Tag Archives: Word of Faith Fellowship

Summer of Decision- 2015

June is here and soon the official start of the summer. This summer will be like none other in the history of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). The month of May produced the most convincing defeat ever in a court case involving Jane Whaley. The inability to convince the judge of her claims shocked her and the leadership team. She encouraged those around her to “just let it go…” Honestly, there may be no follow-up, but will she and her followers “just let it go” and forget this case? Can the legal team forget how Jane performed on the stand? Were they even the slightest bit embarrassed? Can those in leadership who witnessed Jane’s testimony on May 29th forget or excuse the display of less than perfection from their long-time leader? What excuses will be hatched to cover the obvious reduction in her ability to convince others of her righteous, holy lifestyle? Will they talk about it privately away from Jane’s ears and discuss the next step? Will her daughter Robin, Brooke Covington and the missing-in-action-Karel Reynolds review plans for succession to the WOFF throne? Will Gerald and Linda Southerland be included in the discussions or not?

This summer will be the Summer of Decision for everyone inside WOFF.

Why? Simple. August and the months to follow will include the trial for the five indicted WOFF members. Can they enjoy the coming weeks knowing the unknown awaits them? Will the recent court debacle cause them to reconsider their confidence in the defense strategy? How will Jane steady the rocking ship? Does Josh Farmer’s apparent slip in proficiency cause anxiety any of the defendants? If they had doubts and second thoughts, could they share them in simple honesty and not risk being disciplined or shunned for a lack of faith? When they lay down at night in the quiet of their own thoughts and reflections, will they deny the coming reality or recognize the fear inside of them? Will this fear be as a result in the lack of confidence in Jane or the haunting knowing they are guilty as charged? Will any of them seek immunity from the DA? Decisions will be made this summer.
Continue reading Summer of Decision- 2015

Jerry Cooper- Not Guilty- Jane Whaley Testifies

In courtroom number one at the Rutherford County courthouse; yet, another drama unfolded Friday pitting Jane Whaley, leader of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) against one of her previously beloved, former members- Jerry Cooper. In 2013, Jane swore out criminal warrants against Jerry for counts of harassment by telephone, and cyberstalking (via text messages). For many reasons, I missed the first half of the proceedings. Upon arrival, I was informed Jane and her team were offered mediation in the morning and promptly refused the option. The case went on to the hearing phase.

Before the noon recess, the opening volleys include four quick objections by Cooper’s attorney, Paul Ditz which were subsequently sustained by Judge Dennis John Redwing. Josh Farmer testified and Jane Whaley took the stand before for about twenty minutes the break for lunch. The courtroom was closed when I arrived about 1:50PM. Jerry and his team were waiting at the door unsure when the proceedings would restart. A few minutes later, the room was opened by the bailiff. She kept conversation going during the wait for the judge’s return.

Again, as in times past, I sat on the right side of a courtroom with a reporter in front of me, advocate to my right and another supporter sitting behind me. Jayne Caulder was so kind to join us on the front row of Jerry’s side. I am not sure why. Jane Whaley and her entourage sat on the left side behind the table for the District Attorney, Roger McCalman. Before the proceedings began there were a few eerie, awkward, mostly silent moments. The clock was high up the far wall to my left and I found myself constantly looking UP and over to avoid any potential eye-locks with the WOFF entourage. My clock watching was motivated by thoughts of returning to work and if today’s matters would be settled by the time I needed to leave.
Continue reading Jerry Cooper- Not Guilty- Jane Whaley Testifies

Speak up for people who cannot speak for themselves, yet.

The week of the May seminar for Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) is upon us. Unless there is a delay, this Friday, May 29th, Jerry Cooper will see another day in court. He is facing charges from a 2013 warrant sworn out by WOFF leader, Jane Whaley. The alleged charges include two counts of harassing phone calls, and two counts of cyber-stalking. We originally reported the story in the rcCatalyst.com article here. Jerry has opened a “gofundme” page to help with his attorney fees. Please, consider supporting the effort to raise money for his attorney. Allow me to explain the ramifications of these charges.

