The following material was provided by Ben McGee. He pulls back the curtain of self-protection and reveals his innermost concerns and thoughts leading up to the previously posted exit drama. Please, do not miss the transparency and the honesty with which he tells his story. These reflections should be a help to us all in managing our own host of memories- however painful they may be.
In order to set the time frame, let me say that these memories are from the period just two weeks before I was forced to leave. I removed myself from the church, and would not attend regular services, but stayed in the church discipline room because I struggled with a conversation between Jane Whaley and myself. The one statement that troubled me the most was when Jane stated that if I decided to move off church property- I would do so alone, as she began poking her finger into my chest. I took this to mean that she was going to keep my family from me, if I attempted to move away from the church property. (I must ask- would Jesus make a threat like this?)
I struggled with this threat for some time. Pam was not present for this event. I knew we could not afford to leave, but desired to do so and decided money or no money we were not going to stay trapped. I wanted to discuss with my ex-wife how I felt but, she was alienated from me completely. She would not listen to me and would go straight to the church leadership and tell them everything I had said which was a pattern already well established in our marriage. This probably became extremely important for her after the confrontation with Jane. I must confess I did likewise to her when she would get out of control and abusive in the past. I was afraid of her past use and abuse of drugs.
Continue reading Additional Memories Leading to Exit Drama- Ben McGee