Tag Archives: Word of Faith Fellowship

If WOFF is SO Safe, Then Why the Constant Drama?

   During my years at Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF), I never considered the group “unsafe”. Why? Well, at first glance, it appears to be a “Christian” church group that may take certain beliefs to an extreme application. For most of the beliefs, I went along and did not question. What about the constant drama scenes that occurred? How did that affect the morale or outlook of regular members? From my memory, during my time inside the group, I believed many of the explanations put forth to justify the drama of those inside the group and the major exit dramas of those who left or were put out. Many of the years while inside the group, I was not looking for a way out or alternative explanations for the nagging questions or very repetitive drama scenes.

   But, the drama scenes continued to occur and after a while even a very faithful WOFF member has to wonder – Why? So, what were some of the reasons put forth for the emotional upheavals and seemingly dramatic exits for what some considered as “faithful” WOFF members? Yes, I know we have discussed this here before on the blog, but, I have an additional point to make today.

Near the End of the Walk

   Continue reading If WOFF is SO Safe, Then Why the Constant Drama?

Update – FLDS/Warren Jeffs- Videos

   In previous posts, we have outlined the similarities between certain practices within the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FLDS) and Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). My basis for these comparisons comes from documented accounts of survivors of FLDS and my own experiences from attending meetings and eventually moving inside WOFF. The time span for my experiences is 1992 until 2008. One of the first posts on this comparison topic was written January 19, 2010 and can be found here- FLDS vs. WOFF – The Similarities – Part 1https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=86  . I have learned much more since writing that post, but still agree with my conclusions at that time.

   During this last week, Warren Jeffs, the leader of FLDS, has been in the news again as he is facing additional charges in Texas stemming from his practices within the FLDS. Frankly, I have been quite surprised at the coverage Jeffs has received from mainstream news sources. The first article tells how Jeffs fired his legal team on Thursday and the judge allowed him to represent himself.

Polygamist leader to represent self in sex assault case

Source link: http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/07/28/us-texas-polygamist-trial-idUSTRE76R5ND20110728
By Jim Forsyth     – SAN ANTONIO | Thu Jul 28, 2011 3:04pm EDT

SAN ANTONIO (Reuters) – Polygamist leader Warren Jeffs threw his child sexual assault trial into disarray on Thursday when he fired his defense lawyers and demanded the right to represent himself, which the judge then granted.  “It’s not as easy as it looks on TV, Mr. Jeffs,” State District Judge Barbara Walther told him. “You’re on your own.”

    Then on Friday, the trial took another strange turn as Jeffs objected to the testimony of a witness and then proceeded for  50 minutes. The following article quotes Elissa Wall, a survivor of the group, and has video. There is also some concise background information that helps answer questions. (second video later in the post. It is cute.)

 Ex-FLDS member: Warren Jeffs “partially crazy”

Source link: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2011/07/30/earlyshow/saturday/main20085807.shtml


Continue reading Update – FLDS/Warren Jeffs- Videos

Does Everyone Have “Devils”? Part 2

    In order to understand this post, please take time to read part one. Also, before I share my thoughts on the similarities between Agape Bible Fellowship and WOFF, let me say that “Battle with the Devil” went on to explore other questions about heavy rock music, prison ministry and even “Hookers for Jesus”. None of which was quite as interesting as their piece on the deliverance at Agape Bible Fellowship in New York. The entire episode can be found searching “Battle with the Devil- ABC”.

   There were so many thoughts in my mind about the two churches and the similarities in their practices that it is easier to start with the differences. Some of the differences will seem too small to mention, but, I want to be thorough. First, Pastor John Goguen had formal theological training. He may have left or modified some of those roots, but, he had the training nonetheless. Jane Whaley has no formal training as far as I know. Another obvious difference was that John is male and Jane is female. That statement stands for itself. Pastor Goguen dressed very casual, he even wore JEANS! Jane Whaley would not stand behind her pulpit to preach in casual dress- and never jeans. Another difference between Agape and WOFF was that the deliverance sessions did not start out in circles at Agape as it did at WOFF. Not every time did WOFF start their sessions in circles, but, most times that was true. Agape did not appear to have group leaders for the deliverance as it appeared only the Pastor led the prayer. At WOFF, there were deliverance group leaders who would lead the prayer and be the one to say what “devils were to be hit”. Higher level WOFF leadership or Jane herself would ultimately approve of the deliverance group leaders. The Agape congregation also appeared smaller than WOFF.

