Tag Archives: Faith Freedom Fund

rev. Billy honeycutt- a life of faith, love and service

Today, I attended A Worship Service of Faith in God. This memorial gathering to Rev. Billy Honeycutt of Rutherfordton, NC was held at the First Baptist Church. There were very few open seats when I walked in around 2:42pm. Eric Ross and his wife had a seat for me.

I met Billy when I began serving with the Faith Freedom Fund (FFF). If my memory is accurate, that was in 2011. When I had my first sit down with Michael Lowry, Billy was there in the Chinese restaurant to listen and ask questions. There I witnessed Billy’s mature stability and tender heart as we listened to Michael tell his incredible story. A few weeks later, Billy also went with me when we took Michael to Asheville airport.

The FFF helped many different survivors over the next several years. Each survivor came out and told us their story. I admit, at times, after hearing these stories my emotions would become intense. Other Board members may have shared those emotions, however, when we closed our meetings and it was time to pray, Billy’s prayers would calm and direct us to consider the person who had recently exited and those who remained in Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF).

A general paraphrase of his prayers included these thoughts; We pray for wisdom not only for us but for this young man or woman who had recently left WOFF. He went on to pray for those that were still in the group, for them to have a curious, inquiring mind and heart. Let them to begin to ask You about what they’re seeing and experiencing. Lead them to ask You, Father, for answers.

Today, as I reflected on my times with Billy, I was reminded that nowhere in these prayers did he express hatred for anyone at WOFF, regardless of what we had heard regarding the abuses the recent ex-member had experienced.  He prayed from a heart full of the love of God.

During and after the Worship Service, I learned of other ministries he started and gave his life to. Meeting his family was an honor as well. To his wife and family, I say, “Thank you”- for sharing him with the FFF. Our evening meetings went longer than we planned- most every time.  

Continue reading rev. Billy honeycutt- a life of faith, love and service

FaithFreedomFund.org – Q&A

For the past few years, I have worked with the Faith Freedom Fund helping survivors of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) as well as survivors from other groups. During my time inside of WOFF, there were many misinformed statements made by the leadership about the purpose and people behind this support group. While many of us await the release of the AP Investigation “Broken Faith”; I thought it a good time to address some of the misinformation that was told WOFF members.

First, let me go on record as saying I took help from Faith Freedom Fund (FFF) during my first few months after leaving WOFF. My brother suggested I call the main contact at the time, Cal Sayles. Cal later reminded me of how skittish I was during the first few contacts over the phone. I would not even give him my name until I agreed to meet him at a fast food place in Shelby. There we talked about I don’t remember what- probably my exit drama. After that meeting, I kept in contact from time to time with Cal. Over the years, as I progressed in my open protests walking down Oakland Road, it became a regular thing to pass on survivor requests to the leaders of FFF.

Continue reading FaithFreedomFund.org – Q&A

After a glance to 2015, we look forward…

Judges chair
Judges chair

Before many of us settle into the first Monday of 2016, I need to take a few lines and recap what has been a year full of surprises. Of course, there will be events I don’t mention that were important to others. If you feel so compelled, comment and share with us your signature events of 2015.

On January 22, 2015, the Daily Courier reported the reindictment of the five defendants in the Matthew Fenner Case. This reindictment came after the new District Attorney for Rutherford County, Ted Bell, expressed his concern over the processes surrounding the first round of indictments in December 2014, during the tenure of District Attorney, Brad Greenway. See the post- “Word of Faith Fellowship members re-indicted- Daily Courier”

The five Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) members who were indicted include Brooke McFadden Covington, Justin Covington, Sarah Anderson, Robert Lewis Walker, Jr. and Adam Bartley. The charges include second degree kidnapping and simple assault for all five with an additional charge of assault inflicting physical injury by strangulation against Sarah Anderson. These charges stem from the events of January 27, 2013 inside the sanctuary of WOFF. The story of the indictments was picked up nationally and internationally after the first round of indictments in December 2014. Again, bringing attention to the unsafe practices of WOFF.
Continue reading After a glance to 2015, we look forward…

Car Wash – Thank you to all who helped in any way!

