In several posts, we have looked at terms used by Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). One of those posts is found here…. . We have discussed the purpose and the effects of these terms. Jane Whaley is the leader and she took time to define the use and meaning of many different terms. In most cases thsee terms were defined to mean what she wanted. During the development of this blog, I have created several terms to describe what I experienced during my time at WOFF. For this post we will discuss the term “WOFFness”. What does it mean? What does it include? Are WOFF members aware of the effects of the term? Could they not even be aware that they live in WOFFness? What do others outside of WOFF see and know about WOFFness? Do outsiders appreciate WOFFness in every situation?
First, let’s discuss the feeling and thoughts of being a WOFF member that are directly included in the meaning of the term. As a reminder, I was under the influence of the teachings of Jane Whaley either directly or indirectly for 16 years. Does that qualify me to give meaning to the term WOFFness? In my opinion, yes, the time inside gives me the experience needed to shape and define the term. While inside WOFF, there were many emotions, thoughts and experiences that were noteworthy. The attitude of WOFF members was one that no one else in Christianity had the revelation, the understanding, and the holiness that was conveyed on those living at WOFF. Conveyed? Yes, conveyed by listening to, obeying and living around Jane Whaley. Key to living at WOFF was the belief that Jane Whaley was the key to living for God, knowing God, understanding God and ultimately making it to heaven. If you were out of favor with Jane, you were out of favor with God. If you were in favor with Jane, you were tight with God.
It sounds absurd when put in those terms, But, I challenge any one inside or outside to dispute those statements. Why is this crucial to WOFFness? Because, if you are to understand WOFFness, you must first understand where WOFFness originates and that is with Jane. Jane originates shapes and moderates the attitudes that are crucial for those inside WOFF. The first attitude and belief is fear of Jane. WOFFness is built on that. Jane promotes fear of her power as the foundation and undisputable requirement for all members in order to remain at WOFF. That fear of a person replaces the fear of God. In many ways, the fear of Jane is disguised as the fear of God. But, who on the outside is really fooled?
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