“Know the Marks of Cults” by Dave Breese Part 3
We will continue with insights from the book: “Know the Marks of Cults” by Dave Breese, (copyright 1975, SP Publications, ISBN 0-88207-704-x). In the second post from this book we reviewed the “Extra Biblical Revelation” as a mark of a cult. Next, Breese writes about “A False Basis for Salvation” in cults. Upon reading the title for this chapter, I was remembering all the Scripture references I had learned at Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). Jane Whaley taught what felt like from dawn to dark and beyond on certain subjects. Several meetings were spent on Scripture references centering on salvation and knowing if one was truly saved. So, I had my ideas about skipping over this chapter.
However, as I read Breese’s work, I noted several alarming points he makes about cults and their denial of true Biblical salvation. For sure, Scriptures are taught at WOFF. But, to be true to our methodology of assessing WOFF and other groups; what are the practices that go along with the teaching of salvation at WOFF? Members of WOFF are taught chapter and verse. That impression is confirmed by the number of Scripture references on their website. But, what is practiced that either confirms or denies, the Scriptural understanding for salvation?