Tag Archives: Word of Faith Fellowship

Detox After WOFF?

Every so often, there are questions and thought paths that just won’t leave me until I write them, consider them and in essence explore them. The idea of “detox” after time spent at Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) has become one of those ideas. Recently, the question came to me, “How can my true health be assessed when there are “toxins” in me?” Well, that led me to begin a search on just what it means to “detox” or go through a detoxification process. There are so many angles to view this subject; I will just cover a few in this post.

A simple search for “detox” will bring a list that covers a wide range of subjects. There are music albums and films which include “detox” in the title. One of the first sources listed casts doubt that the process of detoxification of the body is real and may just be a perceived benefit. Wow! There is such a varied spectrum of perspectives! I am not sure how far I will go into the whole idea. One thing I am convinced of at this point- the human body is so resilient. Think about it. People living all over the world eating such a varied assortment of food stuffs. Some of us would doubt that what people eat in certain countries should even be considered food. Somehow the body gleans nutrition of some degree from many different substances. What I question are the chemicals and substances which we ingest everyday which I can’t pronounce. Do we really understand how these chemicals travel through our bodies and if they remain in certain levels or are they completely eliminated – without help?

Next, I began to consider such substances with the long complicated names which are tasteless. Well, if they are not tasteless, they have such little flavor our taste buds don’t reject them or sound an alarm when they first reach our mouth. Are there chemicals or substances in our food that are “to protect flavor”- which are really not good for us? I am still learning and am just beginning to search for answers.

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Where is Your Happy Face?

In the last post, we used this book, “Recovery From Cults” – Help for Victims of Psychological and Spiritual Abuse– Edited by Michael Langone- (copyright © 1993 American Family Foundation – ISBN 0-393-31321-2) as a resource. Today, we will continue in this resource and compare more material to my experience in Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). I experience a gamut of emotions when I discover results from studies used in a resource book that coincide or mirror what I experienced at WOFF. It brings me joy and sadness at the same time to identify with material that researchers have discovered about cult groups- religious or otherwise.  The years within the group can’t be changed, but, by sharing my thoughts on this blog, I hope to help others who have been in such groups find resources that will help. There is sadness in knowing that those I love and cherish are still a part of WOFF.

Where is your happy face? How many times did we hear that, say that, think that, while inside WOFF? Now, don’t get me wrong, every group that asks that question of their children or even the adults is not automatically a cult. But, as we review the following excerpt, just remember what it felt like when you were asked that question or witnessed others being prodded and pushed to smile- no matter how ugly or emotional the scene had become. Remember the consequences for those children who would not submit to the prod and crack even a little smile. For sure, the use of this saying would ebb and flow over the years. But, no one can deny that “Where is your happy face?” was a favorite for years at WOFF.

In our resource text, the editor reviews different research studies along with clinical observations which tell when people are most likely to join a cult as well as the circumstances around a person leaving a cult.

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Post- Cult Questions and Struggles (Video)

When I first began this blog, it was so important to me to tell what had happened to me and my thoughts about those events. I started recording my memories as early as October of 2008. From those writings, my desire to start this blog was born. As I first started, it was such a relief to put into words my questions, emotions, feelings and concerns. Starting in January of 2010, I began on a regular basis to tell what had up until that point had only been shared in forums by other ex-members.  Eventually, I began to compare my experiences to insights and material in books written about other groups. Along the way, we have compared Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) to other groups and found WOFF to not be so unique. Jane Whaley may seemingly have a unique “gift”. But, in reality, her methods and means are not new, but are found in many other religious cults. She may have used different shellac on the outside, but what goes on behind the closed doors is as predictable as any other religious cult. The longer I am out, the more certain this observation becomes.

Previously, we have used this book, “Recovery From Cults” – Help for Victims of Psychological and Spiritual Abuse– Edited by Michael Langone- (copyright © 1993 American Family Foundation – ISBN 0-393-31321-2) as a resource. In previous posts; we have reviewed material written about and by Dr. Margaret Singer. Here is one of them:

Dr. Margaret Singer–Voice for the Cult Survivorhttps://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=3789

Today, I will quote more from this resource and share some questions. In the last week of so, I have been talking to other survivors and reading this book. There are some insights which are found in the book that go right along with our discussions. Even though this book was published almost twenty years ago and uses some sources from the 1970’s; there is some important background information about cults as well as other material which is still valid.

