Over the years at Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) certain practices have come and gone. One practice that has developed and still continues, as far as I know, is the practice of standing outside of Jane’s door and waiting for a “minister” to come “deal with your sin”. Particularly before the Sunday evening service, folks would line up either by themselves or with someone who was “taking hold of them”. There, they would wait until they were approached or could snag the attention of someone in leadership. If they caught someone, then there would be the “opening of their heart” and “exposing their sin”. They would often get “help” in “seeing their sin the way God sees it”. If they found a “place of repentance” then they could proceed into the service- generally. If the person in leadership felt they needed to remain “set apart” and “in discipleship” (after checking with Jane or someone higher up in leadership…), the person being dealt with would be sent into the discipleship room and after the service they may meet again to “check them out” and hear “what God had shown them”.
This scenario could go many different directions. The “sin” could be over “big” things like a “bad attitude” or “not submitting to authority” or in many cases, over “smaller” infractions like not picking up your dishes after a meal, or not taking out the trash when you were told or not “pulling your weight in the household” or “checking out” during the morning service or not ironing your clothes at the right time or coming to church looking sloppy or wearing the wrong color shirt or wearing the wrong tie or wearing the wrong dress or reading headlines of newspapers, or rolling your eyes, or making some motion or expressing some notion that you maybe, kind of sorta, want to watch TV or read a magazine. You could be corrected for whistling, or humming or snoring, over-sleeping not wiping the shower out when you were done or being late for ANYTHING, not parking in the right space, not having your car tag up to date, going shopping at the wrong place, or at the wrong time or even being by yourself! Correction came to bring you back “under the protection of God” and in good graces with those around you- especially Jane Whaley. (select “Read …..” to continue……)
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