Different opinions abound as to why Jane would pick Jerry for these charges. First, let me say that any attempt on her part to say she felt seriously threatened by anything Jerry could say or do would be based what? Jane has always been able to coordinate her comfort level in any environment. She has many resources for this. She pretends to fear – Jerry?

Speculation runs rampant as to why she picked Jerry. Who knows for certain, but Jane? One thing I believe is sure; these charges against Jerry could have a stifling effect on members inside and outside. This action by Jane follows her fear-based control methods employed for years over members inside and shows clearly her intense efforts to remain in control over ex-members. Face it; she wants to be in control of anyone who will bow. Anyone who she threatens to label as an “attacker” has heard her warnings- You will be cut off from any family member here!

She uses her incantations cooked up from her “knowledge” and “revelations” of Scripture and direct revelations from her god as the basis for her fear tactics. This has worked for her quite well over the years to break-up families and keep the fences high for many who seek to leave. The outcome of this case as well as the Fenner case in August will determine much for ex-members, Jane and her members inside.

For now, Jerry needs representation. Helping members on the inside is difficult until they leave. Fending off the fear-based strategies of WOFF helps us all, in the long run. By donating to help Jerry, in a small way you will also be helping those on the inside who don’t even realize they need help- yet.

Proverbs 31:8

8 Speak up for people who cannot speak for themselves. Help people who are in trouble.

Easy-to-Read Version (ERV)
Copyright © 2006 by World Bible Translation Center (viewed on “biblegateway.com” May 25, 2015)
Continue reading Speak up for people who cannot speak for themselves, yet.

What happened to Joe English? No, really, what happened?

For years, the video sat on the website for Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) titled- Joe English Testimony- He began his delivery with something like, “Many people have asked, ‘What happened to Joe English?’” He then went on for several minutes, (?) explaining his previous life of drugs and rock and roll. He had played drums for ‘Paul McCartney and Wings’® and gave an account of that lifestyle. I seem to remember a part of his testimony about watching television as a young person and promising himself he would be just like the drummer on the television. The name escapes me, or was it Desi Arnez, Jr.?

Honestly, it was TOUGH getting through the whole video testimony because I had worked with Joe for a short time and was exposed to Joe’s ups and downs, ins and outs – as we all were in WOFF. He was up on stage and then out in the world, then up on stage as Jane’s trophy and then out of the church. It was sad. His testimony echoed through an empty hallway for me. I do not doubt his chemical dependency or his overwhelming struggles. All things considered, it appeared he did not get the real help needed to lead him out of his addictions or other inconsistencies. My one memory of Joe before WOFF included an outside concert in Ladson, SC around 1984. He was playing drums at what was then called, Baptist College. That day, I had no appreciation for his music or his message and left after just a few minutes.

Well, today- we are all asking- What happened to Joe English? The video has been removed and with no evident reason on the website. But, this is where good old fashioned rumors come into play. I don’t usually post such things, but the source seems credible. Yet, as a disclosure, until we hear the true story from the subject himself, this is unconfirmed information.
Continue reading What happened to Joe English? No, really, what happened?

Is This Your Day – to Leave Word of Faith Fellowship?

For WOFF members considering their exit, is today, the day? You have been planning and thinking and maybe even whispered it to yourself where no one could hear you… “I am leaving one day.” Well, is today, your day? What has to happen for the right circumstances for you to leave? Do you need a ride? Call me. Or if it comes to it, start walking and call someone else who already left. You can get a ride from someone, somehow. Do you need a place to stay? That can be arranged. Do you need to connect with relatives out of state? Yes, that can happen. Do you need to leave your belongings behind and just get away quick? Don’t worry. Clothes can be replaced. You may even get some jeans! That is okay, as far as I know; folks don’t fall into hell when they put on their first pair. I like Wrangler®.

Do you need a phone? Okay, we can arrange for you to have one- a new one with a new number. Do you need a plane ticket or a ride somewhere? Don’t let anything keep you imprisoned against your will. If you want to be free, then make the first step.

