Tag Archives: Paul Martin

The Impact of Cults on Health

In one of my recent searches for information on cults, I came across a document that caught my attention. The document was a syllabus for a class taught to those in the medical profession- specifically nurses. The title was “The Impact of Cults on Health” – written by Anne Tapper, RN, MA, MSN. She is a therapist/case manager at the Opioid Treatment Program, Philadelphia Veterans Administration Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA. The material was interesting and several quotes worth noting here. The source document is here The Impact of Cults on Health

The purpose/goal of the continuing education class is stated as familiarizing nurses with healthcare issues related to cults. The material covered would help folks to:

–          “Identify six characteristics of a dangerous cult and three ways they affect health

–          Name nine symptoms of membership in a cult

–          Describe six types of help that may be needed by those recovering from cultic involvement”

Do you realize what this says of the medical profession as a whole? There is obviously enough evidence in the medical community to openly admit and address the needs of ex-cult members from a medical perspective. There is enough concern and foresight to offer nurses and others in the medical profession baseline knowledge of cults and the effects they have on the health of members! From the course outline, “A conservative estimate is that between two million and five million Americans have experienced cult participation1. With this level of involvement, even a low incidence of abuse is likely to mean that thousands of people are affected.”

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Join Us- The Movie

   Recently, I became aware of the documentary entitled – “Join Us”. The film is presented by Interloper Films along with Lusitan and was produced by Ondi Timoner and Vasco Lucas Nunes. (copyright© Third Floor Productions, LLC 2007) The movie is the only film I know of which shows actual cult members as they come to the knowledge of their predicament, grapple with their options, take steps to change and then face the leaders of the group. This is the introductory post in a series that will take dialog and scenes from this movie and compare them to my experience both inside and outside of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). The film has a dedicated website with supporting information. The site is www.joinusthemovie.com . We will reference the information on the website as we continue. We have added the website to our Links page found on the right side of the home page.    

    Steven Hassan, an often quoted source on this blog, is quoted on his website www.freedomofmind.com as saying, ““One of the most ambitious documentaries ever done that shows the suffering caused by authoritarian cult groups.” He appears several times in the film along with Rick Ross, a well know Cult Expert and Intervention Specialist. Rick’s website is www.rickross.com Other experts appear in the film along with Dr. Paul Martin from Wellspring. Robert Lifton is shown in several clips explaining his work on thought reform and its application to the understanding of cults. The supporting cast of cult experts is a great resource for those wanting to learn more on the subject. Also, on the website for the movie under the “Take the Cult Test” tab, there is an outline of Robert Lifton’s eight criteria for determining if a group is using thought reform.

    From the back cover of the DVD case:

Join Us follows four families as they leave a controlling and abusive church in South Carolina and come to realize that they have been members of a cult. The film documents them intimately as they enter Wellspring, the only accredited live-in cult treatment facility in the world. At Wellspring, they learn how they were brainwashed to give up control of their lives to the Pastor and his wife, allowing their children to undergo severe abuse in order to make heaven.

Continue reading Join Us- The Movie

Dr. Paul Martin of Wellspring Retreat said…

     A few weeks ago, there was a post entitled “Am I Wrong? Please, Let Me Know…..”. ( see link here.. https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=117 ) That post seemed to be one of the factors initiating a response by two WOFF members which I tell about here… “A Knock at the Door“.. https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=572 . The basic question was  “If I am wrong based on the facts and not emotions, then please, show me ..?” If my comparison between FLDS and WOFF is off base; then show me with facts.  In the series, “FLDS vs WOFF”‘, I outline many similarities between these two groups, especially in the mind control techniques used on their members.

     To date, there have been several confirming comments posted as well as the reply in the post listed above about the visit from two WOFF members. In January, a leader from WOFF called to complain and question his name being listed in a post. That call inspired a finalization of the legal disclosures on the blog as well as the beginning of regular posting. About five weeks later came the personal visit to my residence of the WOFF members. One of them accused me of posting “lies, all lies”… This criticism did not give me much to go on since there were no facts disputed. There was only intense emotion expressed. I recognize the emotion and respect the right for its expression. Folks in groups like WOFF often have intense emotion.

     The second person mentioned in the “Knock at the Door..” post, did say that I mis-stated the facts concerning our conversation. She said it was in person and not over the phone. Okay, I may have been wrong in telling the circumstances. But, where are the facts being disputed concerning the way WOFF members are treated? What WOFF member will stand up and dispute the major content of these posts and let us all know that things are well and emotionally balanced at WOFF? Has Jane Whaley changed in two years since my departure? Has the religious mind control stopped and are people allowed to leave the group whenever they chose? Has the “Holocaust teacher” stopped chiding folks for wanting free access to all information sources? Sources which may not shed a positive light on WOFF? Is there full, written financial disclosure to the members of WOFF?

    Continue reading Dr. Paul Martin of Wellspring Retreat said…