I see it (this book) as less a specific record of Maoist China more an exploration of what might be the most dangerous direction of the twentieth-century mind- the quest for absolute or “totalistic” belief systems. … Indeed this quest has produced nothing short of a worldwide epidemic of political and religious fundamentalism- of movements characterized by literalized embrace of sacred texts as containing absolute truth for all persons, and a mandate for militant, often violent measures taken against designated enemies of that truth of mere unbelievers.” (page vii emphasis added) Was the author ahead of his time on this observation! Lifton’s observations can apply to so many groups around the world, today.

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