Category Archives: Books, Resources

Books, Resources for learning about religious cults

So, have you strangled someone… lately? Did it help? (video)

The names, ages and charges were released today in the Fenner case. Here is the list:
“Indicted were Sarah Covington Anderson, 27, Adam Christopher Bartley, 25, Brooke McFadden Covington, 56, Justin Brock Covington, 20, all of Breeze Hill in Rutherfordton and Robert Louis Walker, Jr., 26, of New Flynn Drive in Spindale.

Five true bills of indictments were handed down for second degree kidnapping and simple assault. Anderson was also charged with assault inflicting personal injury by strangulation.”
(source link- )

In a separate source, the church attorney is quoted,

“They are innocent of the charges leveled against them and we look forward to proving their innocence and to their complete vindication before a trial court. Please remember that the law declares them innocent until they are proven guilty beyond all reasonable doubt.” (source link- )
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“I don’t have any fear now” Katie Holmes (People Magazine)

Suddenly an urge to do what I don’t normally do- buy a magazine. In a rush in and out of a local store, my eye caught the cover of People® magazine. The cover dated November 10, 2014 had a picture of a woman I barely recognized-Katie Holmes. The caption-“I don’t have fear now.” (written by Kate Coyne) In a fit of giddy confusion, I grabbed the magazine and began glancing through it trying to verify my suspicions. Was this the ex-wife of Tom Cruise? The woman who ditched him because of his religion- Scientology? Pointing to the cover, I asked the clerk checking my out if this was the ex-wife of Tom Cruise- she looked as confused as I felt. “I don’t know.”

Laying the magazine down, I decided to chance it, “I will take it.”

Once in the car, I flipped quickly to page 52. Yes, this was the same woman. As usual, I was running late for an appointment, stuffed the magazine into the yellow plastic bag and decided to read it later in the day.

This evening, I settled in to read the article. Not sure what I was expecting, I am not a regular reader of this magazine. In fact, there were several celebrities mentioned who I no idea what made them famous. I live unconnected like that. Better than it used to be, but I am no fan of being a fan of the Hollywood types. My interest in this article rested solely in how it addressed her break-up with Tom Cruise and if there were any insights into how Scientology figured into the split. My hopes were only partially satisfied.
Continue reading “I don’t have any fear now” Katie Holmes (People Magazine)

…assault by strangulation within the church complex.…

Hands for Hope
Hands for Hope and Action

RC Catalyst has an editorial posted on October 21, 2014 found here. It is about Matthew Fenner’s struggle to have someone listen to his claims and then file charges with the appropriate authorities. He did finally accomplish his goal. The editorial outlined the barriers he encountered and the parties who contributed to his uphill climb. The accusations/crimes listed in the article, “assault, second degree kidnapping and assault by strangulation within the church complex.”

For those readers who may not have seen this, January 27th of this year – this was on Matthew’s Facebook page:

“A year ago, tonight, I was being cornered and assaulted by a local religious group that all too many are familiar with. It was probably one of the worst events to ever take place in my lifetime; one that left me feeling hopeless, degraded, and in fear for my life. I am so grateful to have been able to leave the environment I was in. After being slapped, choked, punched in the chest, excessively shaken, and degraded through caustic statements and threats such as “You’re a pervert,” “You disgust me,” “I hate being around you,” “You’ll sit here for the next two days if you have to,” and “If you don’t change, I will beat this out of you,” all because of the sexual orientation I was viewed as being (and born with), I have been able to grow and successfully become a grateful and empowered young man…”
(last viewed October 27,2014)
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Who Joins? Who Leaves?

As I go through different information sources, there are several questions which are constantly in the back of my mind. A few have to deal with the process of recruitment into and exit out of a high-demand faith group. It would be unwise to assume that the path I took into such a group is the only way into these groups; or that there are only certain types of folks who join such groups. I am convinced of the fact that each group of this type uses a form of deception in order to recruit. In light of that, anyone can be recruited as anyone can be deceived within the right circumstances. That is how magic works. In many ways the deception used by high-demand faith groups is like a magic show. At least initially, the illusion is the primary focus, not the mechanics of how the illusion was set-up. Visitors to the group I was a part of – Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) had no idea how purposeful and practiced the created illusion had become. Any person who comes in contact with a magic show such as WOFF- could be fooled.

