Tag Archives: Bible Belt Pictures

The Buckle of the Bible Belt

    For years, I have heard the phrase or notion that the “Bible Belt” runs through the South. In the movie, Join Us, a lady from South Carolina says the buckle of the “Bible Belt” is in the Upstate of South Carolina. (link to first post about the movie is here. https://religiouscultsinfo.com/2010/12/join-us-the-movie/  ) Well, after living in South Carolina for 19 years and North Carolina for eight years; I have not seen much difference between the two states when it comes to religion and religious practices. But, for this post, we will start with South Carolina. During a recent ride through the middle of SC, I felt inspired to take some pictures of different churches. Some of these will look very typical of other churches and some will not. But, the religious flavor of the South is what I tried to capture. This could be an ongoing project as the flavor is rich and the belt is wide. Click pictures for a larger view, use the back arrow to return to the post.

Bethel Baptist- So many Baptist churches in the South….

Cross on the wall of the sanctuary
Cross on the End of the Sanctuary

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