Tag Archives: Word of Faith Fellowship

My Experience on “Watch” at WOFF

This post will cover experiences on overnight “watch” at Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). The methods and people participating may have changed over the years, but the stated purpose has been the same.  It was explained to the members by Sam Whaley on more than one occasion, that the property insurance was discounted if we had 24/7 security or a “watch” on the property. There were three shifts at first, but that changed to two shifts of two folks on each shift. First shift started at 10:00PM and ended at 2:45AM. The second crew would come then and watch until 7:00AM. Many times folks would need to leave early to be at their jobs on time. So, the time between 6:00AM and 7:00AM – sometimes was not covered. There really was no coverage until the first office worker for the church showed up at 7:45AM or so. Some nights, second shift was not covered at all.

Many times, the person who was in charge of getting folks to sign up for watch would come in at the end of the Sunday evening service and announce how many spots were still open for watch. He would ask folks to volunteer. When that did not fill the schedule, he would start calling names and asking folks in front of everyone, which slot they could do. Occasionally,  he would ask why certain folks could not do watch? There may be the question – When were you last on watch?  This was definitely one of the most undesired tasks at WOFF. The young folks would be used the most. Married men with children or physical issues would often not be required to do watch every week. Some men NEVER did watch – for whatever reason. Many times the same core group of folks did the watch every week. Jane Whaley would sometimes stand up and “help” get folks for the slots still open. Funny, when she stepped up to get help filling the schedule, it did not take near as long. She had the “touch“. After all, who wanted Jane to single them out for not helping with watch? There could be “fallout” from that–right?

As mentioned, when I first came in 2002, I started volunteering for watch. At that time,  the second shift was required to sleep at the church in the school building. There would be mats or mattresses available to move to the classroom. Sometimes, it was hard to sleep in the school and that meant a long second shift. At some point, people were allowed to go home and sleep before second shift.  It was in later years, that married couples were allowed to do watch together. That actually was a pretty good chance to catch-up and talk to each other. A few couples would use this time slot for that purpose. Life at WOFF did not provide much time for adult conversation- including talking to your spouse. In more recent years, two ladies could do watch on first shift. (Occasionally, second..)  Some folks on watch would study for their classes. It was depending on the weather, for the position of the watch folks. Some would be in the school building in years past. Others would move to the breezeway between the sanctuary and office/fellowship building. Still others park in the church parking lot, on the road or across the street at a WOFF owned house.

Continue reading My Experience on “Watch” at WOFF

Permanent Dependent Underclass? at WOFF? (2)

     Towards the end of the last post, I wrote this about Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) – This is the closest thing I have seen or been apart of, that would be classified as the development of  a “permanent dependent underclass”. Jane Whaley needs “regular” members to be submissive, “stay in their places”, “tithe and give offerings” and not stray, so others can grow dependent on her “spiritual”, as well as natural provisions. 

     After reflecting on these words, I do not want others to get the wrong impression. For the most part, on the outside; these WOFF members who helped others in the church performed their services as a ministry of helps, with a great attitude. Not once did I hear grumbling from a WOFF member about helping others. Many would donate the labor and use of their tools, if the receiving member could pay for the parts. At times, a person helping another member, would even donate the parts or supplies. There was great sacrifice for many folks- since who has a water heater start leaking in the day time or during the  weekdays?? Some repairs were planned, but many were needed right away.

     Many folks would volunteer to watch your children on the spur of the moment, no charge. Others would cook and provide meals. Some community folks and relatives of Jane Whaley, would be the benefactors of WOFF ladies cooking during family funerals or sickness situations. Jane always wanted to be made aware of who in your neighborhood might have a serious issue where WOFF members could “reach out”. WOFF even put out a cookbook years ago. I have mine! Yes, there has been outreach to non-members on occasion. One person in the community voiced there shock to me, when they heard of WOFF donating several gifts at a baby shower to a non-member. Actually, this person regularly attends another church. Many folks giving the gifts were not known by the mother-to-be.

   Continue reading Permanent Dependent Underclass? at WOFF? (2)

Permanent Dependent Underclass? at WOFF? (1)

     This phrase has been used to describe certain groups of people in years past. This description has been used to describe folks who are being supported in various ways on a long term basis. Through the dependency and all that entails, their own abilities to provide for themselves are curbed or eliminated. Thus, they become dependent on the programs or government in place at the time. It is not “permanent” unless the folks believe they have no way out or deserve to be supported.

     As I have heard discussions about this topic nationally, it made me consider what I had seen and been a witness to in years past. Was one effect of living at Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) under the direction of Jane Whaley; to move members to total dependence on Jane and the “benefits” of living at WOFF? Think about how many folks live who are members of WOFF. At my last count, there were about 20 companies or independent contractors a person could with or work for. There was also the Christian school. My numbers are not current, but the meaning is still there.

