Tag Archives: Ramona Hall

Jane Whaley Featured in the New York Times? Really?

On Sunday, I received a text saying Jane Whaley had her picture on page 16 of the New York Times. What? Details were not forthcoming and my efforts to find the treasure online proved fruitless. I refused to become a subscriber in order to possibly see Jane’s picture. Nope. This treasure will have to wait.

Monday, my search efforts were rewarded differently. There it was in an article titled- “Electoral Map Gives Donald Trump Few Places to Go.” by Alexander Burns and Maggie Haberman. The picture shows Jane Whaley, Leigh Valentine, Sam Whaley easily recognized. Also, with additional examination you see Frank Webster behind Sam and Josh Farmer to Sam’s right with his head down. I wonder if Robin Webster is standing to Frank’s left. Were there other members of the Trump groupies from WOFF? The caption did not list the names of course and it was taken a few days ago at a Trump Rally in Winston Salem, NC.

And yet my thoughts raced. What? Jane is not the center piece of the article? I was confused. There was not even mention of her efforts to promote Holocaust education with her traveling “Holocaust Museum”? No mention of her thriving Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) in Spindale, NC; a growing, loving, caring group of non-denominational Christians who endure “persecution” for exercising their religious freedoms? No mention. Not even a speck of ink about her Word of Faith Christian School and their academic superiority which every student exhibits (with a little help).
Continue reading Jane Whaley Featured in the New York Times? Really?

WOFF Member Sues Clerk of Court (1)

   Though the suit was filed November 30, 2010, the local newspaper is just now reporting the story. The Digital Courier (www.thedigitalcourier.com) reports Ramona Hall is suing Robynn Spence, the Rutherford County Clerk of Court. Ms. Hall is alleging that she was not re-appointed due to her membership in Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF).  The suit also claims Laura Bridges was not re-appointed for the same reason. The claim is based on religious discrimination which violates State and Federal Laws.

   In the suit, WOFF is described as

“…Word of Faith Fellowship (“Word of Faith”), a Protestant, Non-Denominational church, whose members believe in powerful prayer in tongues and do not participate in the celebration of commercial holidays or the playing of secular music ….

     There is so much to comment about concerning this situation; I really do not know where to start. Let’s start with the description of WOFF. As a former member, I am not surprised at the self-description or that it would leave out some vital points. A more accurate description would include that fact that WOFF does not play ANY MUSIC not APPROVED by Jane Whaley. That INCLUDES, but is not limited to Christian music, hymns, and instrumentals of any type. (at least, while I was there.) Yes, I realize that what type of music NOT played is NOT the main point. The point of the description is to outline that for which WOFF feels like it has a right to do or believe and yet, others may not think so or agree with. As having been on both sides of the fence and having great respect for the laws that have allegedly been broken, let me state IT IS THE DEED- NOT THE CREED.  It is what is DONE inside of WOFF that I know violates human decency and good common manners. There are basic rights guaranteed by the same Constitution that Ramona claims was violated; which are denied the faithful WOFF members! In a former post, I have outlined the rights. Here is the first post of relevance in that series… https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=2677

  Continue reading WOFF Member Sues Clerk of Court (1)

WOFF Contradictions – Part 3

     We continue on with the contradictions that I witnessed at Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). The previously stated qualifying statements continue here. These are my opinions. Some contradictions are obvious and some need to be explained.  

     The WOFF website contains very interesting information and pictures. Under the “Outreach” tab there is a header for “Political Outreach”. On this page there are several photos of current and former elected officials including former First Lady Laura Bush, former Congressman Charles Taylor, Lt. Governor Walter Dalton and North Carolina Senator Debbie Clary. All of this is very impressive. Another page in this grouping is titled “Our Purpose”…. This page explains the position of WOFF in reference to praying for and respecting civil authorities. The text goes on to explain the many activities that WOFF and its members have been involved in such as voter registrations, non-partisan forums, congressional prayer breakfasts, petitioning of state and national leaders.  

     The Articles of Incorporation for The Word of Faith Fellowship, Incorporated can be found at the following link.   http://www.secretary.state.nc.us/corporations/Filings.aspx?PItemId=4982905   This is public information on the North Carolina Secretary of State website.  Under Article X, it says that “No substantial part of the activities of Word of Faith Fellowship, Incorporated shall be the carrying on of propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation and The Word of Faith Fellowship, Incorporated shall not participate in or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) a political campaign”.  I encourage readers to read the entire document for context.

   Continue reading WOFF Contradictions – Part 3

A Letter to the Churches- From ??

     Recently, I learned about the letter which had been sent to several churches in Rutherford county. As the information came to me, several of the envelopes were addressed by hand. Possibly three different folks writing the addresses. There was no return address on the envelopes. The postmarks were from Charlotte, NC. The letter is posted below:
Unsigned letter sent to Churches
Downtown Activities

     The person who composed this attempted smear campaign against Robynn Spence did not have the courage to sign their work. The photo is reported by many as taken by Ramona Hall’s daughter.  (see here for previous post about Ramona Hall’s campaign –http://tiny.cc/lhi4c )    So, who could have been behind this? You tell me. The person composing this letter was a coward at best and was definitely showing their true colors. Whoever was involved in this letter campaign meant to stir up certain churches to encourage voters to shirk a qualified candidate, over a personal choice the candidate made. The key point is not if Robynn Spence chose to drink a beer. Drinking a beer does not disqualify a person from public office. (Presdent Obama reflects this point) The key point is the delivery method of the messenger. This shows the letter writer’s approval of using control and intimidation. The person who used this “tool” is really the “fool”. Are these the methods that this person condones and proposes to use, if they were to win the election to the Clerk of Court position? Would the “tool” be used again while administering the official duties of the office? Who colluded with the candidate and gave their approval of such a tactic? You tell me. Which candidate will go on record as denying their involvement in any way with this attempted smear campaign? If anyone has a written reply about this matter, please send to this address: author@religiouscultsinfo.com or post a comment.  

