Tag Archives: WOFF

Saturday’s Forum and Upcoming Events

The Survivors Community Forum held yesterday was well attended and covered by several media outlets. My heartfelt thanks go out to so many people who helped in any way with the planning, set-up, providing support during the meeting and cleaning up afterwards. It took a team of willing volunteers to bring this message to the citizens who chose to spend their afternoon with us. I appreciate all the ex-members who attended whether they spoke publically or not. We were there for each other and I hope having the open forum helped each one in some way.

Thank you, to the present members of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) who came and listened to what for them must have been some new information and a fresh point of view. I regret we had to end the session at 4:00PM, however that was the block of time reserved. In future events, if at all possible, we hope for more open discourse and civil interchange between former and present members.

And to WOFF member Benjamin McGee; it was pointed out to me that I appeared rude in my response to you at your request to speak at the end of the session. That was not my intention and I hope you will understand I did not recognize you nor was I aiming any malice at you personally. You are welcome to call me anytime to discuss your concerns or questions. (828) 289-7923

The meeting was also attended by some of Spindale’s finest. We appreciate so much the Spindale Police who served in a very supportive and non-bias fashion. They made it clear to me from the start; their goal was to assure order. Thank you- very much.

All of the encouraging remarks and show of support from those who attended did not go unnoticed. The kind words did much to strengthen not only me, but all the other ex-members. Despite the WOFF-spin, I believe the event was a success and plans for future meetings along the same lines are being discussed.

There is a live feed replay on Citizens Against Corruption and Abuse Facebook page. One report from WLOS 13. Another report – Rccatalyst.com report The AP report includes Saturday’s event. Thank you to all media sources who spent time covering this event.

The next speaking event for me is this Thursday.

Meeting March 16th

Thursday- March 16th at Isothermal Community College – Library Auditorium 1:00PM

“Recruiting Techniques of Dangerous Groups- You don’t have to be a fool to be fooled”
Continue reading Saturday’s Forum and Upcoming Events

Frank Webster and Chris Back- “… no longer employed.”

District Attorney for the 25th District, David Learner announced today that Assistant District Attorney Frank Webster and Assistant District Attorney Chris Back are no longer employed. The announcement came shortly after 10:00AM. AP reports confirm.

“I, along with my staff, have worked very hard in the past two years to rebuild the reputation of the DA’s Office, and I cannot allow the integrity of the office to be called into question.”

Thank you, DA Learner for stepping up and doing the right thing. Now, we can move forward with a serious and comprehensive investigation into all of the accusations uncovered in the AP investigation.

Thank you, Mitch Weiss for the many hours of digging through documents and interviewing survivors. The dedication of you and your team is paving the way for many survivors to share their story and begin the process of healing.

Survivor’s Community Forum March 11th 2:00PM

The Spindale House meeting room on the second floor will serve as the location for this forum. Survivors from Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) will be sharing information about their time inside WOFF and written questions will be taken from those in attendance. While some may come seeking the sensational, our purpose is to not lose sensitivity to the plight of each ex-member participating. Ex-members may attend and not be required to answer questions or reveal their personal information. A few have already agreed to be transparent about their experience.
Continue reading Frank Webster and Chris Back- “… no longer employed.”

Press Conference in Rutherfordton (2 videos)

(updated 3/7/2017 11:53AM)
Today was full of phone calls, text messages, social media activity and meeting new friends. News reporters from WLOS from Asheville and WSPA out of Greenville responded to my invitation to a news conference on the newest allegations revealed in the AP Investigation – Broken Faith. Others making the trip to downtown Rutherfordton included reporters from the Daily Courier, Rccatalyst.com and the Associated Press. Adding to the number were a few new friends and some faithful supporters of the fight for truth.

The day’s purpose was to share my concerns for the present and former members of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) after the two AP investigative releases. Reading from a prepared text, I made the case for the Rutherford County Department of Social Services to reopen the 2015 investigation into abuse allegations in Word of Faith Christian School (WFCS). The investigation was ineffectual due to the recently revealed techniques exposed by former Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) members. These survivors were teachers or assistants in the school and their testimony told of the consistent efforts to lie about the abuses going on. WOFF did not act is “good faith” and from what I read they violated the 2005 Settle Agreement which was a result of the 2003 lawsuit against the Rutherford County Department of Social Services.