     When my tenure began to draw to a close, I lived in a WOFF household. I worked for a company owned by WOFF church members. Except for my part-time income, all of our family income was tied to or related in some way to WOFF. My “family” doctor was a WOFF church member. My podiatrist was a WOFF member. The electrician and plumber who came to fix things at the house were WOFF members. There was a WOFF church member owned restaurant where you could eat breakfast or lunch. Previously, there had been a furniture store to buy furniture or Jane’s adopted daughter would buy home furnishings and sell it to members of the church. There were two very talented seamstresses who could repair or make clothes, as well as curtains and complete bed sets. In the church ‘bookstore”, ladies could be premium make-up. (Not really many books sold there.)

     Continuing on, there was a fellow who did excellent cabinetry and one who could frame anything that stood still. There were painters and carpenters and folks who could install carpet. There was even one fellow who performed pressure washing on houses or vehicles. Of course, Sam Whaley would buy cars and trucks from the Statesville Auto Auction, when a member needed. There was a realty company. The financial aide director for the local community college was a WOFF member- that helped. Talking to the right person (WOFF member) could get you appliances at a deep discount. Last count in 2008, there were four home-grown attorneys and one lady who sold/sells insurance for just about any need. One fellow was in residency to finish his medical training. Another man attended University of South Carolina Medical school. One doctor in Tryon, NC was a dermatologist and he had WOFF staffers, though he was not a WOFF member. There was one dentist in town, who was not a WOFF member, but two of his assistants were WOFF members.

    Continue reading Permanent Dependent Underclass? at WOFF? (1)

What Thoughts Helped Me Leave WOFF – Part 3

        This is the third post in the series which explains the events and thoughts during the events which proceeded my leaving the Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). The previous post outlined a meeting held on church property in which several minsters tried to “help” me see the error of my ways. Jane Whaley’s “adopted” daughter presented several intense arguments that were warnings of my decadent, sinful condition. Once there appeared to be no progress, Jane Whaley was called in to deliver the “strong rebuke”.  She screamed as she pointed her finger in my face- “You are full of wickedness and sin!”. Next, she screamed at the person next to me and told them- “And you let him be so!” Jane left and on cue, this person begins commanding me to give up my sin. This meeting had a profound affect on me. The shocker was the leadership in the meeting considered this a normal course of events. How do I know? Because they all supported each other and raised the bar of attempted behavior modification – together. I was evidently not the first person subject to such measures and I suspect not the last. These meetings were the WOFF modus operandi. Why should I think any different? Are there any former members who also went through such a meeting?

     Regardless, at the end of the meeting, I was fired for not giving up my part-time work. (and not bowing to the group control efforts.)  Incidently, at that time, I was in the middle of a three year contract with a website provider. My part-time work included support of this site. Buying out of the contract, would not have been feasible. In a few days after this meeting, I had found another contract for work and started working and providing for my family. But, in the days and weeks that followed; the attempts to modify my behavior would only intensify. Much of the efforts used are not appropriate to recount in this public forum. In the future, this consideration may change.

     A side note, in the days after the meeting on April 9th, there was a scheduled meeting at the community college where the Holocaust teacher from the church, taught and still teaches. A Holocaust survivor was coming to give their testimony. It was directly related to the class I had taken over the Internet from that community college.  I had completed the class but, after a fellow in leadership and the Holocaust teacher conferred;  I was banned from the meeting. Yes, I was banned from a meeting where the featured speaker was a Holocaust survivor! Think of the deep irony in that scenario! The Holocaust teacher was a direct influence on that decision. Is that crazy or what? The lady who studied the rise of Hitler and the Third Reich- banned one of her students, who passed the class with a high grade, from a class meeting- why? Does this mean she mixed her classroom responsibilities with her perceived role at the church, and chose the administration of church doctrine or practice, over the student’s interests? Are there any readers from the community college- yet?

    Continue reading What Thoughts Helped Me Leave WOFF – Part 3

What Thoughts Helped Me Leave WOFF?? Part 2

    This post will layout more events which led to the thoughts which I had in order to decide to leave Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). My time in the group as a member living locally, was six years. That period followed the ten years of involvement through the Greenville, SC church. In March of 2008, Jane Whaley had called a “closed door” prayer meeting during which I had been rebuked my immediate (job) supervisor. This all led up to the meeting on April 9, 2008.