   This next difference may not make some folks happy. But, in my 16 years of attending meetings at WOFF, I never saw someone directly praying over Jane Whaley for deliverance. She was seen in a group of select leaders joining with her to fight the devils attacking her, but, NEVER did anyone touch her hair to help cast devils out of her. There was a scene showing Pastor Goguen with hair ruffled, throwing-up into a brown paper bag. That did not happen while at WOFF. After all Jane has proclaimed “that sin (whatever it may be) does not affect her, since it is not in her”. Translation: she has reached a level of perfection that needs no deliverance or even open admission of or repentance from sin. A former member told me recently that in meetings he attended, Jane had proclaimed her perfection. That statement should stand by itself.

       Continue reading Does Everyone Have “Devils”? Part 2

Does Everyone Have “Devils”? Part 1

  This past Wednesday, on ABC, there was a PrimeTime® show titled, “Battle with the Devil”. Here is the trailer which is about 5 minutes.


  Earlier in the week, I had heard about the show previous to Wednesday from another former member of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). The show was of particular interest because in the previews there was a lead piece about a church in New York that practiced “deliverance”. The preview showed members of the church wrenching and coughing up in brown paper bags. As a previous member of a WOFF and having been under the teachings of Jane Whaley, this was particularly interesting as I participated in similar activities while in Greenville at Grace and Truth (Word of Life) and while at WOFF. I shared the information about the show with yet another former member and they refused to watch saying that “there would be too many unpleasant memories”.   

  Even with my interest, I did not record the show. So, in commenting, I may have certain scenes out of order. The show started with material about Catholic exorcisms. There were clips from movies which I had not seen and interviews with Catholic priests that perform(ed) exorcisms. One lady was shown testifying as to her great relief as her demons left her body.

   Next, there was an interview with Pastor John Goguen of Agape Bible Fellowship in East Aurora, NY. This interview was interspersed with different scenes from his church services showing people singing and praying. Then the announcer said that “fireworks” were about to begin as a man prepared paper towels and plastic bags for the last part to the service.

   Continue reading Does Everyone Have “Devils”? Part 1

Message and Means – Same or Different

  Often I will have a thought or an idea for a post and write it down on the nearest piece of paper whether envelope or receipt or whatever. This has been done at the oddest moments, such as just when I am trying to start sleeping or even riding down the road. This past weekend I was out of town and wrote several notes on envelopes or whatever was handy. This week, I hope to use these notes to write a few posts.

   In the previous post, I mentioned the work of Andrew Murray. He lived from May 9, 1828 until January 18, 1917. Most of his years were spent in South Africa. Here is a resource link for more about his life. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Murray_(minister) . During his life, he is credited with writing over 240 books. Many of these works are still widely read today. One such book is “God’s Best Secrets – Daily Devotional Meditations” (reprinted by Zondervan by special arrangement with Biola Book Room, Los Angeles, CA, this version is from 1967) Recently, I was rereading the Introduction and learned something that helped me greatly. Here is a short quote:

   “The more I think and pray about the state of religion in this country, and all over the world, the deeper my conviction comes that the low state of spiritual life of Christians is due to the fact that they do not realize that the aim and object of conversion is to bring the soul even here on earth, to daily fellowship with the Father in heaven. When once this truth has been accepted, the believer will perceive how indispensable it is to the spiritual life of a Christian, to take time each day with God’s Word and in prayer, to wait upon God for His presence and His love to be revealed….The first thing is that they (Christians) must be convinced of the great need for daily fellowship with God.”

