Category Archives: Information control

WOFF Contradictions – Part 3

     We continue on with the contradictions that I witnessed at Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). The previously stated qualifying statements continue here. These are my opinions. Some contradictions are obvious and some need to be explained.  

     The WOFF website contains very interesting information and pictures. Under the “Outreach” tab there is a header for “Political Outreach”. On this page there are several photos of current and former elected officials including former First Lady Laura Bush, former Congressman Charles Taylor, Lt. Governor Walter Dalton and North Carolina Senator Debbie Clary. All of this is very impressive. Another page in this grouping is titled “Our Purpose”…. This page explains the position of WOFF in reference to praying for and respecting civil authorities. The text goes on to explain the many activities that WOFF and its members have been involved in such as voter registrations, non-partisan forums, congressional prayer breakfasts, petitioning of state and national leaders.  

     The Articles of Incorporation for The Word of Faith Fellowship, Incorporated can be found at the following link.   This is public information on the North Carolina Secretary of State website.  Under Article X, it says that “No substantial part of the activities of Word of Faith Fellowship, Incorporated shall be the carrying on of propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation and The Word of Faith Fellowship, Incorporated shall not participate in or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) a political campaign”.  I encourage readers to read the entire document for context.

   Continue reading WOFF Contradictions – Part 3

WOFF Contradictions – Part 2

      As we continue with the contradictions witnessed at Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF), I will again state that I will not pretend to know each one or the depth of the contradictions or ironies that are present at WOFF. These statements are my opinions. Some contradictions are obvious and some need to be explained. While attending WOFF, I did not seek to understand or note these contradictions. If one happened across my path, I would excuse it or set it aside. Do the former members agree or disagree? Was I the only one who sought to keep as many as possible of the contradicting facts – in check?

     After all, dodging or hiding from “truth” can be a full-time job when you are inside such a controlling group as WOFF. Consider- does it take pages and pages of scripture references to validate a doctrine or practice? Is this an attempt to justify practices the Holy Spirit does not bear witness to, inside of other believers? Either a practice or doctrine serves the purpose of God or it does not? If that practice does not serve God’s purpose – what or whose purpose does it, serve?

    To WOFF members, the voice of truth could be coming as that little voice on the inside of your heart or as the blare of a fog horn resounding in circumstances and events too glaring to ignore! However the prompting comes concerning WOFF – listen. Do not spend years ignoring what seems obvious to some and hard to grasp for others. I denied the questions and spent years in the blinding fog bank, drifting in the group known as Word of Faith Fellowship.  

Continue reading WOFF Contradictions – Part 2

Permanent Dependent Underclass? at WOFF? (1)

     This phrase has been used to describe certain groups of people in years past. This description has been used to describe folks who are being supported in various ways on a long term basis. Through the dependency and all that entails, their own abilities to provide for themselves are curbed or eliminated. Thus, they become dependent on the programs or government in place at the time. It is not “permanent” unless the folks believe they have no way out or deserve to be supported.

     As I have heard discussions about this topic nationally, it made me consider what I had seen and been a witness to in years past. Was one effect of living at Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) under the direction of Jane Whaley; to move members to total dependence on Jane and the “benefits” of living at WOFF? Think about how many folks live who are members of WOFF. At my last count, there were about 20 companies or independent contractors a person could with or work for. There was also the Christian school. My numbers are not current, but the meaning is still there.

     When my tenure began to draw to a close, I lived in a WOFF household. I worked for a company owned by WOFF church members. Except for my part-time income, all of our family income was tied to or related in some way to WOFF. My “family” doctor was a WOFF church member. My podiatrist was a WOFF member. The electrician and plumber who came to fix things at the house were WOFF members. There was a WOFF church member owned restaurant where you could eat breakfast or lunch. Previously, there had been a furniture store to buy furniture or Jane’s adopted daughter would buy home furnishings and sell it to members of the church. There were two very talented seamstresses who could repair or make clothes, as well as curtains and complete bed sets. In the church ‘bookstore”, ladies could be premium make-up. (Not really many books sold there.)