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They Live in Darkness…

Last weekend, I saw the movie titled: “Mao’s Last Dancer”. This film is based on a true story of a Chinese peasant boy who was chosen to learn ballet as part of China’s culture ministry. The film has been out since August 2010. From the director of “Driving Miss Daisy”, Bruce Beresford, and the producer of “Shine”, Jane Scott- the film is an inspirational story that I felt needed a review here on this blog. Some may object to the analogies and similarities that I will point out between the Chinese government and life in Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF), but before you dismiss them, please, see the movie. The lead actors are listed as Bruce Greenwood, Kyle Maclachlan, Joan Chen, Amanda Shull and Chi Cao. The rating is “PG”. (Source link for the trailer- http://www.maoslastdancermovie.com/ )

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Religious Freedom or Abuse?

On Monday, there will be oral arguments in front of the Supreme Court on a case involving Obamacare. Regardless of your position, these arguments and the ruling expected sometime in June should be of interest to all US citizens. Included in the debate is the requirement under the new law for religious institutions to provide contraception services to their employees. On Friday, there were rallies held across America protesting the mandate under this “new” law. In an article titled:

Contraception law sparks rally, debate      Insurance groups required to offer antifertility drugs

Here is a quote from that article telling about a rally held in Green Bay: “The event in downtown Green Bay at the Brown County Courthouse was held in solidarity with similar rallies on Friday in more than 200 cities across the nation, said organizer Cate Zeuske of Suamico. “This event is not about contraception. This event is about religious freedom,” she said.(source link- http://www.greenbaypressgazette.com/article/20120324/GPG0101/203240624/Contraception-law-sparks-rally-debate?odyssey=nav%7Chead )

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Molokan Jumpers and WOFF? (Video)

There are times when ignorance is embarrassing. As I look back, I regret showing my ignorance in such a bold fashion. Let me explain. At some point between March of 1992 and May 1992, I was allowed to speak during one the “Training Sessions” held at Grace and Truth Fellowship. This was a very informal setting. Different members, as they “felt led”, were allowed to stand up and tell the listeners “what God was showing them” about a certain subject or topic being discussed. On one occasion, I stood up and said something that showed my great ignorance. Previous to coming to Greenville, I had spent time in a library looking up different religious groups. One group I read about was called the Molokan Jumpers. My reading was brief and I only took away from the text one main observation.

It was this observation, which I was so anxious to share. I was new to this type of setting and I would “learn” much during the next few months and years. On that day, it was glaringly obvious that my words would be out of place and only show my desire to be seen as “knowing something others may not”. As best as I remember, I mentioned the Molakan Jumpers and said; “These folks think they are in the Spirit in their services only when they are jumping up and down”. I will never forget the look of the Associate Minister-GS. He looked as if someone had uttered a loud socially unacceptable body sound. He looked at me and it was evident that he wanted to move on and forget that I had ever brought up the issue. I could sense that I had violated some unwritten rule, but I had no idea why until later in May of that year.

During the May Seminar of that year, I would attend my first service of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). It was there I met the WOFF form of worship which included people jumping during the singing of songs. During all the years of being in churches, it was my first time seeing this exact type of behavior.  It looked very similar to what had been described about the Molokan Jumpers!  Now about the time the jumping started, I realized what I had said and why it had been met with utter disbelief! GS never brought it to my attention. It was just ignored and left to die on the vine, so to speak.

Continue reading Molokan Jumpers and WOFF? (Video)

Findings of Fact….

During many years of the history of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF), there have been several drawn out custody battles in which church practices became a main focus. In 2000, there was the McGee custody battle, Ben McGee- plaintiff; in which an eleven page “Findings of Fact” was rendered on or about December 5, 2000 by Judge Randy Poole. The case was heard in Rutherford County General District Court – case #FILE NO. : 00 CVD 0686. Included in this ruling from the court were definitive statements about church practices and their danger to children. I will include a few here. After each one, I will offer my opinion about the “fact”. Remember, during this hearing, I lived in Greenville, SC and only attended special meetings. For certain, this material was shared on a “need to know” basis. Let me also point out that when/if some or all of these “facts” had been shared with regular WOFF members, there would have been major spin presented and a dare put out there to question or voice any agreement with the “facts”. Does that sound plausible? If you showed or expressed questions or doubts– that was your invitation for an open rebuke and/or church discipline.

16. There is a hierarchy of control and authority within the WOFF organization. Subordinate members are encouraged to report any perceived aberrant behaviors of other subordinate members to higher authorities within the organization.

This was such a common occurrence at WOFF, who would dispute the validity of this “fact”? We were all required to tell the sins of others or “that sin was in you!” and you were as guilty as if you had committed the act. Yes, this could be a reason it is hard for present and former members to trust – ANYONE.

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