     Continue reading A Letter to the Churches- From ??

The Mormon Mission

    Well, with all the excitement, I could not be left out. Today,  after I had mailed my annual “friendship pledge” to Washington via Atlanta and another “pledge” to Raleigh, NC; I was feeling practically giddy. Every year, I get to confirm with the taxing powers that be, that I am their “friend”. Paying that pledge seems more painful as the years go by.

    While I was still giddy;  in my mail box was a nicely printed 4X6 postcard with Ramona Hall’s smiling face. Again, it was very good quality. (thank you, Ramona.)  At that, I was reminded that I missed the forum and regretted it very much. If any readers went on Tuesday night, please, email back your observations. An aside; the Rutherford County Board of Elections has scanned and posted the forms that candidates are required to file. This is a resource for those that want to learn more about their candidate of choice- or non-choice. See Here: http://tiny.cc/9muxn

     As I was making my way to the car, I looked across the street as two young Mormon missionaries were walking past. They turned down a side street and I was drawn to watch. Coming in their direction was an African American lady obviously headed to the post office. I wanted to see the possible exchange. Yes, it was obvious they had tried to speak to her. She would not look them in the face, kept her head down, arms a swinging and kept going. The reaction from her intrigued and excited me. As she crossed the street, I told her – “Way to go! Don’t give the the time of day!” She was sure to tell me that they had asked her where she lived? Wow, those young men needed a lesson or two in Southern etiquette. She was definitely not going to tell two strangers dressed in white shirts, dark pants, toting a backpack and the Book of Mormon- where she lived! Good for her!

     Continue reading The Mormon Mission

WOFF Member Runs for Clerk of Court- Update

     Earlier, there was a post explaining that Ramona Hall, a long-time member of WOFF, is running for Clerk of Court for Rutherford County. The link is here…   https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=840 

     While writing this post, I must admit I did not check for current information. After posting, I learned that Ramona Hall is not now working for the Clerk’s office. She was not reappointed in 2008. Please, forgive any mistaken impressions that my ignorance may have given. After seeing a recent campaign sign for Ramona Hall, I knew this mistaken impression must be corrected.

     The main point of the previous post covered that fact that the voters of Rutherford county must feel comfortable with Ramona’s connection to WOFF and how this may affect her professional decision making during times of crisis. To what extent, if any will matters concerning WOFF members in the Clerk’s office be “checked out” with leadership or Jane Whaley herself? Do WOFF members really want this possibility? Could even WOFF member’s privacy be compromised? Members of WOFF must consider this possibility.

     Here is the high quality, campaign sign seen just off Highway 221 on a recent trip to Rutherford County.

High Quality Sign
Sign placed near Hwy 221

       Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. It could very well save their life. There are readers at WOFF. Comments are invited from present or former members.

     Look on the right side of any post for the option to subscribe by email for notifications or RSS feeds notifying of new postings. It is a great feature. Also, find more posts by selecting “Categories”.

      (Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, the information about WOFF is from my memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be. )

WOFF Member Runs for Clerk of Court

     This is the link that shows the full list of candidates seeking the position of Clerk of Court for Rutherford County.


     The subject of this post is not new information to those closely involved with WOFF or with the Rutherford County courthouse. However, upon learning of Ramona Hall’s name being on the Democrat primary ballot; it sparked questions for me. At this time, I do not feel qualified to comment on Ramona’s job performance or knowledge that the position requires on a day to day basis. I suspect if there were issues in that area her tenure working in the Clerk’s office would have been shortened.

     All that being said, other questions must be posed. Having the total responsibility of the Clerk of Court’s office would be a new challenge for Ramona Hall, as for anyone who takes the position for the first time. She would be making decisions in many areas of interest to the citizens of Rutherford County. (See this link for a brief list of the duties of a Clerk of Court in NC… http://www.nccourts.org/Courts/OCO/Clerk/Default.asp ) I was surprised to learn the duties of the Clerk of Court. The Clerk has many of the same powers of a magistrate. These duties include being able to issue arrest warrants and search warrants as well as being the judge of probate.

     The main question that must be posed is this: In times of deep distress or conflict in making professional decisions would Ramona Hall use her spiritual advisor – Jane Whaley for a source of counsel? I cannot say for sure. However, from what has been spoken by Ramona in other stressful personal times, she did ask Jane for counsel. What else could be expected for members of WOFF? She would not be “submitted to authority” if she did not seek counsel of some sorts from Jane Whaley and/or others in leadership.  The decision to be placed on the ballot was not done in haste without counsel, I feel certain.  The voters of Rutherford County must feel comfortable with the possibilities.

     In reality, every candidate may have a person or persons that they seek counsel from in making professional decisions. I do not know about others. But, I feel comfortable posing the question in this particular case. It is food for thought for the voters of Rutherford County. I will not be voting in the elections for Rutherford County.   

     The website listed on the sign below has a picture of several folks standing with Ramona and her family. Four of these folks are members of WOFF. No, I am not surprised. Again, the voters of Rutherford County must feel comfortable with all the possibilities should Ramona’s campaign allow her to obtain a new job.

Ramona Hall
Campaign Sign
  Look on the right side of any post for the option to subscribe by email for notifications or RSS feeds notifying of new postings. It is a great feature.

      (Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, the information about WOFF is from my memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be. )