     Continuing on, there was a fellow who did excellent cabinetry and one who could frame anything that stood still. There were painters and carpenters and folks who could install carpet. There was even one fellow who performed pressure washing on houses or vehicles. Of course, Sam Whaley would buy cars and trucks from the Statesville Auto Auction, when a member needed. There was a realty company. The financial aide director for the local community college was a WOFF member- that helped. Talking to the right person (WOFF member) could get you appliances at a deep discount. Last count in 2008, there were four home-grown attorneys and one lady who sold/sells insurance for just about any need. One fellow was in residency to finish his medical training. Another man attended University of South Carolina Medical school. One doctor in Tryon, NC was a dermatologist and he had WOFF staffers, though he was not a WOFF member. There was one dentist in town, who was not a WOFF member, but two of his assistants were WOFF members.

    Continue reading Permanent Dependent Underclass? at WOFF? (1)

WOFF Members Don’t Celebrate Easter

   As mentioned before, Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) members led by Jane Whaley, don’t celebrate Easter, Christmas or other holidays. While at WOFF, we were told about the background of the holidays. Easter was linked to certain pagan origins. (see link here.. ) Therefore, it was not celebrated.  It remains hard for any truth-seeking Christian to justify with scriptures the Easter bunny, dying eggs, Easter baskets and other secular traditions. However, many Christians take the time before the celebration of Easter to remind themselves and others of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Resurrection of Jesus is no doubt a vital part of the fabric of faith for Christians. Also, this time is set aside for many folks to visit family.

     Many times, not celebrating holidays revealed the contrarian nature of Jane Whaley and WOFF members. There was a preached mandate and example set for members, to do something opposite of the accepted traditions in order to show – what? I am not sure. I practiced “opposites” to holidays and traditions for years at WOFF, for what reason or benefit? To make me as a WOFF member feel superior to those who practice certain holidays and traditions? To show that the “world” has no hold on a WOFF member? To show God how much I “loved” Him and deserved His “favor”?

    Ceretainly in this country, we would not want compulsory or mandatory celebration of any holiday- religious or secular. The right to choose your individual preference in religious matters is as much of a right in the country as the right to vote, choose your residence and place of employment. We enjoy many freedoms in this country that most folks take for granted.

      The reality of membership at WOFF is in order to continue with the members of WOFF; you are compelled to give up the individual freedom of choice that our Constitution makes very plain and clear. Members must do and not do a LONG list of things. The list is ever growing and changing. ( see link here..WOFF Don’t list 03 10  )   Many of which you are not told about at the time of joining. The “don’t list” is revealed on a situational basis, in many cases. (I know because very rarely did we “overload” a new member or one who showed interest in WOFF, with information that they would learn in due time…) When you needed to know, you were told.

      Continue reading WOFF Members Don’t Celebrate Easter

How Do WOFF Members Know Who to Vote for?

   Elections are coming and will be upon us soon. After reading of the Information Control for WOFF members,  how would a WOFF member know how to vote? With no regular access to media, newspaper or Internet, there was information provided. Here was the way that information was delivered.  

     One designated member would view websites, call candidates and ask questions and maybe even attend political forums for the candidates in the local and state races.  Usually the service right before an election, this person would hold a voluntary meeting for those eligible to vote to go over all the information about the candidates. This meeting could last two or more hours. There was a lot of material to cover. Handouts and sample ballots would be provided. Several times, the Democrat candidates would be covered first and then the Republican candidates. During the reviews, it was obvious this person had conservative views and personally supported many of the Republican candidates.  If a candidate did not have a website or just had a page with not much information on their views, that was a negative in this person’s mind. There was a great deal of trust placed in this member to deliver the information to the members in a balanced fashion. This year could be different as this person is now publicly endorsing Ramona Hall a democrat, for Clerk of Court. The mixing of politics and religion often makes for strange bedfellows. Will this person keep that roll this year for this election cycle?

     In contrast to the present, this candidate information person also spent time campaigning for and working for Congressman Charles Taylor in years past. Several WOFF members would work the telephones for the Congressman before certain elections. Congressman Taylor visited WOFF at least twice that I remember. (it could have been more often..) The youth of WOFF sang at the prayer breakfast meetings that Congressman Taylor held in years past. I never attended as I was usually working, but I did hear all the details when the group would return to the church.

     WOFF in years past, would hold political forums. The early ones I did not attend. However, in more recent years, certain candidates for the local offices would be invited to speak. Some would take the opportunity. I remember one county councilman came to WOFF to explain local issues and that was very informative. Especially since reading the local newspaper was taboo.

