Tag Archives: Word of Faith Fellowship

The Present Drama(s) (video links)

It is certain that these last few weeks and months have been filled with events bringing Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) into the national spotlight. Monday, December 10, 2012 will serve as another chapter in the ongoing saga. An honest observer of WOFF life would be hard pressed not to admit that DRAMA is the norm in Spindale. Let’s review the drama that is in the public eye right now…

Monday, Michael Lowry was supposed to testify in front of a grand jury in Rutherford County. Just before the proceedings were to begin, Michael was standing in the hallway and noticed a WOFF church member walking in as part of the jury. The member was RM. It was reported to me that RM was clean shaven and had been decked out in a fine leather coat. Former members also noted that his wife had served in the church office and was charged with counting the offerings. What were the odds of that? A WOFF member, who has a spouse working in the church office, (or did at one time…) was picked and allowed to serve on the grand jury which was scheduled to hear a case about a former member of WOFF?

Yes, it would be a tricky maneuver to screen potential jurors based on religious affiliation. Since the influence of Jane Whaley and her group is felt far and wide in Rutherford County, does this not require a change of venue for Michael’s case in order for him to receive due process in the hearing of his complaint? The process could be moved to another county- similar to Jane’s situation a few years ago when her trial for simple assault was moved to Polk County. After the inherent weaknesses were made evident on Monday- this appears as the only option. Do you agree? If it is not moved, the next hearing will be January 9th in Rutherford County for Michael.

Here is the video link for today and one previous —–



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“One Last Kiss” by Michael Cuneo – Part 1 (Video)

Recently, while ordering books from Amazon.com, I chose “One Last Kiss” written by Michael Cuneo. (Copyright©2012 by Michael Cuneo, St. Martin’s Press, ISBN 978-0-312053972-6) The subtitle reads “The True-Story of a Minister’s Bodyguard, His Beautiful Mistress, and a Brutal Triple Homicide.” Admittedly, my interest was piqued by two things. First, the minster’s body guard worked for Joyce Meyer Ministries. Second, I had read a previous book by Michael Cuneo which he included a chapter about this visit to Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) in Spindale, NC. In that book, he retold his observations during his visit to WOFF and conversations with Jane Whaley. Previously on this blog, we reviewed parts of his book, “American Exorcism” –Expelling Demons in the Land of Plenty (Copyright©2001 by Michael Cuneo, published by Doubleday, ISBN- 0-385-50176-5)

Not every time do I write a post immediately after reading a book which contains material pertinent to this blog. That was the case here. It has been several weeks since I finished reading the book.  Recent events have prompted me to take time to share some quotes and observations from Cuneo’s work. I never expected to find the analogies and references to “authoritarian cult” while reading this book. However, you read the quoted passages; it will become obvious why I could not let this post go unwritten. Before we proceed, let me say that my purpose here is not to impugn Joyce Meyer Ministries in anyway. Any reference to Joyce Meyer or Joyce Meyer Ministries is solely to give context to the true story of this tragic event.

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“Chasing the Devil” by Sheriff David Reichert

Sunday night, I finished reading the book, “Chasing the Devil” by Sheriff David Reichert, subtitled- “My Twenty-Year Quest to Capture the Green River Killer”, (Copyright©2004 by David Reichert, Little, Brown and Company, ISBN 0-316-15632-9 ). In a previous post, I have made comparisons between the Green River Killer, Gary Ridgeway, and Jane Whaley. The post is titled – Does the Green River Run Through Spindale?  Click here to read – https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=5227 . The main comparison in that post was not that Jane Whaley of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) had physically killed people as Ridgeway confessed to doing. My comparison referenced Jane as a “serial relationship killer” and included these questions:

So, does the Green River run through Spindale? Where then does Jane dump her memories of those who did not “walk in God’s ways”, follow her dictates and believe her calling was true? Does she cast those people aside as Ridgeway cast his victims considering them worthless trash? Are the banks of this river littered with the lost years, lost family relationships, hurts, emotions and the anguish of those who have passed through WOFF’s doors? Can she even remember all those who have been vexed by her “religion?” Does she even care that so many have been traumatized by her demands for allegiance resulting in damage to their souls?

