Tag Archives: WOFF

At any time, Pastor Tiffanie Irwin could have stopped the beatings…

On Wednesday, December 2nd; Deborah Leonard was arraigned in Chadwicks, NY on a plea deal concerning the death of her son Lucas and the severe beating of her other son, Christopher. She entered a guilty plea to first-degree assault in the death of Lucas, for which she will serve five years. She also entered guilty plea to second-degree assault in the beating of Christopher for which she will serve an additional two years. In exchange, she agrees to testify truthfully in any of the trials for the other eight defendants charged with 13 counts including murder, felony assault and gang assault. The list of defendants includes her husband, Bruce Leonard and daughter, Sarah Ferguson, as well as the Pastor of the church, Tiffanie Irwin.

Two very important statements were made by Deborah Leonard which gives great insight into the dynamics inside the Word of Life Christian Church (WOLCC) where the beatings took place. These two statements tell us about the power structure within the group as well as the penalties for breaking the rules or going against the expected behavior norms. The similarities between the church in New York and Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) in Spindale, NC became more evident after Wednesday.

First, Mrs. Leonard said she was afraid and believed her son’s shift away from the church would get her in trouble with other members of the church, including the Pastor Tiffanie Irwin. Let’s examine this belief since it may seem out of order for those not familiar with groups such as WOLCC or WOFF. Mrs. Leonard said she may get in trouble for her son’s desire to leave. Just exactly what the “trouble” would have been was not made clear in reports on Wednesday. Allow me to explain how this occurs inside of WOFF and I believe the reactions would have been very similar.

From recent accounts conveyed to me, parents who have children who leave WOFF are openly encouraged to cut-off all contact with them and shun them completely. Recent reports coming out of WOFF tell of parents with children who have left – aggressively rebuking other parents who also have children who have left telling them our children have turned their back on God and we don’t talk to them, you must do the same! With Jane’s approval, members gang up on other members to pressure them to conform to the no contact policy. At that point, the victims of the aggression must make a choice; join their children and leave WOFF or stay inside the closed subculture which they may have been members of for many years. I believe this type of aggression and pressure would be similar inside of WOLCC.
Continue reading At any time, Pastor Tiffanie Irwin could have stopped the beatings…

Pastor among eight defendants indicted in fatal beating

Gang Assault Indictments Returned in This Case…

News sources out of Utica, NY, earlier this week reported additional indictments were handed down as predicted in the Leonard murder case. Pastor Tiffani Irwin, her mother, Traci, and her two brothers, Joseph and Daniel were leaders in the Word of Life Christian Church of Chadwicks, NY. All were included in the thirteen count indictment handed down Tuesday. Also, included was the father of the victims, Bruce Leonard, the half-sister, Sarah Ferguson and two additional church members- Linda Morey and her son David Morey.

Lucas Leonard died and his brother, Christopher Leonard was severely beaten as a result of a “counseling session” called by the Pastor in response to what authorities are reporting as the desire for the teens to leave the church. In October, Christopher Leonard testified against his half-sister, Sarah Ferguson in court as he described the extended session which lasted through the night and early morning hours of October 11th and 12th. Lucas was transported to St Lukes Hospital in Chadwicks and there declared dead. After extensive searching, authorities discovered Christopher Leonard on the second floor of the church building and transported him to the hospital under protective custody.

News sources differ as to the listed indictments. Reportedly, the recent indictments include: second degree murder, second degree manslaughter, first degree kidnapping, felony first-degree assault and felony first-degree gang assault. (sources Uticaod.com, AP, @OD_Parker)
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They said you had “mental problems…wacko…”

Well, it should be no surprise. Publishing a book about my time inside of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) has caused some reaction. Honestly, many have asked if I have heard from WOFF. This week, there was blow back. But, to put it all in context, let’s review events from a few days before.

Monday, I used my last contact for my left eye and called the local eye doctor to see about getting new ones. My prescription had expired and they required an exam to obtain more contacts. As it worked out, there was an opening for Tuesday morning. I took it and thought no more about the issue.

Tuesday morning, I arrived at the Eye Clinic and recognized the receptionist as a present WOFF member. She was cordial as I called her name and said I did not know she worked there full time. She quickly replied, “I do not.” Yes, the tension in her voice spoke louder than her pasted smile. I took my seat and soon was called back to the exam room.

Once in the room, the technician went through the normal questions updating my medical history. I stopped her and asked who had access to my records? She quickly pointed to a fingerprint recognition device and said only her and the doctor could access the details of my history. That was a relief and I explained why. I mentioned the name of the employee and said I used to belong to WOFF and did not want her having access to my records. Can you blame me? Anyway, the technician went on to say she had attended the employee’s wedding and almost simultaneously, we both made a comment about the reception food! She said the food was great and the people were friendly. She was clearly staying neutral and I understood her position. I told her the employee was probably a very good worker and if my memory served me right, we went on the same trip to Brazil in 2005. From there I mentioned my book and again, the technician kept a neutral position and did not ask me details about the book. She left the room and my comfort level was satisfied for the moment.
Continue reading They said you had “mental problems…wacko…”

Nathan Ames, “… they did whatever was told to them…” (video)

Friday afternoon, a co-worker caught my attention with her eyes wide open, “John, come here…” She asked if I watched the interview with the former Word of Life Christian Church member Thursday morning, on television. I had not. She quickly found the link and asked me to sit down at her desk and watch it. As the interview played, she exclaimed, “That’s what you describe in your book. He used the same words you used in your book.” (Locked in)