     Some observations: last year I met and spent some time with a retired couple from Hendersonville. He was retired from a branch of the military service. He and his wife had spent several years working for Congressman Taylor. His admiraton for the Congressman was evident and deeply felt. When I mentioned I knew some other campaign workers, his interest perked up. When I called their names and asked him what he knew about WOFF? He immediately changed as he nor his wife then had much to say. The conversation lightened some when I assured these folks that I did not attend WOFF any longer. Still the subject was closed after a few brief comments in which they both acknowledged they knew the folks I spoke about. This conversation left some unanswered questions for sure. Select “More” to read about a conversation with an elected official.

  Continue reading How Do WOFF Members Know Who to Vote for?

Book Review: “Slave and Citizen” by Nathan Irvin Huggins

     This book, “Slave and Citizen” written by Nathan Irvin Huggins, subtitled “The Life of Frederick Douglass” (copyright 1980) was an inspiration to me during the first few months of leaving WOFF. The investment was only 49 cents. The benefit was immense. I picked the book up at a used book store.  It was a relatively quick read of only 185 pages. My emails and notes show I read this book in September of 2008.

     The book outlines the life of Frederick Douglass from his birth to his death at the age of 77 in 1895. He had risen from slave to being a Statesman and Ambassador to Haiti for the United States. He advised President Lincoln and had many other accomplishments. The intriguing part to me was his life beginnings and how he learned to read.

     In 1825,… Frederick was sent to live in Baltimore, MD to the house of Hugh and Sophia Aduld. There is the city he caught his first glimpse of freedom. Mrs. Auld took time to teach Frederick to learn to read the Bible. He was a quick learner and Mrs. Auld was excited to show her husband. Her husband not happy at all, in fact he was enraged. “Hugh Auld with course and brutal language told his wife that slaves should never be taught beyond their station. ‘Not only was it illegal to teach them to read, but it would spoil the best n[igger]r in the world.’ A slave, ‘given an inch, he will take an ell,’ he said. A slave should know nothing but the will of his master. ‘If you learn him how to read, he’ll be running away with himself.” The text goes on… “Frederick … on the other hand learned the most important lesson of his youth: there is something unnatural about slavery;…” (page 5, emphasis added)

     I read this passage in September 2008, about 60 days of being out of WOFF. Those were frightful times as I was struggling with the notions put in me while in WOFF. Those who leave are “under a curse, Judases, digging themselves a deep hole” as some would say. So, this passage woke me up! The reason that Information control is so heavy at WOFF, is because, “If you learn him how to read, he’ll be running away with himself.”  Teaching slaves to read was illegal. Of course members are allowed to read- their Bible.  In the cases of students: textbooks are monitored and censored. Allowing members to read ANYTHING they want is illegal at WOFF. Otherwise, those dutiful, hard working, tithe giving members will get ideas and be running away with themselves!

     After I read this I sent an email to a dear friend. In the email, I share how I read this between 3:00AM and 5:00AM and could not sleep! It all made sense. Keeping members from the newspapers, TV, magazines, most every book and other sources of information; keeps them “in their place”. (if I may be so bold to use a WOFF phrase!) Also, as Frederick Douglass learned, “..there is something unnatural about slavery.” It is unnatural to not have access to the free flow of information. The choice to partake or not partake should be up to the individual, unhindered in any way.

     A common form of information control involves blocking out any critical or negative points of view.” Some cults simply forbid members to have access to any non-cult material such as newspapers, magazines, television or radio, and the Internet…”. These words from “Releasing the Bonds” by Steven Hassan (copyright 2000) make it very clear. Religious cults as well as other mind control groups, attempt to control the information available and thus “keep their members from running way”!

     One main “breach in the dam of control” for me occurred when I searched the term “shepherding movement”. The similarities between the religious move of control in the 70’s and my life experiences at WOFF were too stark to ignore! That started the process of my “running away”.  If the WOFF experience had not been so blatantly like the stories of control I was reading about; I may still be at there, today. Here are some links to the type of information I read:

There are plenty of other sources for this subject.

     To my good WOFF readers: you may think that you have free access to all the information sources that you want. You just don’t “want to read the newspaper or watch television or freely surf the Internet”. I remember that rationalization tool. Is it really true or are the consequences of admitting to partaking of the “forbidden” too great for you to risk a violation? Remember– “there is something unnatural about slavery”. In reality, you had to give up your freedoms to continue to be a part of the group. Isn’t that “spiritual slavery”?

