Tag Archives: WOFF

Footwashing Services at WOFF?

     One noticeable omission from the “Beliefs” page of the Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) website was the “foot washing” practices of years past. This is not listed as a ordinance of the church as with other churches who practice foot washing. If my memory serves me correctly, I participated in three “foot washing” services while attending WOFF. The first one was more intense than the second or third. Though not practiced by several mainline or traditional Protestant churches, there certainly is scriptural basis for the practice. Here is the passage in John 13:5-9, 13-15:

5After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him.  6He came to Simon Peter, who said to him, “Lord, are you going to wash my feet?” 7Jesus replied, “You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.” 8“No,” said Peter, “you shall never wash my feet.” Jesus answered, “Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.”  9“Then, Lord,” Simon Peter replied, “not just my feet but my hands and my head as well!”

13“You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am. 14Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. 15I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.   New International Version (NIV) Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by Biblica 

     My memories are not as detailed and distinct in reference to these three services. So, I may get the details confused as to the order they occurred. The first foot washing service at WOFF was set on course with certain guidelines: men washing men’s feet, women washing women’s feet. Family members could wash each other’s feet. The purpose was to humble yourself and make right any bitterness or unforgiveness with that person. Plastic basins, (from prayer times?) were brought out with some water in them. Towels were supplied for drying the feet. The service lasted several hours as there was a whole lot of washing to do. Many wept and from all indications, several relationships were mended.

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In My Father’s House

   In the years following the massacre on November 18, 1978, at Jonestown; several survivor books were published. “In My Father’s House” (copyright 1981, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 361 pages) is the first thorough account of a family of survivors who were affected by this tragedy, that I have read. The authors are Min S. Yee and Thomas N. Layton, with contributions from Deborah Layton, Laurence L. Layton and Annalisa Layton Valentine. The Layton family and their generational history were covered extensively in the first part of the book. Though it does provide some foundational background, the details of that history were difficult to follow. The historical information was a hard connection to make at first, when in my thinking; the book was to focus on the events surrounding the Layton’s family involvement in People’s Temple and with Jim Jones. The authors use family records, letters, baby books, taped interviews and other sources to provide the timeline and content for the book.

   In the “Author’s Notes”, it is admitted that the Layton family was not happy with the book. After reading it, I could see places where too much detail on subjects not related to main story, could bring some family regrets. Deborah Layton went on to publish her own book, “Seductive Poison” (copyright 1998, Anchor Books) which will be covered in another post.

     Once the authors cover the history of each parent in the Layton family, the story moves quickly into family life and the steps taken to join the People’s Temple. Mr. Layton came from an academic background. He was a professor and well respected in many academic circles. Lisa Philip Layton, the wife and mother, was of German origin and had worked as a physical therapist when she met her husband, Laurence. The author details the courtship, marriage and family struggles.

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We Don’t Say That…

    Over the last few months, I have gone to FATZ® restaurant in Lincolnton for business reasons. In the last few weeks, one of the framed newspaper displays has caught my eye. This was a front page from the local Lincolnton newspaper dated August 7, 1933. The larger that life photograph of Franklin D. Roosevelt is the main feature as you can see.. 

Merchants Promise to Cooperate
Let it Be known

 I passed the picture several times before stopping to read it. This was a proclamation of local business owners pledging their support of the “Recovery Program” of FDR. There were businesses listed, new hours and two other things of interest besides the whole concept of FDR being the main focus; one – the top right corner mentions the merchants signing a “Blanket Code” for their particular businesses…? Second, the wording at the bottom was very odd… “Let’s have no more talk of..”  

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Who is the Enemy?

    During my time at Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF), there were many “enemies” depending on the season of time. A short list would include ex-members, ex-members who tell their WOFF experiences to others, “unrighteous” judges who rule against Jane Whaley or members in child custody cases, Faith Freedom Fund, anyone who supports the Faith Freedom Fund, Police or Sheriffs who carry out judges orders against WOFF members, Charlotte Observer reporters who tell “whoppers” about Jane or the church, the Daily Courier has had some reporters in the past, in this category. Shall we forget politicians who support abortion? How could I leave out the local DSS or attorneys that help them or ex-members?

     There would always be a type of “devil” to combat either in you, in the world, in the “heavens”, in your non-WOFF neighbor, in your non-WOFF relatives, in your employer (if not working for a church member owned company). Well, then there would be “devils” attacking your children, like the “math devil” or “know it all devil”, “haughty devil” or “sassy mouthed devil”, “telephone devil”, “lazy devil”, “unclean devil”, “back-talking, sassy mouthed devil”, “driving devil”, “intellectual devil”, “perversion devil”, “music devil”.  I think you get the picture. While I was attending WOFF, I heard each one of these phrases; though rarely ever grouped together as I have done. In order to support the “us versus them” attitude, there was always a devil-related crisis of some type to manage at WOFF. The many crises served as the building blocks for the fear-based message as mentioned in a previous post (https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=1310 )

    During the court case against the local DSS, I remember saying the DSS were like Nazis. Another member heard me say it and let it stand. In fact, he acted like he agreed. At that time, they were the “enemy”. Since I left and have read more about mind control and how it works; my assessment of the local DSS is much different. Now, I would say they did not know the strength of the mind control system operating in WOFF. They were trying to change the results, [children] and not the cause molding the children; that would be the parents and church leadership. Because of their outside position, it would have been difficult to change the circumstances for the children unless you somehow change the circumstances and thinking of the parents and other adults. DSS was apparently not prepared for the battle they were trying to wage. Mistakes were made on both sides. Therefore the results were negative for all parties.

