My job includes talking to folks in hard financial situations. Many times, I get to hear their plan for getting out of the financial strain that they have been experiencing. If the plan works quickly, then my contact with them is brief. For those who experience ongoing struggles, I end up talking with them for much longer periods of time.
There is one fellow I have talked to almost every month for over two years. Let’s call him Rob, since I can’t use his real name. For a while, the story was the same, I will mail the check next week. For the most part, he did exactly what he said he would do and the conversation was once or at the most, twice a month. Rob has been very pleasant and positive. He has been cheerful, polite and almost always ending his conversation with – “Thank you, brother.” For those unfamiliar with this phrase, in the South, it is a term generally used to acknowledge you as a “brother in the Lord.” Looking back I can’t remember at what point that started or what would prompt him to say it. But, I let him continue and do not add to the comment.
Over the last few months, Rob has added a statement to his plans to pay. One day he said, “When this things RV’s, I am going to pay-off my car!” It was as if he was continuing in the middle of a conversation he had been having in his mind. Not being familiar with the term “RV”, I let it pass and decided to see if he mentioned it again. The next month, he said it again. By the third month I was feeling ignorant, but, still did not ask him. Finally, after several months he added a tidbit saying “My pastor said this thing will RV soon…” OK, I am all over this being curious what a pastor meant by “RV”.
Continue reading When This Thing “RVs”- I Will Pay-off My Car!