Why Many Locals Do Not See the Mind Control at WOFF…

     Why do many of the locals and those from outside the county who interact with WOFF members not see the religious mind control cult activities? Let’s address the folks who know WOFF members; maybe work with them or play sports with them… This is just the point: the outsiders are not SUPPOSED to see the mind control that is going on at WOFF!  You have to be an accepted member to have that kind of “love” shown to you! In order for a visitor to see the loud prayer or blasting;  Jane had to “have ahold of it”, so the person would hopefully not reject what they were seeing, hearing or feeling. I do not ever remember this being on the very first visit. Visitors would never see another member openly rebuked or blasted in the congregation. That is not to say Jane never got angry around new folks. But, it was all explained away as the “anger of God.”
     Those who don’t want to consider the evidence about WOFF may say these things to themselves. Cover up statements and questions…. Can’t we just all get along?     Members of WOFF dress so nice – all the time… The children seem so polite.    They have not done anything to hurt me…      My children are not affected….     They all seem so mannerly!  There is no perfect church…    I met Jane once at a funeral and she seemed so sweet…     If you have these thoughts or have heard them expressed by others.. Keep reading. Also, read some of the books on the Resource page and visit some of the links listed on the right side of the page. Read the confirming testimonies of those who exited before me. (here. http://www.rickross.com/groups/wordoffaith.html     
     WOFF members are polite and cordial and well mannered, so says a former policeman from the area. WOFFers were taught that outsiders were to be treated with the utmost respect. Jane Whaley’s reputation depends on it. The politeness and cordial manners can be a cover up for the doubts, hurts and confusion that resides in many WOFF members. The very premise and basis of relationship is skewed between members. Each member is “responsible” to watch out for others so they all can “serve God together”. An outsider would not see this because the control between members is just that- between Jane Whaley, leadership and members. Since the level of mind control is on a continuum, the strength of it ebbs and flows. Not all members would feel the same strength of the control at the same time, unless it came directly from the top- Jane Whaley. The idea that when you “sin”, you compromise the group’s (and Jane Whaley’s) reputation is a strong deterrent to allowing outsiders to see the control measures being used.  
      Remember, Rutherford county is Jane’s county! (see link-Your sin affects Me! https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=143  ..) Prospective members or those in civil authority are treated lovely. Former members are for the most part treated like dirt. (see link. https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=498  ..) Some former members who still exhibit the characteristics that Jane considers may bring them back into the fold;  she may go from nice, to enraged, to nice again, with these folks… looking for any place to get “back in their heart”!
      Local residents and government officials see only what they are allowed to see.  Do you who live in Rutherford County and have reason to interact with the working WOFF members in the community, really think that clients at an attorney’s office or customers in a showroom would witness a person being rebuked, openly? Do you think that at a church-member owned eating establishment – WOFF leadership would come in and openly rebuke and raise their voice to a waitress- member of  WOFF? Do you think the next WOFF group showing up to Ryan’s after church would get up and start blasting and casting out devils or complaining loudly about the music or dress of other patrons?  No, those “blessings” are saved for certain “church-family” services or behind closed door meetings… Don’t be deceived. It happens.
      Special meetings open to friends, relatives or the public require special measures and special faces..( see link for post on church clean-up… https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=445..) You would not see the group think or public rebuke in a wedding, memorial, special music, political forum, graduation, education conference or any open meeting. If visitors were present for even a Friday night fellowship- correction was taken behind closed doors and kept private. You would not see the way folks are treated behind closed doors- like someone screaming in their face, pointing fingers and yelling “You will not make it, you will die early or go to hell,  if you don’t find a place of repentance!  You are full of the unclean.”..  Scary conclusion from the meeting I was a part of where this happened to me:  all  leadership folks treating me this way or watching – considered it NORMAL! Deep down in their hearts there may have been some doubt, but none would ever show it. They stayed in lock step and confirmed what Jane was screaming…. The fact that those following Jane’s lead considered this type of activity NORMAL was so unbelievable to me. This meeting was April 9, 2008, between 9:00PM and 12 midnight in the office of one of the prominent leadership of the church. Until you live through a meeting like that, just hearing others talk about it does not do it justice. I will share more detail in a future post. 
     Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. It could very well save their life. There are readers at WOFF. Comments are invited from present or former members.
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      (Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, the information about WOFF is from my memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be. )


One thought on “Why Many Locals Do Not See the Mind Control at WOFF…”

  1. Yes I remember my meeting well. it was a Sunday morning, after I drove up for Sunday morning service. I was too full of the ‘unclean’ to go into the sancutary. Yes I got yelled at and screamed at and shouted at and told I was driving my soul to hell.I was told by one lady that no matter what I said she would not believe me because I was a liar. Then she had the gall to ask me why I wouldn’t answer any more questions? She had just told me that all I did was lie so I thought why should I waste my breath talking to them!! I know that God is real and that HE loves me and HE did not tell them to treat me that way. They did that themselves. I am learning so much about the real loving warm caring Father that is my LORD GOD> HE gave HIS only SON for ME!!

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