Tag Archives: Word of Faith Fellowship

“Know the Marks of Cults” Part 3

“Know the Marks of Cults” by Dave Breese Part 3

    We will continue with insights from the book:  “Know the Marks of Cults” by Dave Breese, (copyright 1975, SP Publications, ISBN 0-88207-704-x). In the second post from this book we reviewed the “Extra Biblical Revelation” as a mark of a cult. Next, Breese writes about “A False Basis for Salvation” in cults. Upon reading the title for this chapter, I was remembering all the Scripture references I had learned at Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). Jane Whaley taught what felt like from dawn to dark and beyond on certain subjects. Several meetings were spent on Scripture references centering on salvation and knowing if one was truly saved. So, I had my ideas about skipping over this chapter.

    However, as I read Breese’s work, I noted several alarming points he makes about cults and their denial of true Biblical salvation. For sure, Scriptures are taught at WOFF. But, to be true to our methodology of assessing WOFF and other groups; what are the practices that go along with the teaching of salvation at WOFF? Members of WOFF are taught chapter and verse. That impression is confirmed by the number of Scripture references on their website. But, what is practiced that either confirms or denies, the Scriptural understanding for salvation?

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“Know the Marks of Cults” Part 2

“Know the Marks of Cults” by Dave Breese Part 2

    We will continue with insights from the book:  “Know the Marks of Cults” by Dave Breese, (copyright 1975, SP Publications, ISBN 0-88207-704-x). In the first post from this book, we reviewed the definition of a cult and some of the traits. Breese writes next about the “Extra Biblical Revelation” as a mark of a cult. At first, I was going to move over this point and not comment since there is no written “Extra Biblical Revelation” at Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). The leader, Jane Whaley has not written a “revelation” that she claims to supersede or be equal to the Bible.

    Breese goes on to explain about this “Extra Biblical Revelation”: “Sometimes this extra-biblical revelation” comes in the form of a “divinely inspired leader”.  Many religions have invested divine authority in the person of a visible individual who speaks infallibly, his words having the same or higher authority than Holy Scripture. Some of these religions have made their leaders equal with God.” (page 26) He goes on to admonish Christians to give themselves to study of the Word of God.

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“Know the Marks of Cults” Part 1

    “Know the Marks of Cults” by Dave Breese, (copyright 1975, SP Publications, ISBN 0-88207-704-x) Recently, I found this book online. The author was a speaker and evangelist who passed away in 2002. More can be found about him here… http://christiandestiny.org/publications/newsletter/2002-07/thinking-together.shtml .  From what I can tell, he traveled extensively and had a heart to help people.

    As I began this book, I noted several things that are worth mentioning here. The author writes about his belief that it is a hunger to go “beyond” Christianity that leads people into side paths or error. He likens true Christianity to a mountain top; from there all other revelation leads downward. He warns against the “new” that leads to things untrue. His reference is “traditional” Christianity. Let’s remember he wrote this BEFORE Jim Jones took over 900 people to their death at Jonestown in 1978. This was written during a decade that saw many “new” trends in our culture and our religion. Not all the things coming out of the 70’s were good.

     Breese writes “We must also note that the same characteristics of religions that are out-and-out cults have beginning tendencies within the true Church of Christ.” (page 11) His hope was that in pointing these things out, he could alert people to their cultic nature and thus “prevent future spiritual tragedy.” (page 11) He goes on in the introduction, “The absence of doctrinal correction produces spiritual ruin. How many disillusioned Christians have stood amid the broken pieces of their shattered lives and said, “If only I had known. Why did someone not warn me in time?” (page 12) After reading these words, there was no doubt for me that though this book was written 35 years ago, it will have some keys for those wanting to avoid cults and folks like me who have traveled through a cult experience.

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Does Love Put Up Walls? If So, To Protect What?

Does Love Put Up Walls? If So, To Protect What?

    As I go through my day, there are certain things I remember and certain things I do not. There are things that bless me and some things that do not. A few of the things that bless me, I share here on this blog. Some things that irritate or bother me or I have questions about, I share here on this blog. There are things that fit into both categories in each day. Living life to the fullest means we concentrate on the “blessings”. Do you agree?

   For a time today, I have been considering the outpouring of “love” that we were taught at Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) to show to other members. There were countless sacrifices of time, energy and money spent to help each other accomplish whatever Jane Whaley said was needed in a situation. Jane would direct these times either herself or through others in leadership. Helping each other could take on many different forms. You could receive help painting or renovating your house, doing yard work, moving from one house to another, replacing a well pump, installing appliances, building a deck, cleaning a basement, moving your belongings out or in to storage and the list goes on… As mentioned, we never paid for child care for our children. We would keep each other’s children in an understood arrangement. No money changed hands for this. (At least not with regular members.) You may need prayer or correction or an escort to attend a family function or a guard on a telephone conversation with someone. You may need a ride somewhere because your car was being repaired or you didn’t have your own transportation.   