  Continue reading Message and Means – Same or Different

Could This Be True?

  For this post, I will take a slightly different angle from previous posts. In other posts, I have compared the writings of experts in the area of mind control and cults to my observations and experiences inside of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). Looking back, I did not think there would be so much material from experts and survivors of other religious cults that would compare to what happened at WOFF. It has been a sad path confirming what others had believed for years. The first book that started these comparisons was one someone bought for me in January 2010- “Church of Lies” by Flora Jessop and Paul T. Brown (Copyright ©2009 by Flora Jessop and Paul T. Brown- ISBN 978-0-7879-9462-4) The book is an informative read though in some places, the depiction is raw. However, if you are looking for a source to explain Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FLDS) and their polygamy practices, this book is a must.  

   My thoughts today have gone in a slightly different direction. Let me first say that most of the post will be from simple observations and questions that these observations has birthed. Also, as I move forward, I am fully aware that there will be those present and former members who may take issue with my conclusions. In answer to that, I encourage comments, responses and dialogue. And yes, I know that up to this point many have kept quiet or talked behind closed doors. Certain WOFF members have excused my posts as “lies, full of lies”. If that is true then assemble a list of contradictions and untruths in my writings and send them to me. Can we then review them and come to some point of agreement- or just feel satisfied that each side has expressed their views? I will publish a list of reported untruths or “lies” that present WOFF members assert, including Jane Whaley, if they are submitted in a sensible fashion.

    This evening, I began to revisit some writings of Andrew Murray. One in particular was a small book which was the reworked from teachings Murray did in 1895 at the Northfield Conference. Murray has been a favorite author of mine and one I continued to read even while in WOFF. The title of this book was “The Master’s Indwelling” (Copyright © 1983 by Whitaker House, ISBN 0-88368-121-8). The main purpose of the book was to promote the knowing and experiencing of the Holy Spirit in His fullness in the life of Christians. As I read this and pondered a hopefully indisputable idea in the life of any Christian; everyone who calls themselves a born-again Christian has to believe in whatever level of understanding which they have- that Jesus has come to take up residence in them.  This belief is what sets Christianity a part from other religions.

  Continue reading Could This Be True?

Survivor or Victim?

Yes, I’ve been very preoccupied with the survivor all through my work”. – Robert Jay Lifton

(source link- http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/r/robertjayl375345.html )

  We have quoted Robert Lifton in previous posts. His research work included studying survivors of POW camps during the Korean War as well as the survivors of Hiroshima and returning Vietnam War Veterans. His work on thought reform and study of brainwashing has been a foundation for understanding mind control and its effects. He also studied the Nazi doctors and the psychology of genocide. I hope to learn more about his work in that area and relate it to his work on thought reform. His work is a part of the Holocaust picture I had not previously considered or learned about.

  After being under what I now believe were very developed and effective mind control techniques used at Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) by Jane Whaley and her leadership, I consider myself a survivor. No, I did not realize that what I was going through was mind control and thought reform. But, how many victims of an environment like WOFF actually know with clarity what is happening to them? For years, I knew I had problems with some of the methods, but, I suppressed my doubts long enough for at least some of the controls to work. I attended my first service at WOFF in May of 1992. My last time on the grounds of WOFF was June 6, 2008 in the evening. Since I was involved for so long a time, I would be a fool to not admit that some of the mind control methods had an effect on my thinking and way of life. It is only after I left and began to research thought control and other cult groups, that I was able to see the similarities of the practices between WOFF/Jane Whaley and other groups.

  While a member of WOFF, the techniques of control were either denied as control or labeled as “God’s ways”.  Does that surprise anyone? Shunning, public rebuke and information control were all labeled as “the ways of God” or for those who “walk in the Spirit”. We have listed these techniques in previous posts, the introduction of which is found here…    Thought Reform? At WOFF? (1)- https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=3225  The purpose of this post is not to go over the mind control techniques, but, only to reference the fact that I am a survivor of them.

  Continue reading Survivor or Victim?