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Two Bookcases and the Gulf in Between

     In my home, I have a four shelf cart I use as a bookcase along with another four shelf bookcase, in the main living area. In the cart on the right are books mainly purchased before my time at Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). In the bookcase on the left are books purchased after my leaving of WOFF in July of 2008. The physical space between them is about 18 inches. The gulf of time between the groupings of book represents about 16 years. Let me explain.

    During my time attending the church in South Carolina, I bought few books. In fact, the only books I can remember buying were bicycle repair manuals and a few gardening books. My Dad also gave me a few gardening books, which at this time; I need another shelf to display them. I do remember being given a book, written by Andrew Murray, by someone in the Greenville church during the time there.

    Previous to moving to Greenville, SC in 1992, I had purchased many books which were mainly by Christian authors or Bible reference books. There began a purge in 1992 as my perception of the value of several of these books changed. The Christian books that have made it through the purges are stored on the four shelf cart on the right. The authors include Andrew Murray, Charles Finney, Leonard Ravenhill, Watchman Nee, Martin Luther, John Wesley, F. B. Meyer, R.A. Torrey, A.W. Tozer and others. There are biographies of D.L. Moody, Charles Finney, Rees Howells, John G. Lake and more. I have read many of these in years past. However, during the time in Greenville, the books were stored in boxes and only reviewed when I felt a need to read a book by Finney or Murray.

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Why Go Back?

    Over the years, members who have left Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) in Spindale, NC have been allowed to return and rejoin the group. While I was inside the group, it was not a major question for me as to why folks would leave and then come back. However, now that I am out, the idea of someone returning to WOFF is intriguing. Why would former members see or feel the need to return? I find answers as I read more on the subject and reflect on my years at WOFF.

    Janis Hutchinson in her book, “Out of the Cults and Into the Church” (copyright 1994, Kregal Pub.) writes about the struggles that ex-cultists go through upon leaving a cult. Her work has been mainly among the ex-Mormons. In the chapter 3, titled “Conflict of Soul”, she explains in an easy to understand format, how certain “losses” are emotionally traumatic to an ex-cultist. One way to look at the “losses” of former cult members would be to say that these are areas, which cults perform well in meeting certain needs. Ms. Hutchinson develops a list in this chapter that is too long to cover here. A few of the losses were covered in a previous post. ( see here… https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=261  )

   One of the major areas of loss that former cult members experience is the “loss of friends and community ties”. “…Enduring excommunication and losing the regard of others provokes a sense of loss that is impossible to describe. It’s one of the strongest motivations to return to the cult. It’s also why Christian fellowship is crucial.” (page 65 emphasis added) I certainly can attest to this statement. Members of WOFF certainly help each other as no other group I have been a part of in the past. There were several folks that seemed to always be available to help anyone whether day or night. The value of that support is hard to calculate or replace. When you spend hours and hours working beside someone or helping each other in various ways, there is a special friendship that develops. I had that with several folks at WOFF, or thought I did.  

    Continue reading Why Go Back?

The May Seminar We Watched TV Preachers

    One May seminar at Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) in Spindale, NC; there were monitors (TVs) set up in various places in the sanctuary. There was a buzz in the congregation as this was a rare thing to allow the whole group to watch something on the monitors (TVs). In the years I attended WOFF, I can remember a few times that the monitors were put in place. We watched scenes from the 911 attack. We watched Ronald Regan’s funeral- tape delayed. We watched Tammy Faye Bakker’s last interview with Larry King. (Why?) We watched the “History of Christmas” tape from the History channel. The scenes were edited and the volume muted in certain places- “for the children” and some adults. We also watched speeches by President George W. Bush, weddings in Brazil and Africa, and a few other events. As a rule, regular members were not allowed to have televisions in the house. Some in leadership may have had televisions and Jane had one that God told her to watch. She then would come tell us what God had told her to watch, as far as I know.

    Jane Whaley came to the podium at the beginning of this service and announced that God wanted to show us “just what else is out there in the Body of Christ.” She had taped some ministry shows off Christian television and wanted us to see them. She warned us to guard ourselves so that the music or message would not “come in us”. There would be places were the volume was muted because “the music was so bad”. With those warnings and those instructions and maybe more that I can’t recall, the monitors were turned on and we all began to watch.

   After so many years, I cannot remember all of what was shown. I can remember the general impressions I had during the viewing. Jane chose to tape several African American preachers while they preached with passion the message they had been given. Not every preacher viewed was African American, but most were to my recollection. The sad part was during some parts, snickers and muffled laughter could be heard in the group. Jane Whaley sat on the front row with a microphone commenting in different places. She would admit if she knew them personally or whatever may relate to why she chose to record the preacher being watched.

Continue reading The May Seminar We Watched TV Preachers