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Join Us- The Movie

   Recently, I became aware of the documentary entitled – “Join Us”. The film is presented by Interloper Films along with Lusitan and was produced by Ondi Timoner and Vasco Lucas Nunes. (copyright© Third Floor Productions, LLC 2007) The movie is the only film I know of which shows actual cult members as they come to the knowledge of their predicament, grapple with their options, take steps to change and then face the leaders of the group. This is the introductory post in a series that will take dialog and scenes from this movie and compare them to my experience both inside and outside of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). The film has a dedicated website with supporting information. The site is . We will reference the information on the website as we continue. We have added the website to our Links page found on the right side of the home page.    

    Steven Hassan, an often quoted source on this blog, is quoted on his website as saying, ““One of the most ambitious documentaries ever done that shows the suffering caused by authoritarian cult groups.” He appears several times in the film along with Rick Ross, a well know Cult Expert and Intervention Specialist. Rick’s website is Other experts appear in the film along with Dr. Paul Martin from Wellspring. Robert Lifton is shown in several clips explaining his work on thought reform and its application to the understanding of cults. The supporting cast of cult experts is a great resource for those wanting to learn more on the subject. Also, on the website for the movie under the “Take the Cult Test” tab, there is an outline of Robert Lifton’s eight criteria for determining if a group is using thought reform.

    From the back cover of the DVD case:

Join Us follows four families as they leave a controlling and abusive church in South Carolina and come to realize that they have been members of a cult. The film documents them intimately as they enter Wellspring, the only accredited live-in cult treatment facility in the world. At Wellspring, they learn how they were brainwashed to give up control of their lives to the Pastor and his wife, allowing their children to undergo severe abuse in order to make heaven.

Continue reading Join Us- The Movie

Jane Whaley Said…..

    As we come to the close of this year, it is worth recounting some of the quotes from Jane Whaley. She is the leader of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) in Spindale, NC. Yes, what she does reflects in truth more of whom she is rather than what she says or believes; however, these jewels of “wisdom” do give us reason to pause and reflect on the questions- Who is the Jane Whaley? How does she command such loyalty from hundreds of folks in this country and hundreds in other countries? After all, she had my attention for about 16 years. The last six years, I lived inside the group and witnessed many of the golden utterances in person.

   “Your sin affects me!” This statement was uttered at a November seminar in reference to learning that an older lady in the church was gathering grocery papers from the local stores and sharing them with other church members. No one bothered to “check it out” with Jane and she exploded in a rage as she left the sanctuary. Just before she left she turned to rebuke this lady who was standing in congregation. After this blast from Jane, the lady crumbled in her seat and cried. The net effect was to warn others that WHATEVER they did, they needed to check it out with Jane since regular members could not determine what was sin and what was not… Jane only knew what sin was. Jane’s reputation in the community was/is precious to her. Does anyone doubt that? Here is the post about this to learn more… (Bonus- in this post also explains the “sleep devil” that attacks members who can’t stay awake during her preaching!)

    “Some of you parents are saving money for your children, God said to give it.” We mentioned this statement during the post about the $50,000 offering. Wow, some folks must have believed her. Jane cried after announcing that though she was only $25,000 short, God have blessed with $50,000… From such a group, this was sizeable offering. See the post here…

    Continue reading Jane Whaley Said…..

Unintended Consequences?

    Last night, I watched a report on FOX News® with John Stossel. He recounted laws, programs and moves made by our elected officials during this past year. The ones he highlighted had “unintended consequences”. Some of the people interviewed agreed and others were very unwilling to admit that the effects of these moves had been negative or even worth addressing. It was a very informative report.

   After watching this report, I wondered if this could be how some folks view Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) and Jane Whaley. Could some folks be unwilling to acknowledge the negative fallout for members who are in and/or have been inside that group? Would there be some folks who see the broken relationships, emotional torment and social adjustment issues for those that leave WOFF as “unintended consequences” and therefore give Jane a free pass? Could it be possible that like some politicians that deny the harmful consequences of their policies and programs, Jane and her leadership are in denial that their doctrines, methods and practices are harmful to their members?

   Continue reading Unintended Consequences?