It is at this point, I have mixed emotions about my printing and publishing projects. I am naturally glad the similarities between the destructive group in New York and Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) are not difficult for readers of my blog and book to see. At the same time, I have deep, unspeakable pangs of regret and remorse for the small daily decisions which led to my involvement with Jane Whaley and her crowd. On the one hand, I like to think there may have been some way to stop the progression of involvement in the web of WOFF. On the other, I cannot change the past. We can only move on from here and help those who want help.
Continue reading Nathan Ames, “… they did whatever was told to them…” (video)

District Attorney McNamara to seek “gang assault” charges in Leonard case

Wednesday, the Utica Observer-Dispatch reported on their website the next chapter in the sad case of religion gone awry in the Word of Life Christian Church of Chadwicks, NY. Lucas Leonard died October 12th at the St. Lukes Hospital in New Hartford after allegedly suffering a beating at hands of his parents and four other church members. The parents, Bruce Leonard and Deborah Leonard face first degree manslaughter charges stemming from the incident which began Sunday evening, October 11th. Also charged with second degree assault were Joseph Irwin, David Morey, Linda Morey and Lucas’ half-sister, Sarah Ferguson.

Christopher Leonard, 17, brother to Lucas also suffered severe injuries during the “counseling session.” Authorities first confirmed the use of “fists and feet.” Wednesday, Christopher testified to the use of a “cord” during the assault. Testimony on Wednesday was enough for the judge to refer the case to the Oneida County grand jury for consideration. Bond for Sarah Ferguson remained at $50,000.

Included in the report from Wednesday were remarks from Oneida County District Attorney Scott McNamara. He said the office plans on pursuing any individuals who have culpability in the case.

“We are looking at everybody that was involved in this incident and we will present all the information that we have to the grand jury, along with the charges that were originally filed and any other charges we feel are appropriate and that will include depraved indifference murder,” McNamara said. “There are numerous other charges, one of those charges will be gang assault. There are a lot of other charges that were not initially filed, but we can ask a grand jury to consider.” (emphasis added)
Continue reading District Attorney McNamara to seek “gang assault” charges in Leonard case

Is Your Conscience For Sale? How Would You Know?

Last Monday evening, October 12th, I was privileged to sit among the leadership of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) and witness the Honorable Judge Martin Reidinger deliver a presentation on the Nuremberg Trials. As mentioned in a previous post, the irony of the whole night was stark and at times overwhelming. Before the Judge began his delivery, Karel Reynolds opened with a few remarks noting the 15th of October 1945 as the day the Nazi party was dissolved. She mentioned two other statements which I have not been able to forget. She mentioned the results of the Holocaust showed us “…what human beings are capable of…” and that education was not the only answer to stopping such atrocities. Hitler had highly educated scientists and engineers working for him.

As proof of that, in preparation for the prosecution of the defendants at the Nuremberg Trials, each was administered intelligence tests and psychiatric evaluations. (here) Karel quoted Hermann Goering, a leading member of the Nazi party, to say, “I have no conscience. Adolf Hitler is my conscience.” Mr. Goering’s intelligence test score was 138. That score is listed as “gifted.” (2.3% of test takers score this range).

What was Karel’s point? I took it to mean that intelligence will not stop a person from selling or giving away control of their conscience. Karel, was I right?
Continue reading Is Your Conscience For Sale? How Would You Know?

Judge Reidinger Delivers Irony- Who Heard It?

Judge Reidinger speaks on the Nuremberg Trial
Judge Reidinger speaks on the Nuremberg Trial

Monday, October 12, 2015; Federal Judge, The Honorable Martin Reidinger, United States District Court Judge for the Western District of North Carolina delivered a methodical presentation on “The Nuremberg Trial: Legacy and Impact In Our Generation.” The event was held at the Mildred H. Keeter Auditorium at Cleveland Community College in Shelby, NC. Karel Reynolds, Holocaust Instructor for the College, Principal of the Word of Faith Fellowship Christian School and according to her recent court testimony, head of the video ministry at Word of Faith Fellowship hosted the event.

The calendar for Cleveland Community College specified 200 as the seating limit. Even before, I made it to the building; this clearly was a Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) event with possibly two-thirds or more of the audience consisting of leadership, youth, young adults and children. At first, Jane Whaley was sitting with her class, near the front, beside Brock. However, shortly before the event began, Jane received a text, looked over her left should and then her right. Right then, she heard God to give her seat to someone else. I don’t know if she sat in the back or left the gathering all together. I did not see her after she left her seat.

Let me apologize for stepping on Dr. Jerry Gross’ shoe when I passed in the aisle. Oh, clumsy me. I took a seat right behind Gerald and Linda Southerland and Gloria and Larry King. No, there were no handshakes or warm greetings. Looks of surprise, shock and disgust were more common. Expected. My main purpose was to consume what I believed would be overwhelming delicious irony while sitting among WOFF members listening to a presentation on the Nuremberg Trial. The whole scene was too inviting and I was willing to take the stares and grumpy faces just to witness what promised to be a night of unforgettable remarks. I did not have to wait long for the appetizers to be served.
Continue reading Judge Reidinger Delivers Irony- Who Heard It?