Resources, Answers and Hope

     The sub-title of this blog is “Resources, Answers and Hope”. In this blog are resources including book references by some very qualified authors on the subject of cults and recovery from cults. There is also a list of links to other sites that can prove a benefit to those looking for good solid material on religious cult mind control. There is such a wide range of topics in this area, it is difficult to stay focused on what could be the biggest help for the readers.

     The writings of others helped me find many answers, once I was out of WOFF. No, you would not be allowed to read the books listed on the “Books, Resource” page of this blog, if you were still a member of WOFF. Few authors in this field, had knowledge of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) and Jane Whaley. However, the characteristics found in other frequently documented religious cult mind control groups existed at WOFF. That was one of the more shocking revelations upon leaving WOFF. Until I was out, I had no idea how much control I was under and how much of my life had been altered while in the group. The growth of the control is so subtle, in many cases.  The strength and depth of the control becomes great a lot of times without the member realizing how many areas are under control of Jane Whaley and other leadership. After I left the reality of the freedom of choice returned. It felt strange at first.

    Talking with former members is a help also. Reading their testimonies on other sites helped confirm my observations of what happened while at WOFF. However, several ex-members just want to forget what happened to them at WOFF and bury it all. Since I still have relatives who are in WOFF, that has been very difficult for me to do. The path to freedom still requires me to look back and remember those who are still attending WOFF. As mentioned before, I believe you can reject the methods, reject the message and not reject the members.


     Recently, I posted about meeting a fellow who had come out of a VERY legalistic group after 30 years. He had grown up in the group. He and his wife broke free and after 15 years of freedom are planning to enter the mission field. He has been very encouraging and shared much hope that changes will come and answers will come. We laughed some as we compared legalistic stories from each group. His support is a big help. (see previous post here… )

     Hope– Yes, there is hope for those in religious mind control groups.  Also, there is hope for the friends and relatives of those still in these groups. The hope is that the same God who made the earth and all we see; is big enough to speak to the heart of someone in a religious cult and cause them to begin to doubt the empty promises from the group.  There is hope that whatever keeps members “in there place” in a cult will change. There is hope that the attraction of any mind control group will fade and your friend or loved one will wake-up and begin their path out. I cannot over stress the importance of learning about mind control and warning others. Steven Hassan’s book “Releasing the Bonds- Empowering People to Think for Themselves”is a must read for those interested in understanding and helping those in a cult of any type. You can buy the book from Hassan’s website- the link is here.. 

     Elissa Wall in “Stolen Innocence”(copyright 2008) shares that her thoughts of doubt and questioning started years before her exit. She recounts watching non-FLDS children playing in a park. She noticed they were unlike what she had pictured or been told that outsiders would be. She envied their freedom and frolic and clothes. Her conclusion: “Later on in life, I would realize that standing there and watching those kids was the first time I ever questioned FLDS teachings, even if it was only subconsciously.” (page 69) There is hope.

    Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. It could very well save their life. There are readers at WOFF. Comments are invited from all readers, including present or former members.

     Look on the right side of any post for the option to subscribe by email for notifications or RSS feeds notifying of new postings. It is a great feature. Also, find more posts by selecting “Categories”.

      (Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, the information about WOFF is from my memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be. )

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