Years ago, I saw a young lady standing in the kitchen at a microwave when all of the sudden, she made the choice to leave. She took off walking and did not stop until she reached safety! WOFF members drove along the road her begging, pleading for her to get in the van and talk. Too late. She had had enough! How long had it been brewing in her? I am not sure. How long has LEAVING been brewing in you?
Continue reading Is This Your Day – to Leave Word of Faith Fellowship?

“You have been kicked out of the church…” ‘Banished’ by Lauren Drain and Lisa Pulitzer (Video)

These words landed heavy on Lauren Drain as her father spoke. Lauren had been a part of the Westboro Baptist Church for seven years. It was her life, her connection to her immediate family, to her friends and until that night- to her future. On December 14, 2007- that all changed. The membership had voted her out. The angst she felt had exploded inside her as she listened to a voice mail from her best friend, Jael. The message included the statement that “no one (in the church) wanted anything to do with..” Lauren. After years of sharing the fears, the adventures of picketing and life inside the closed culture of Westboro, her best friend acted as if Lauren had the plague.

‘Banished- Surviving My Years in the Westboro Baptist Church’- (Copyright © 2013) by Lauren Drain and Lisa Pulitzer is a gripping account of Lauren’s years inside this closed culture. You have seen them in the news over the years picketing at funerals, national events. You may have seen members being interviewed in the national media. Whatever you have heard or seen, don’t finalize your opinion until you read this book. I suspected there was darkness behind the doors of this group, but until I read this survivor’s account my opinion had no factual basis. Now, I have a better understanding of the control dynamics employed there.

So, John, how does this group compare to Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF)? Thought you would never ask. There are stark differences and eerie similarities. Westboro purposed to be informed on news making events and thus allowed their members almost unfettered access to the media. They basked in media attention even if it portrayed them in a negative light. The latest electronic gadgets were used to produce videos, support websites and record their picketing misadventures. The members had access to movies, recreational activities and were encouraged to dress modestly – but with much room for interpretation. These were some of the glaring differences.
Continue reading “You have been kicked out of the church…” ‘Banished’ by Lauren Drain and Lisa Pulitzer (Video)

rcCatalyst.com Reports Surprise Arrest of Jerry Cooper

Wednesday, rcCatalyst.com reported the surprise arrest of Jerry Cooper on Tuesday at the Rutherford County courthouse. Jerry was sued several months ago in a civil case by two Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) members represented by Josh Farmer and the required mediation was Tuesday morning. After the mediation session resulted in an impasse, Jerry was set to leave the courthouse. He was approached by an officer who asked his identity. Once he confirmed, the officer announced Jerry was under arrest for charges on a warrant sworn out by Jane Whaley in 2013. Josh Farmer was present to monitor the arrest noting “that Cooper was not often in the country and therefore quick action was required…”

With the help of friends, Jerry made bond and the court date for this matter is May 29th. In unconfirmed statements, sources close to the drama say two high profile surprise participants have been subpoenaed in that case. The earlier civil case between WOFF members, Robert Louis Walker, Jr. and Sarah C. Anderson case and Jerry has a next appearance date of Jan. 2016. What drama this year holds, and we only know part of it, I am sure.

Questions over this drama roll too fast for me to type. Could the civil case have been a strategy move just to get Jerry into the county for the arrest? Why do I ask? A source in the mediation noted Josh appeared disorganized, off his game and disheveled when the court appointed mediator ask what damages the plaintiffs had incurred. His answer was a meek reply containing the assertion the damages were yet to be determined, but the plaintiffs had increased their request for punitive damages from $25,000 each to $50,000 each? Do those two things make sense when put in the same sentence?

Before the drama played out on Tuesday, I read the civil complaint against Jerry noting the apparent disjointed presentation of observations appearing to have been cobbled together in a hurry. The complaint fell way short of the usual standard of Josh Farmer legal presentations. Could this complaint have been dictated or provided for Josh to sign in a rush to piece together a strategy to have the arrest of Jerry before the next appearance in the Fenner case? Is the warrant from Jane Whaley in 2013 being played to bolster Josh’s request for a change of venue in the Fenner case? There are more questions than answers.
Continue reading rcCatalyst.com Reports Surprise Arrest of Jerry Cooper