In this video we review Saturday and thank everyone who came out to support us. The slogan on the shirt we wore is explained. “How is that CULT thing working for you?” If you are not in a cult, the question means nothing.

question for group members
question for group members

We talk about the help available for those who leave Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) or other groups like them. I did not include my phone number- (828) 289-7923.

The needs a person faces when they leave WOFF pale in comparison to the risk for staying inside.

Address: Faith Freedom Fund
805 Oakland Rd.
Spindale, NC 28160
Donations welcome.

Follow this blog on Twitter- @religiouscults
Continue reading Car Wash – Thank you to all who helped in any way!

Car Wash Saturday, July 25th to Support Faith Freedom Fund

This coming Sat. July 25th, friends and supporters of the Faith Freedom Fund (FFF) will sponsor a carwash at Adaville Baptist Church. The address is 805 Oakland Rd. Spindale. We will start about 8AM. Proceeds will go to the ongoing efforts of the FFF to help those who leave high demand religious groups. The FFF depends entirely on volunteer donations of time and money. Please, consider stopping by and having your car washed and making a donation. If your schedule does not permit this, then consider sending a donation to the address listed below. We appreciate your continued financial and prayer support. Thank you… for taking time to read and support this blog. If you would like to see future video blog updates, please email me. author@religiouscultsinfo.com

Faith Freedom Fund
805 Oakland Rd.
Spindale, NC 28160

Follow this blog on Twitter- @religiouscults
Continue reading Car Wash Saturday, July 25th to Support Faith Freedom Fund

Another Exit Drama – December 2013

Earlier this week, I received a call about a man who had left Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). After a couple of more phone calls, I agreed to meet him and hear his story. The following is not a comprehensive narrative but a short version of what would take several posts to cover. To no one’s surprise, EVERY survivor of WOFF has a unique and often heart wrenching story of emotional upheaval, confusion and heartache. This man’s story is no different-sorta.

The survivor’s name is Bryan Bullock. During his stay in a local prison, he had contact with other churches in the area. While inside, he had heard some negative things about WOFF over an incident with a Christmas tree. While WOFF members were visiting the prison for a time of ministry, an inmate plugged in the Christmas tree lights in the same room as the gathering. An unidentified WOFF member promptly unplugged the tree and said “We don’t celebrate Christmas.” That event stuck with Bryan, but who considers Christmas traditions in early spring?

Continue reading Another Exit Drama – December 2013

Misinformation Abounds

     Today, I was made aware of several bits of misinformation about this blog and the circumstances surrounding its creation and support. First, I take no financial support from any other group for the expenses incurred in writing or promoting this personal blog. The Faith Freedom Fund does not contribute to the expenses incurred for publishing this blog. I actually donated the space they have on this blog to them. The content for their page met their approval, but they do not “approve” or direct beforehand the content of posts on this blog. The material in this blog, except in two posts as noted; (one by Faith Freedom Fund and one by Jerry Cooper)  is solely from my reflections, memories and observations. The line of discussion, content and order of publishing is entirely up to my discretion and choosing.

     No one is forced to read these posts. No one is forced to believe or act on these posts. In several places, I note that the writings from my time at Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) are totally from my recollections and memories. My time spent in the group started in 1992 and ended in 2008. The first ten years, I was a member of a church in South Carolina that was a sister church to WOFF. Our trips from Greenville to WOFF increased over the years. In the beginning we were only coming for seminars.  I was not inside the church during the “Inside Edition” era, my information about that was filtered back through a few other folks. My memories are not perfect in every detail. However, certain dates and events are imprinted in a vivid way. Since we were not allowed to take notes during the sermons after a certain time, the content of sermons may not be in exact time order. (However, I have found some old notes and will be posting on them in the future.)

     Continue reading Misinformation Abounds