     So, to the newest members: did you realize that in order to keep the job or housing you were given that you would have to give up your freedoms in so many areas? Has the spiritual bondage been too slow in developing for you to notice? How is that “..freedom in Christ” working out for you? My critics from WOFF say I don’t use enough scripture. For them:

My precaution was] because of false brethren who had been secretly smuggled in [to the Christian brotherhood]; they had slipped in to spy on our liberty and the freedom which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might again bring us into bondage [under the Law of Moses].
Galatians 2:3-5 ( Amplified version)

     Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. It could very well save their life. There are readers at WOFF. I KNOW for sure and will share that post. Holocaust teacher: Are you reading this one?

     Look on the right side of any post for “Categories”, select the drop down box and view any previous post by selecting “Uncategorized”. Use the slide bar on the right to scroll down to the bottom. Select “Previous Entries” to review older posts. As always, comments welcome.

      (Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, the information about WOFF is from my memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be. )

Why No Note Taking During the Service!

     Several times it has been mentioned that during the services note taking was not allowed. Well, this was not always the case. It changed during a service when a woman came to the microphone. She was an office helper and it was common to see her at the podium making announcements. She said she had just read the notes from the notebook of a certain young man. She called his name and it was known she had been “helping” this young fellow and his family. This fellow’s father was the construction worker in the post about the magazine prohibition.

    The woman began to explain to Jane and others in a general address, that she had looked around during the services and seen people taking notes and not paying attention to “the word” (usually being preached by Jane). She put forth the idea that taking notes was a distraction. In order to prove her point, she began to read to the whole congregation the notes the young man had taken. Now, some were incomplete thoughts- BUT, THEY WERE NOTES! They were his personal notes!  It would be a safe assumption to say he did not expect them to be read aloud to the congregation. The content of the pages is NOT the issue here. From this discovery by this fledgling lieutenant, Jane approved the banning of note taking during services. The only approved note taking was scripture references: no dates, no names, no personal reflections, nothing but scripture references with not even a word or two about the scriptures!  

      The effect was clear and near immediate. “Note Nazis” sprang up EVERYWHERE! You were encouraged to watch your neighbor and make sure they were “taking hold” of the new dictates. Being watched for such details was a horrible feeling that just perpetuated itself on so many areas at WOFF.

     Several children took special interest in their ability to critique and report on adult behavior. During one service, a young boy told his mom that a visiting Brazilian was taking notes during the singing. The mom felt her usual pressure to make sure she reported any transgressions, told Jane in front of the whole congregation. Jane immediately called this man’s name and he was visibly flustered. He went to the front to talk to Jane and explain himself (get checked out..). After a brief conversation, Jane announced to everyone that the notes were okay because he was taking notes on the songs for his church in Brazil. So, the tension was diffused. However, the commandment to keeping watching the behavior of everyone in the service was clear. No one, well almost no one was exempt.

     This spying behavior is clearly explained as a characteristic of a destructive mind control group in Steven Hassan’s “Releasing the Bonds” (copyright 2000) . During the explanation of the B.I.T.E. model of common mind control behaviors; he explains the “I” as representing “Information control”. He explains: “People are expected to spy on one another and report improper activites or comments, such as criticism of the leader, doctrine or organization.” (page 49)

     It should also be noted that the spying requirement on each other was in FLDS. Elissa Wall in “Stolen Innocence“, outlines a situtation where her older sister went to Warren Jeffs about the doubts her mother was having. This led to the break up of her family. ( page 55) This was totally acceptable behavior in FLDS. Yet another similarity between FLDS and WOFF.

     The stopping of members taking notes went along with the increased contol over the audio or video tapes of the services. Since the “attack in 1995” (Inside Edition);  the tapes of services were increasingly controlled. First, you had to sign the tapes out with the person running the sound booth. You could take them with you but, were warned not to leave them in your car! “That could open the church up to an attack.” Next, you could not take the tapes off of the property, you had to listen to them in the fellowship hall. This was required for people missing a service or many of the folks on church discipline. Most nights of a week long seminar, tapes of the morning services or previous evening services were played after the evening service. If you missed the morning service, you were expected to stay after the evening service and watch the tape. Yes, WOFF would score pretty high when it comes to “Information control” as compared to other well documented religious mind control groups.

     Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. It could very well save their life.

      (Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, the information about WOFF is from my memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be. )