Also, I explained the reason more cases concerning present or former members were not making their way through the court system. The AP interviewed several ex-members who told of the consistent pattern of Jane Whaley to coach people how to lie when answering questions from local and state investigators. Add this to two former District Attorneys who chose not defend and protect WOFF members – and it becomes clear there are major problems in Rutherford County!

Continue reading Press Conference in Rutherfordton (2 videos)

Will Word of Faith Fellowship Survive? (video)

This morning as the birds are singing announcing the beginning of what promises to be a day packed with new information and drama, I sit amazed at the next AP Investigative release. Ex-Sect Members tell AP: Prosecutors obstructed abuse cases.

Reading the text reveals the secrets and definitive patterns which others on the outside have only speculated about for years. In video below, watch Danielle Cordez describe the treatment of Matthew Fenner! She says, “I honestly don’t know how he survived, I thought he was the first person they were going to kill.”

And with that video, the drama goes to a whole new level. Up until this point, Word of Faith Fellowship members have been doing damage control be sending out text messages telling relatives the accusations are all lies and that WOFF has “proof – videos and testimonies which we will probably be posting soon.”

WOFF denies abuse of any kind. And Jim Jones was a sweet harmless man.

From this morning’s release:

“Frank Webster and Chris Back — church ministers who handle criminal cases as assistant DAs for three nearby counties — provided legal advice, helped at strategy sessions and participated in a mock trial for four congregants charged with harassing a former member, according to former congregants interviewed as part of an AP investigation of Word of Faith.
Continue reading Will Word of Faith Fellowship Survive? (video)

Repost of Podcast Explains Struggles of Life Inside WOFF

After publishing “Locked in”, I was afforded the opportunity to participate in an interview from Steve and Becky Lyles. The connection was over Skype and the sound quality is not perfection, but it is adequate. During this podcast, I answer questions about life inside of Word of Faith Fellowship. This was recorded before the AP Investigation- Broken Faith was released.

Listen, comment and share. I go into more detail here than in the book.

Thank you, for visiting often and sharing the posts here. Hit back arrow to return here.

Winds of Destruction- listen here.

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AP – Broken Faith- Unconventional Rules on Sex and Marriage

This article details some of the odd but absolute rules for those in relationships and married couples. I have included a few excerpts. The full report is here.

SPINDALE, N.C. (AP) — When it comes to relationships, marriage and sex, Word of Faith Fellowship members must follow strict and unusual rules — or risk severe punishment, former members say.
Some of the edicts:

— Congregants need permission from leader Jane Whaley and other ministers to get married, and it then can take months — or even a year — before the newlyweds are allowed to have sex.

— No one is allowed to date without permission, and most relationships and marriages are arranged by Whaley and ministers.

— On their wedding night, couples are permitted only a “godly peck on the cheek.” When they get in bed together, they must roll over and go to sleep.

— For all married couples, love-making is limited to 30 minutes, no foreplay is allowed, the lights must be turned off and only the missionary position is sanctioned.”

In my book, “Locked In”– I share some of the same odd practices. I detail many of the same rules as mentioned in the above article and the one following. I list 145 rules in my book. The list was never written down; you were expected to remember “by the Spirit of God.” Of course, when you forgot one, you were “in sin and out of God’s will” and subject to a rebuke or worse.

“Sect rules include no TV, movies or reading newpapers”
Continue reading AP – Broken Faith- Unconventional Rules on Sex and Marriage

AP Investigation – Broken Faith (main video)

The Associated Press has released its extensive report centering on the abuses suffered by ex-members of the Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) in Spindale, North Carolina. There are two main articles released so far and a video containing testimony of ex-members. More media will be released in a few hours. Below is the full video which now includes the WOFF response.

The first article titled “Ex-congregants reveal years of ungodly abuse”.

Continue reading AP Investigation – Broken Faith (main video)