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Those Who Do This.. Are Deceivers- Further Understanding

     After rereading the previous post, it was apparent I needed further explanation for at least two passages. First, in “Out of the Cults and Into the Church” (copyright 1994 Kregel Resources) by Janis Hutchinson, I quote Hutchinson as she writes concerning sacred stories and cult myths, … “Neither are the doctrines that cults try to establish from them. Visions, dreams, symbols, images or angels, which are often incorporated in myths, were never meant to produce doctrine or dogma. According to the biblical pattern, that is not how God works. Those who exaggerate a meaningful message in order to establish doctrines are deceivers.” (page 155)

   As an example I use the passage about Elisha found in 2Kings2:22-24

22So the waters were healed to this day, as Elisha had said.  23He went up from Jericho to Bethel. On the way, [a]young [maturing and accountable] boys came out of the city and mocked him and said to him, Go up [in a whirlwind], you baldhead! Go up, you baldhead!  24And he turned around and looked at them and called a curse down on them in the name of the Lord. And two she-bears came out of the woods and ripped up forty-two of the boys.

    Jane Whaley of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) would quote this story and warn WOFF members not to “talk back” or “mock God’s anointed”. The effect of sharing this story, in this fashion and in this setting was to cut-off any questioning or inquiries of Jane and/or what she taught or did under the guise of being “God’s anointed”. It was a clear use of fear to squash the voicing of doubts or questions. On occasion, Jane would ask the congregation if there were any questions. However, the manner in which she answered the questions, especially ones that called into doubt the decision(s) she made; made it clear that questioning her was not acceptable.

    Continue reading Those Who Do This.. Are Deceivers- Further Understanding

Those Who Do This … Are Deceivers

Those Who Do This … Are Deceivers

     The book “Out of the Cults and Into the Church” (copyright 1994 Kregel Resources) by Janis Hutchinson has provided us with many insights and direction in previous posts. This book was recommended to me from a couple that had spent many years in the “Worldwide Church of God”. That group was reported as a cult and at the minimum had unusual behavior control practices that permeated their doctrines and everyday life. The first post on this group stemming from a lunch meeting with the husband can be found here.. https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=903 It was a fun meeting to say the least.  Later, the wife referred me to this book. It had helped her in years past.

   The most recent post about the insight in this book can be found here: WOFF Contradictions – Part 4: https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=2533 .  In that post, we looked at the net effect of many scriptures quoted at WOFF. In my opinion, the net effect negated true relationship with God and furthered a subservient relationship to Jane Whaley and the leadership at WOFF. Scriptures were not intended to be tools to make one person a servant to another.Please read the entire post in order to obtain the context for the quote…

   Today, the subject at hand comes from chapter 8 of this book. “Deadly Doctrines Tough to Divorce” The author uses her experience from Mormonism to explain her views since she was in that group for over 30 years. Hutchinson explains that as members leave religious cults, they have a tough time separating themselves from the doctrines that enslaved them while in the group. It is not obvious to many that observe a person’s exit from such a group, why the struggle would exist. Can’t you just lay down the sacred stories and start believing the truth? From the author’s experience, she relates that the Mormon’s sacred stories were taken from orthodox Christianity. The Book of Mormon “borrows from Matthew, Mark and Paul’s writings, and parallels New Testament stories.2” (page 154) This would have drawn folks in to believing and also can keep the exit process slowed as an ex-cultist struggles to replace the Mormon stories with Christian scriptural truths.

    Continue reading Those Who Do This … Are Deceivers

Flower or Weed? Do You Really Know?

Flower or Weed? Do You Really Know?

     Earlier this spring, I planted some seed for a “moon flower” in a medium size pot. Admittedly, I overplanted knowing that the seeds were harvested several years ago in 2002. It seemed a little doubtful, but, I planted them anyway with some hope they would sprout. To my excitement a small plant pushed through the soil and I assumed it was from my seed. So, over the coming weeks, I watered it and fed it as it grew. My expectations grew as the plant grew.

    My curiosity began to grow as the plant did not take on the characteristics of what I remembered of the moon plant from years ago. Had I been fooled? The stalk had a deep red or purplish tint. The leaves did not become variegated as I remembered the moon plant. Yes, there are many types of moon plants or datura as they are known. However, this plant was not developing as I had seen moon plants in years past. Finally, as I was driving out of the driveway, I noticed a tall plant in a flower bed similar to the plant in my pot. That plant was a weed! The plant in my pot was a weed! For weeks, I had been taking care of a weed! What a realization! I had watered and fed this plant and not known it was a weed. What is the real name? I am not sure. However, it is not a moon plant or datura that I expected.  

      Here is what I grew…

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