Cult Survivor Blogs and Other Resources

   Over the last few months, I have run across several blogs written and sponsored by survivors from other cults. These cults may or may not be religious in nature. The religious cult survivor blogs do catch my eye more than others. Suppose we all have our interests spawned by our own circumstances. Anyway, the list of these types of blogs seems to be growing. It is only one of countless niche blogs that have been started over the last however many years. Most of this growth could be credited to the invention or provision of “free” blog hosts. In this post, I will review methods for finding such free blog hosts and finding cult survivor blogs, as well as listing a few of the blogs I have read and/or enjoy.

    Three of the more common free blog hosts would include, and A way to find more is to simply search “free blog hosts” in any search engine. The word “blog” is short for weblog– an online journal, usually in date order or chronological order. To blog is simply to write journal entries of personal experiences or other things of interest. Blogs usually center on a theme or topic. The subjects are as varied as the human race. I have a few other blogs around a central theme at The presentation themes are varied. My main work is done here on this blog. One caution if you begin using a “free” blog host, read their rules of conduct on subject matter, usually included somewhere in the Terms of Use. Just a caution, as any blog that is hosted for “free” can be suspended without warning for violation of their Terms of Use.

   Continue reading Cult Survivor Blogs and Other Resources

A Dream Reveals A Dream…

     After being involved at Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) for over 16 years, forming relationships and living through dramatic times; it seems likely I would still have dreams reflecting those relationships and scenes from those years, right? Yes, likely, but not often pleasant or even desired. In fact, other survivors of this religious controlling group tell me of the same type dreams. Many of the dreams are non-sense and/or just flat weird even, as dreams go. However, occasionally, there is one scene or verbal exchange within a dream that makes  a mark and one I even remember hours after I wake-up. Two nights ago I had such a dream.

     Now, the details and “how we all got in this mess” explanations are a little fuzzy. But, the scene I remember is this: there were children that were perched in high places and they could not get down to safety. There was obvious panic as many were being told to stay calm… Adults were found around the scene in obvious angst over the whole deal. My view was as one who was detached and just observing from a distance. And you know in dreams the laws of gravity are not often applied consistently. So, one courageous man secures a motorized lift used in construction. This lift was VERY much like the one owned by the real estate management company owned by two families in WOFF. I had worked for that company during WOFF days and had seen the lift being operated many times before. So, no wonder that the solution “appeared” in this dream scene.

    Continue reading A Dream Reveals A Dream…

Broken Relationships at WOFF- Why?

    For days, I have considered the material for this post. It has been a struggle to actually put this one into words. There is no doubt that life within a group such as Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) is full of broken relationships. You may ask – Why? Why would a group calling themselves a “Protestant, non-denominational church with a Christian school (as defined by classical Christianity) and “Our Beliefs include traditional evangelical doctrines”… have so many broken relationships in the lives of present and former members? What is the cause of so many folks being cut-off or cutting themselves off from either members inside or folks outside of this group?

    Do I even have the ability to write about such things? Have I ever seen relationships torn apart while either inside or outside the group? While on the inside for so many years, what thoughts accompany the witnessing of other members as their family unit breaks apart because of WOFF ways? When I saw other families ravaged by the power of Jane Whaley to split them, what were the thoughts that helped calm what should have been obvious concerns? We will start there.

   From 1992 to 2008, I was under the sway of the teachings of Jane Whaley. The beginning years were spent in the church in Greenville, SC where the leaders were being directed and counseled by Jane Whaley and her leadership team. We could be assured that if Jane taught it at WOFF, eventually, whatever doctrine or practice, it would be brought to Greenville. Sometimes, the source of the doctrines were obvious, other times, the source was not so obvious. Looking back, it is all very obvious.

   Continue reading Broken Relationships at WOFF- Why?

More on the Exclusive Brethren

    In a previous post, I shared information about a group called the Exclusive Brethren. In that post found here… I made some comparisons between Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) and the Exclusive Brethren group. One main point of that post was how similar the folks who leave each group are treated. Here is a quote from the first post on this subject:

    –For the most part, members who have left the Raven/Taylor/Hales group (of Exclusive Brethren) are completely ostracized. Members are not permitted to live with those who have left and this causes families to break up; in fact, remaining members do not even speak, eat or otherwise socialize with those who have left the group’s membership. To leave the group, either voluntarily or to be excommunicated, means to be asked to leave one’s home, and the subsequent breaking of all normal family relationships with those who remain within the group.[7]   

  This sounded so much like what I had seen and been a part of with WOFF; I felt the need to learn more. When the survivor from this group contacted me, I asked him about any similarities and here is a quote from an email he sent: (used by permission- from “Paul”)

    Continue reading More on the Exclusive Brethren