Tag Archives: Jane Whaley

“The Art of Remembering” – Charisma Magazine® (3)

Are you aware of “scandals”? Then what shall we do…?

Our last post explored an article in Charisma Magazine® about Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) and their Holocaust Museum display. It was dated October 1, 2013 and can be found here. The article was written by Marcus Yoars. Here is the contact information for Mr. Yoars: marcus.yoars@charismamedia.com main tel:407.333.0600

A few blog readers have replied to me with copies of emails sent to Mr. Yoars. Also, several comments were placed in response to the article. This post will review a response written by Mr. Yoars to a blog reader. A blog reader wrote this to Mr. Yoars:

After reading your well intended article, I realized you do not know the truth behind the walls of WOFF. As a victim/survivor, I am here to tell you that what you are seeing is a well orchestrated façade. I am not bitter, just thankful I survived.  However, I do want people to know the truth about what seems to be a loving, caring, God centered fellowship. My story is one of many. These people are not what they portray themselves as. They lie, cheat, steal and destroy the families, marriages etc. of those who do not accept Jane Whaley as their almighty. I know, I WAS one. Thank you for taking the time to consider my email.

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“The Art of Remembering” – Charisma Magazine® (2)

Our last post explored an article in Charisma Magazine® about Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) and their Holocaust Museum display. It was dated October 1, 2013 and can be found here. The article was written by Marcus Yoars. Here is the contact information for Mr. Yoars: marcus.yoars@charismamedia.com main tel:407.333.0600  

This post will review more material from the article and contain more thoughts on the subject. The Art of Remembering mentions that Word of Faith Christian School (WFCS) has “no art teacher.” It also featured Nahum Burgeson and his insight into how the Holocaust work began. Without a doubt, Nahum is a talented artist. The article also quotes Nahum, “I know without a doubt that God flowed through us to do this, “… When we first started, many times we would have a problem getting the paintings to look right. But, as we cried out to Jesus, you could see fruit. The more and more we cried out, the better we would get.”

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“The Art of Remembering” – Charisma Magazine® (1)

A recent gander at the website for Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) revealed a new header on the home page. The purpose was to direct visitors to the article recently released by Charisma Magazine® posted online October 1, 2013. The article titled-“The Art of Remembering” features Nahum Burgeson and the story behind his art work as well as extolling the “multilayered miracle taking place in tiny Spindale, NC.”  Before we review some information about the article, let me give the link and some of my own reflections on Charisma Magazine®.

The article can be found here. Oh, reading this article and perusing the website brought back fond memories of years gone by as well as some very disturbing questions. First off, I so enjoyed the memories of actually receiving the magazine in the mail for many years and devouring the content of every page… I cannot deny I was an avid fan before the magazine even went digital. Then as we moved to Greenville in 1992 and began to attend Grace and Truth Fellowship, our hunger for the magazine began to wane. Certainly by the time we moved to Spindale in 2002- the magazine was off limits and held no content which was meaningful to those “walking with God” and serving the Lord at WOFF.

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WLOS 13- July 23, 2013 – Mother Alleges Son Being “Brainwashed”

News content for WLOS 13 website includes a story with the headline- “Mother Alleges Son Being “Brainwashed”- dated July 23, 2013. Reporter, Ashlea Surles, tells the story of Keela Blanton’s attempt to take back her son from the clutches of Jim and Laura Bridges. There was a temporary custody order in place which has been extended beyond reason by the non-response of the Bridges and their attorney – Mark Morris. It is my understanding that the Bridges have had since March of this year to reply to the request to return Ms. Blanton’s son to her. The report states that Ms. Blanton has custody of her two other children and has been cleared by the Department of Social Services of any reasons to be deemed unfit. For the Bridges to continue to withhold the young boy from his mother goes beyond reasoning- unless you are familiar with the WOFF mindset, or more accurately – Jane Whaley’s perception of herself and her group. Let me explain. Here is the link to the story…


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WLOS- News 13 – “Students Claim Harrassment”

Source: “Updated: Wednesday, June 5 2013, 09:40 PM EDT Former students of a mountain college have filed complaints claiming they were harassed on campus by members of a controversial church. The two students are former members of the Rutherford County’s Word of Faith church and both say the harassment at Isothermal Community College began when they left the church.

Ashlea Surles put together a great report documenting the complaints of harassment from former members of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) by present group members. The incidents happened over a period of time and were a prime example of the treatment former members receive when encountering present members. Read more here: http://www.wlos.com/shared/news/features/top-stories/stories/wlos_students-claim-harrassment-11963.shtml (the link may change; I will attempt to update it when it does.)

A few of the behaviors noted in the complaints are outlined this post.

“There have been two complaints filed orally,” said Isothermal Community College Director of Marketing Mike Gavin. “The alleged harasser was not a student at the college and not an employee at the college – just come to campus.”– Allow me to translate into WOFF-speak- the adult was a “guard” to watch members and make sure they don’t talk to non-members for too long, ask too many questions or seek freedom and try to leave the church. In this case, they got to torment and bully ex-members as well.

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WOFF Fear-Chains are worse than Castro’s Chains….

First, let me say Thank You to all the concerned readers and friends who have expressed their support during the last few weeks. Some are familiar with the level of personal drama that I have been walking through and all that was involved. It is a fact; things are not always in the condition that Jane Whaley and those inside Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) would have you believe they are; inside or outside that group. The spin factory works overtime within the WOFF camp and it takes a keen eye to understand what is really being said and done. “Truth” does not always resonate from their mouth or from their actions.

There is so much I want to share about the latest drama going on around this nation; I have a hard time knowing where to start. Not very much of it is positive, but, all of it is interesting and much of it gives insight into the past and present state of things at WOFF. The drama unfolding in Cleveland Ohio concerning the captivity and now freedom for the women held by Ariel Castro is mind boggling. The control, abuse and torture he forced on his victims will have people talking for a long time. He apparently used physical force, constraints and lots of fear to control those women for YEARS. Castro used actual chains on his victims.

 “The women were initially kept chained in the basement of Castro’s dumpy home, but later permitted to live upstairs on the second floor.”  Read more here.

Continue reading WOFF Fear-Chains are worse than Castro’s Chains….

More Bathroom Controls at Word of Faith Fellowship

February of 2010 on this blog, I wrote about Jane Whaley’s Toilet Paper Revelation. I was in that service when the “revelation” was introduced to the members of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). Yes, some went overboard and it got out of hand. Jane actually tried to moderate the exuberance with which some began to monitor the bathroom habits of their fellow members. It was in reality a fiasco. But, at the time, I did not understand the lasting detrimental effects. During my stay at WOFF, I witnessed CH get publically rebuked by Mark Doyle for using a urinal in an airport bathroom. It was not God’s will for WOFF members to use urinals. This was just a hint of the controls yet to come. During my years there, the urinals were partitioned off so you could not view the person beside of you. Apparently, this is not the end of the controls of personal bathroom habits. Allow me continue. 

Fast forward to this year and yet more bathroom controls have been explained to me. Recently, I have been told that the urinals were totally removed from the bathroom s at WOFF. For recent visitors- is this true? I have no reason to doubt it. If that were the end of the controls, I would not be writing this post. Reports coming out of this group have gone into more detail. I will try to be as tasteful as possible in explaining the restraints that I understand to be in place at WOFF.

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