(updated 3/7/2017 11:53AM)
Today was full of phone calls, text messages, social media activity and meeting new friends. News reporters from WLOS from Asheville and WSPA out of Greenville responded to my invitation to a news conference on the newest allegations revealed in the AP Investigation – Broken Faith. Others making the trip to downtown Rutherfordton included reporters from the Daily Courier, Rccatalyst.com and the Associated Press. Adding to the number were a few new friends and some faithful supporters of the fight for truth.
The day’s purpose was to share my concerns for the present and former members of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) after the two AP investigative releases. Reading from a prepared text, I made the case for the Rutherford County Department of Social Services to reopen the 2015 investigation into abuse allegations in Word of Faith Christian School (WFCS). The investigation was ineffectual due to the recently revealed techniques exposed by former Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) members. These survivors were teachers or assistants in the school and their testimony told of the consistent efforts to lie about the abuses going on. WOFF did not act is “good faith” and from what I read they violated the 2005 Settle Agreement which was a result of the 2003 lawsuit against the Rutherford County Department of Social Services.
Also, I explained the reason more cases concerning present or former members were not making their way through the court system. The AP interviewed several ex-members who told of the consistent pattern of Jane Whaley to coach people how to lie when answering questions from local and state investigators. Add this to two former District Attorneys who chose not defend and protect WOFF members – and it becomes clear there are major problems in Rutherford County!
Continue reading Press Conference in Rutherfordton (2 videos)