This next contradiction is such a common practice at Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) that it may be difficult for present or former members to see. I did not see this contradiction until I left WOFF and read “Out of the Cults and Into the Church” (copyright 1994 Kregel Resources) by Janis Hutchinson. Ms. Hutchinson writes in chapter 7 about rituals and how they can impact those inside or outside cults. She also explains the power of symbols. A symbol “may act as a trigger for a former cult member to the cult… This effects powerful emotions, often misinterpreted as God confirming the cult.” She goes on: “A symbol only has the power given it by the individual who is observing it”. (page 145) Former cult members may confuse the “remembering” of spiritual feelings and devotion once experienced in the cult and think this is confirmation that they should return to the cult. I believe this is at least part of the answer for why former members return to WOFF.
The contradiction for me was revealed in this statement made by Ms. Hutchinson- An observed symbol in a Christian church, whether object or Scripture may have traditional connotations for the Christian, but for the new convert (former cult member) it may act as a trigger to the cult.” (page 145) Before reading this, I had not thought of Scriptures as being “symbols”. But, while at WOFF, certain scriptures would be preached and thus became a part of the arsenal of scriptures that would be used to elicit an automatic response from a member. This “symbol” of certain Scriptures were tools used to mold and hold folks from making certain decisions or actions.