There are times when watching a movie that you get caught up in the plot and seemingly forget your own life and struggles. Maybe that is the attraction to so many folks watching movies in this country. Recently, I watched “Gods and Generals” (Warner Home Video and AOL Warner Company presenting a Ted Turner Film, Antietam Filmworks Production, a Ron Maxwell Film, Copyright©2002 Ted Turner Film Properties, LLC) From the back cover- “Based on Jeffrey M. Shaara’s bestseller, Gods and Generals recounts the fierce allegiances and combat of the early Civil War. Ronald F. Maxwell directs the prequel to his Gettysburg, framing the story with three bold men and three fateful battles. The men: Joshua Chamberlin (Jeff Daniels), “Stonewall” Jackson (Stephen Lang), Robert E. Leee (Robert Duvall). The battles: Manassas, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville. Through these combatants and conflicts we witness bravery and strife of a nation at war with itself.”
During my viewing of this film, I must admit, at least for a few minutes, forgetting about my life and the present events unfolding. Yes, this film is a representation of what happened and can only in a very small way capture the depth of the struggles, emotions and turmoil of the times. I knew this going in. But, during this film there was a scene that woke me up and captivated me in a very intriguing way. It was during a monologue by Joshua Chamberlin. This scene takes place as Chamberlin leads his brother, Tom to a view point over a river. I will paraphrase the introduction as Chamberlin points out to his brother that each person in the army of thousands is loved by someone, a whole person loved or cherished in a home far away. “Many of them will never return.”
Next, he describes armies as tools of power meant to coerce others. He goes on to recognize that they have seen more suffering than any man should ever see. And if there is going to be an end to it, then it must “be an end that justifies the cause.” Then he swings his arm out over the valley below and says, “Somewhere out there is the Confederate Army. They claim they are fighting for their independence, their freedom. Now, I cannot question their integrity. I believe they are wrong, but, I cannot question it. But, I do question the system that defends its own freedom while it denies it to others, to an entire race of men. I will admit it Tom; war is a scourge, but, so is slavery. It is the systematic coercion of one group of men over another. It has been around since the book of Genesis. It exists in every corner of the world. But, that is no excuse for us to tolerate it here, when we find it right before our very eyes, in our own country. As God is my witness, there is no one I hold in my heart dearer than you. But, if your life or mine is part of the price to end this curse and free the Negro, then let God’s will be done.”
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