That is where I planned to leave the comparison– until I read this book. As I neared the end of the narrative, Sheriff Reichert began to share his thoughts and insight on how a person could become the “machine” that Ridgeway had become — a killing machine, as it were. I will quote the passages which include these insights and then share my thoughts on how they apply to Jane Whaley.

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Word of Fear Fellowship? (WOFF)

During a recent conversation with a friend about life after my time inside of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF), we began to discuss the fear that follows a survivor of a cult. At first, I called it a “fear orientation”, one that permeates every aspect of a survivor’s life. I related to this person that many decisions were made based on a fear of something or someone or something that would happen in the future if you did or did not do a particular thing. Some of the fears were easily seen, but many were not. This discussion was several days ago and the subject has been rolling over and over in my mind since that day. In this post, I will share my continuing thoughts on the subject of fear in the life during and after one’s time in a religious cult.

First off, this subject is not new to this blog. Several previous posts have dealt with the subject. Here is a couple for reference:

Does a “Fear-Based” Message Really Work?https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=1310

Two Good Questions, Two Good Answershttps://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=4769

Continue reading Word of Fear Fellowship? (WOFF)

Do You Have the WOFF-Virus? (Video- Warning: Graphic Images)

During my research on the Moonies, I came across a survivor of that group who explained her understanding of how people think inside a cult. Her name is Diane Benscoter. The adventure she describes started in 1974 and she joined a peace walk- not knowing that the majority of the others in the group were Moonies. Within a week inside that group, she had come to believe that the second coming of Christ had occurred and that person was Sun Myong Moon. In her thinking, she had been specially chosen by God to be a disciple of Moon who claimed to be the Christ.

Continue reading Do You Have the WOFF-Virus? (Video- Warning: Graphic Images)

Does the Green River Run Through Spindale? (Videos)

Yesterday, I was attempting to work from home and was very distracted. On a lark, I had turned on the television and stumbled upon a movie about the Green River Killer. My knowledge of this case had been very limited as I had only heard of it in passing as a reference on Criminal Minds®. So, I ventured a few minutes and became captivated at the struggles of the detectives to catch the individual who would later confess to murdering 71 women. The majority murders were between 1982 and 1984 and took place in the Seattle and Tacoma area. The murderer was given the title of “Green River Killer” because many of the bodies were dumped in the wooded areas along the Green River. The Green River Killer, Gary Ridgeway, was eventually apprehended on November 30, 2001 after a nineteen year search.  (see this link for an overview-  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_Ridgway#Murders )

To consider the magnitude of the grief and loss for the victims, their family and friends was daunting. The community was gripped with fear for many years. I felt certain no movie could fully capture the horror and intensity of the citizens living the area during those years. After the capture of Gary Ridgeway, the authorities struck a deal to not seek the death penalty and allow him to disclose additional dump sites. The purpose was to give the families of victims’ closure from the horror of not knowing the fate of their daughters. Ridgeway was able to lead authorities to additional bodies but, admitted there were so many he had lost count.

Continue reading Does the Green River Run Through Spindale? (Videos)

Sun Myong Moon Dies at 92 (Videos)

On Sunday, I received a text message from CNN® saying: The Rev. Sun Myung Moon — founder of the church colloquially known as the Moonies — died early Monday in South Korea, according to the Washington Times, a newspaper that he founded, citing Unification Church leaders.

This is part one of a video of a mass wedding officiated by Moon in 1992

Admittedly, I do not have expert knowledge of Moon, but, even with what I do know; I found it hard to mourn his passing. I would venture that many of the readers of this blog may be as unlearned about Moon and his organization as I have been. This post will share some sources that will reveal things about Moon, his “religious beliefs”, his MASSIVE organization and his political power.

Continue reading Sun Myong Moon Dies at 92 (Videos)