Tag Archives: WOFF

Truth? After WOFF?

    There are some things that are stressed at Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). One thing is the subject of “Truth”. There is supposedly a constant search for the “truth – in the matter”. Or a search for the “truth” in what just happened. Or helping someone see “truth” in what they just gave to. Let us not forget that Jane Whaley has seen to it that she gives others outside of WOFF- “truth” on different subjects or on what happens at WOFF. When you are on the inside, it is evident that the final voice of “truth” always rests with Jane Whaley. Another person in leadership could offer their take on what “truth” is or was or should have been or will be next time. But, it does not take a new member long to learn that Jane Whaley settles the matter- any matter, always, no questions asked, for sure that is it- take it to the bank.

    If you doubt what I have written taken from my time at WOFF, just ask any member “who hears God’s voice” at WOFF? Who is the person who is the final say in everything? Who sets the rules and ultimately has the final say in everything? Well? What are the possibilities you will get the “truth” about that?

    That set-up caused several things to happen while inside WOFF and it led to several things happening when my time there was over. When you are inside, it is taught either directly or sometimes indirectly that you know nothing. There is a favorite WOFF scripture to prove you know nothing. John 5:3030I am able to do nothing from Myself [independently, of My own accord–but only as I am taught by God and as I get His orders]. Even as I hear, I judge [I decide as I am bidden to decide. As the voice comes to Me, so I give a decision], and My judgment is right (just, righteous), because I do not seek or consult My own will [I have no desire to do what is pleasing to Myself, My own aim, My own purpose] but only the will and pleasure of the Father Who sent Me.

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Prayer? After WOFF?

    There is no doubt that no matter what I write on this subject, members of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) will take it personally and may even call it an “attack”. It is not my intention to “attack” with this subject. Is it possible that WOFF members see this blog as an attack because I am doing what they are forbidden to do? I can express doubt while trying to work things out. Do WOFF members want to express their doubts but know that in doing so they would be chided, berated or attacked themselves? At WOFF, expressing doubt as to the validity of WOFF-life is not allowed.

    I will endeavor to share my observations on the subject of prayer from my time inside WOFF and my time since leaving WOFF in 2008. After 16 years of being indirectly or directly under the teachings of Jane Whaley, it must be obvious that much of the teaching centered on prayer. Loud prayer, blasting and deliverance prayer are signature practices of WOFF as discussed previously on this blog. I have shared on this subject in the past. (here is a link from March 21, 2010- https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=599 )

    After leaving WOFF, how did the previous teachings and activities affect my view and practice of prayer? First, let me make it clear that participating in forms of WOFF-prayer does not assure that a member believes in the WOFF prayer 100% – day and night. Yes, it is hard to conceive, but, as powerful as Jane Whaley is with her persuasion and control; deep inside, every individual has to decide if WOFFness and WOFF-prayer are as critical to salvation as is portrayed during WOFF-days. That is up to each individual. Certainly, it is close to impossible to remain at WOFF for any length of time and not participate in loud prayer, blasting and deliverance. So, a WOFF member will participate. But, is it vital to pray the WOFF-way in order to be saved, born again or know Jesus or make it to heaven? When put in that context, the answer should be obvious. Is it?

    Continue reading Prayer? After WOFF?

Trust? After WOFF?

     A reader of this blog, who is a survivor of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) recently made this statement in a comment, “We are still a little unsure of becoming “totally committed” to another church, just yet. But, that may come.” The observation addresses the issue of trust. We have not been able to trust the leadership and members of another church, but we might one day. After my time at WOFF and being under the teachings of Jane Whaley, I completely understand. It took several months to enter a church of any sorts. Even then there were walls of immense proportions between me and anybody in church or even in other areas of life.

   Let me explain. Upon leaving WOFF, there is not only the trust issues with other people in churches, there is also trust issues with the people who were not to be trusted while you were inside WOFF. As a member of WOFF, there were certain folks and groups that were not trusted unless the approval came from Jane Whaley to trust them. For example, DSS workers were never to be trusted. Government officials were to be at least doubted unless Jane said “okay”. Anyone associated with the media in any way was to not to be trusted.  That included television, newspapers and radio. The reason should be obvious. WOFF members were not allowed access to those types of media. Others not to be trusted included lawyers- who represented outsiders, defectors or anyone you were not sure of. Now, there was a catch, after a while WOFF had their own home grown attorneys for most every situation. So, you of course could “trust” them. But, making the distinction was tough after you left. I found that trusting attorneys was based on their knowledge of WOFF and the things that had gone on there in the past.

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The Deceptions I Lived Under While at WOFF (2)

      In the previous post, I outlined certain deceptions that were foundational to continued membership in Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) in Spindale, NC. For a review, I spent a total of 16 years under the direct or indirect teachings of Jane Whaley – the leader of WOFF. In order to make it clear, I do not assume that I see all or know all of the deceptions I lived under while in that group. For sure, not every group which may practice a level of deception could automatically be labeled a destructive “cult”. However, I would say that every destructive cult does practice deception as its core operational methods.  Also, this post is not meant to hurt or harm or impugn others who have been a part of that group in the past or who are a part of that group now. This post is purely reflective of my search and struggle for Truth that brings emotional and spiritual stability and life. Recently, it has been brought to my attention that WOFF members see these posts as an attack on their choice of religion or their faith. That is not the intent; my purpose includes telling the deceptions I believed and the Truth I now understand.