     April 9th was a Wednesday. There was a “normal” church service. After the service, I was told to be in a meeting in one of the leaders church office. He happened to be the father of the family that owned the property management company for which I had been working. Another person, who was close to me, was standing in the hall way waiting to go in with me, to the meeting. Actually, I thought that was odd. The folks needed for the meeting squeezed into this small office with me sitting in a chair sorta backed into a corner. This position would be critical to the presenters of the case against me. Each would take their turn.

       The son of the family of owners of the company I worked for; opened the session by saying he had heard some of the things I had been doing- through the supervisor. He said, he was shocked and though I had asked permission from the supervisor to tend to some other business; if he had known- it would not have been allowed. From there, the son and father presented me with an ultimatum- “Quit your part-time obligations or you will lose your job-be fired- tonight.” I hung my head to gather my thoughts. After I did not jump and say “Praise, God- thank you for cutting me off from that part-time work!”  The conversation rachetted up and other “ministers” more experienced and skilled in abusive tactics came into the room. The first was the woman who had put me in discipleship several weeks previous for reading headlines of newspapers and telling someone about it. (read here.http://tiny.cc/cpmlw ) She had a lot to say- but the subject changed into warnings about sin and how I was walking a thin line and needed a heart change! She got louder and louder. When she would take a breath, other “ministers” would begin from another angle. I felt like I was drawn within  my body and watching a nightmare unfold of which I had no control. This was such an intense attack that I was reeling emotionally. I admitted some things to try to stop the frequent volleys and the barrages of accusations, to no avail.

     Continue reading What Thoughts Helped Me Leave WOFF?? Part 2

What Thoughts Helped Me Leave WOFF?? Part 1

     Truthfully, I have put off writing this post for several weeks. But, after certain emails and comments which I have received; I believe it is time to share these events. This post will reveal several of the thoughts I had while I was going through the process of leaving Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). In previous posts, I have shared certain ones, but here the events that led to the thoughts will be put together for a more accurate picture. There came a point where I was forbidden to be on church property. What happened that would cause me to leave the group all together? Not all thoughts and events which occurred are fit for this public forum; but those may be shared under different circumstances. In reality, I did not think the path of separation from WOFF would take the path that it has. But, who can really know the future except God, Himself?

     Readers should not make the mistake of thinking that these exact same thoughts would help their friends or relatives leave WOFF. Everyone had their certain individual thoughts that allowed them to go into WOFF and they must have their own unique thoughts, in order to leave. No two people go in or come out the exact same way. There can be “freedom thoughts” tailored to each individual and those help the most. The struggles of those who leave should be an indication of the mind control and turmoil that goes on inside the group. No other church that I have attended -EVER- has had the intense emotional baggage and wreckage with leaving, as when I decided to leave WOFF.

     Let’s go back to August 2005. During several years previous, I had worked for the property management company which is owned by a family in the church. The hours were long. (Read this post to learn about an event previous to 2005- http://tiny.cc/6ii3q ) August 12, 2005 was a Friday. That was a long day and I ended up working until mid-night in Gaffney, SC. The thought that day was- “That is it! I done. I am looking for other work.” After the events in 2003, I had pushed away the thought because of the junk I went through the first time I went looking for other work. Within weeks, I had secured a contract for other work and approached the owner about training someone else. I was leaving. Over the next few weeks, I trained someone else as my replacement.

     Continue reading What Thoughts Helped Me Leave WOFF?? Part 1

Thank You, for the New WOFF Website

     While the reaction of others has run the gamut, I am thankful that Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) has put up a website. Most assuredly, Jane Whaley approved each picture and page and line of content. It is very doubtful that she had any hand in the actual development, but since her name and reputation were/are at stake, she was/is “involved” for sure.  The layout is extensive and the graphics – well done. Finally, the whole world can see a little into this very controversial group. As far as note worthy church groups; WOFF does not rank as one of the largest. I must say, while I was there for many years- it seemed very large. There was in years past, and there is now on the website, talk of needing to expand the facilities. While my memory is not perfect, I see only about a dozen new  (unknown to me) folks in the very extensive array of pictures. (Some pictures seem to have been taken a while back)  Would that necessitate a new sanctuary? Or does that mean the growth of the membership is not documented on the website?

     The school did expand its facilities during last year- but that was not an option. When I left in 2008, there were 34 children under five years of age. Last June 17th, I learned that some students were not yet finished their classes from the spring schedule. I asked, why? The answer was that for many students who helped build the school, they got behind in their assignments as several classes were suspended and they had to finish in the summer. Another person who was there during that time mentioned that much of the wiring was done by two particular students who “were being trained”. He did not say they were licensed. But, it was probably counted as class time for something. One of the teachers is pretty skilled at construction and could have been the “teacher”. That is the flexible nature of private eduction.

      Continue reading Thank You, for the New WOFF Website