Aside from that aspect, are there any particular groups of folks that may be more susceptible to the illusion presented by control groups? Recently, I found two sources which were written about two different types of control groups which were suggesting the same answer to this question. It struck me as crucial and an important insight. After we review these sources, I will apply this understanding as a possible explanation to the recent trend I have heard about WOFF.

Unholy Devotion – Why Cults Lure Christians” written by Harold L. Bissell (Copyright©1983 by The Zondervan Corp. ISBN 0-310-37251-8) is the first resource I will use. The author draws from his experience in counseling those who were drawn into religious cults. At the time he authored this book, he served as the Dean of Chapel at Gordon College.

In Chapter 2- “But You Can See the Love in Their Faces”- He warns about an over “emphasis on the subjective religious experience” can cause folks to “confuse Evangelicals with other “radical” religious groups who also exhibit changed lives, testimonies of joy, smiling face, and evangelistic zeal.” (page 19)
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Writing to Heal- Dr. James Pennebaker – Review by Vive’ Griffith

“Research shows writing about emotional experiences can have health benefits.” Review by Vive’ Griffith – Office of Public Affairs – resource link – here

The title should not surprise any who reads this blog. In October of 2008, I began a writing journey that continues. I had no knowledge of the studies which show there can be benefits to writing about emotional experiences. My original intent was to inform others, relatives and friends, of my experiences while inside Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). The first offerings included simple explanations of the group’s leadership and the group dynamics which many considered absurd. As I began the process of sorting out my experiences, the first benefit was simple- clarity. The traumatic nature of many events inside WOFF served to cloud the time frame and context of the scenes. By writing and purposely remembering the players, the sights, the smells and words spoken, clarity has come to many a confused memory. It has given me further confidence that many a memory has been confirmed by other survivors from WOFF.

From our resource article:
“For nearly 20 years, Dr. James W. Pennebaker has been giving people an assignment: write down your deepest feelings about an emotional upheaval in your life for 15 or 20 minutes a day for four consecutive days. Many of those who followed his simple instructions have found their immune systems strengthened. Others have seen their grades improved. Sometimes entire lives have changed.”
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Phoenix Project- Winds of Destruction…

The Phoenix Project presentation was Thursday evening during the International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA) conference earlier this month. Time and space was set aside for not only art work of different forms, but presentations by survivors of poetry, literary works, videos, songs, and classical piano. The time of presentation allowed survivors of high-demand groups to express to an understanding audience, the thoughts and emotions concerning their experiences. I wrote this piece before realizing it could be presented for consideration in the Project. After a couple of edits to cut down the length, I read the following narrative about a meeting held on the grounds of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) in 2008.
Winds of Destruction….

Severe weather experts would record that during the first six months of 2008, “Tornadoes caused 111 deaths through the end of May, the second highest death toll for any year in the Doppler radar era…” ** Though I would live through those months unaware of the death and destruction caused by this severe weather pattern, the winds of destruction blowing in my life that spring would be an ironic reflection of the course of nature’s wrath.

April 9, 2008 was a Wednesday.

This day began as many other days. As a member of the Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) in Spindale, NC, living in shared housing with other church members was a normal and even an expected practice. We had moved into this household arrangement in October 2002. My wife, son, daughter and I shared a spacious five bedroom house on a cul-de-sac with another church family of three. There were two other church families living close by on our street- Carver Lane. My wife taught fourth grade in the church sponsored school where my children attended. My son was beginning his middle school years. This was my daughter’s senior year and graduation was scheduled for June 1st. Preparation had already begun for this event which was looked upon with much anticipation and excitement.
Continue reading Phoenix Project- Winds of Destruction…

Real People Getting Real Help…

Conference Handbook
Conference Handbook

Last week, I attended the International Cultic Studies (ICSA) conference in Washington, D.C. During the meetings and in between sessions, I found real people seeking and finding real help from those who could provide the insights and resources meant to further recovery from involvement in a high-demand group. I do not regret any of the changes in my schedule or the cost of attending the conference. My experience may not be exactly what other attendees encountered, but I believe the majority of the people around me felt the same as they left the conference.

Starting in February, I planned this trip. As new information was released, the excitement grew. One benefit I expected was to meet a few of the professionals whom I had been in contact with over these last few years. For various reasons, I had contacted professionals across the country involved in either the studies surrounding high demand groups or directly helping survivors. I met these folks and many more. There were people from many different nations as well as many from different States.
Continue reading Real People Getting Real Help…