     Since my departure from WOFF, I have realized that I was steeped in the WOFF deceptions. Those deceptions have been in me through and through. It was a major change in my life to begin to see that Jane Whaley and the life at WOFF were not true or based on Truth. The deception which is the basis for WOFF member’s relationship with God is predicated on Jane Whaley and her “gift” of deliverance and her “hearing God”. We covered much of this in the previous post. We now will list other deceptions which are evident in WOFF-life either from what was done or not done, said or not said.

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The Deceptions I Lived Under While at WOFF (1)

   For a review, I spent a total of 16 years under the direct or indirect teachings of Jane Whaley who is the leader of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) in Spindale, NC. During the process of my exit from that group, I began to see there were numerous deceptions that I lived under while in that group. As I have searched for answers to several questions, more and more of the deceptions have been made clear for me. This post will attempt to list and explain several of those deceptions. I do not assume that I see them all or know all of the deceptions I lived under while in that group. Also, this post is not meant to hurt or harm or impugn others who have been a part of that group in the past or who are a part of that group now. This post is purely reflective of my search and struggle for Truth that brings emotional and spiritual stability and life.

    How will I determine what is a deception and what is in reality a truth? First, if there was a statement or rule or group approved behavior put forth in WOFF and I obeyed that statement or rule, then I agreed with that rule, at least on some level. If there was any discontent or angst against such a rule, I will try to tell it, but if I submitted to that rule and did not question it outwardly, then I will list that rule or axiom as an acknowledged deception. (If indeed it was one.) I will attempt to concentrate on main foundational deceptions that were put forth and lived as “truth” while at WOFF.

    Continue reading The Deceptions I Lived Under While at WOFF (1)

Why Should Others Not in WOFF Care? Revisited

     During the month of June, I posted a series under the title Why Should Others Not in WOFF Care?.(the link is here… https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=2038 .)  I took as my reference text a book titled “The Five Thousand Year Leap” by W. Cleon Skousen (copyright C&J Investments, ISBN 0-9815596-6-2) with a forward by Glenn Beck. One reader, who saw the recent sign posted in the community advertising this blog, took the time to email me and express her concern that I would choose this book as a reference text. She sent her supporting text, from which I will quote,

“Around this same time, Beck began promoting the work of an arcane Mormon conspiracy-peddler named W. Cleon Skousen, whom he described as his political lodestar. Suddenly, Beck had something more to offer than irritable mental gestures…. Skousen’s paranoid politics were an outgrowth of his participation in extreme anti-communist groups during the 1950s. He boasted of a close friendship with then-FBI director J. Edgar Hoover and said he provided him with research on communist plots, claims disputed by FBI historians.”

   This was from a lengthy piece titled “Days of Rage — The Noxious Transformation of the Conservative Movement into a Rabid Fringe” By Max Blumenthal, Nation Books, Posted on August 10, 2010, Printed on August 10, 2010, http://www.alternet.org/story/147784/

   So, in all honesty, I failed to fully research Mr. Skousen’s past and did not research his all of his sources. In fact, I will say that my excitement about the book was more emotional than purely intellectual. Here was one source that listed the “rights” I had seen violated and surrendered during my time at Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). For years, I had submitted to the teachings of Jane Whaley and was not aware of the damages it had done. This one book though not purposed or directed to address my question(s), listed “rights” that I had seen thwarted during my time at WOFF.

   Continue reading Why Should Others Not in WOFF Care? Revisited

Intervention -The Series

   The program, “InterventionTM” is described on their website as follows:

 “Intervention™ is a powerful and gripping television series in which people confront their darkest demons and seek a route to redemption. The Intervention Television series profiles people whose dependencies on drugs and alcohol or other compulsive behavior has brought them to a point of personal crisis and estranged them from their friends and loved ones.” 

The link is here to learn more… http://www.aetv.com/intervention/index.jsp

   Since leaving Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF), a group led by Jane Whaley; I have had an interest in people in crisis; what gets them there, how do they get out of crisis and how are others in their life affected? This show depicts people in crisis and how their friends and relatives struggle to help them accept help. Jeff VanVonderen is listed on the website for this show as one of the Interventionists. The link with his bio is here… http://www.aetv.com/intervention/interventionists/ . One evening, I turned to this program and he was helping a family with a member who had an addiction of some type. It surprised me because I had read his book The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuseyears ago.  I do not remember what happened to that book. I read it somewhere around 1991. It is now on my purchase list as well as the newer version which was printed in 2005. When I first found the show, I watched Mr. VanVonderen skillfully and forcefully deal with an individual who had an addiction. This person decided to get help and left for a treatment center immediately. There was an update about the individual, but I can’t remember if they stayed with the program.  

   On occasion, I have watched other episodes as families are torn apart by a member in some sort of chemical addiction. It is not always young folks or always single individuals. Some people affected by addictions are ones with responsibilities for children that go unmet. It is truly sad to see how others can and are affected by these addictions.

   Recently, I tuned in to an episode that was almost over. The scene showed a family reading their letters to the person in their family who had the addiction. These letters told how the addiction had affected them personally. The brother of the person addicted was reading his letter. This is not a quote, but it is close to what was said, — your addiction has kept you from being with me and my family as we share our special family moments. We cannot have you around because of your behavior when you are drinking. (it may have been drugs…) We have missed so many special times when you were to have been a part. Please, accept help so we can begin having the family times as we were meant to have.

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