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“The Art of Remembering” – Charisma Magazine® (1)

A recent gander at the website for Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) revealed a new header on the home page. The purpose was to direct visitors to the article recently released by Charisma Magazine® posted online October 1, 2013. The article titled-“The Art of Remembering” features Nahum Burgeson and the story behind his art work as well as extolling the “multilayered miracle taking place in tiny Spindale, NC.”  Before we review some information about the article, let me give the link and some of my own reflections on Charisma Magazine®.

The article can be found here. Oh, reading this article and perusing the website brought back fond memories of years gone by as well as some very disturbing questions. First off, I so enjoyed the memories of actually receiving the magazine in the mail for many years and devouring the content of every page… I cannot deny I was an avid fan before the magazine even went digital. Then as we moved to Greenville in 1992 and began to attend Grace and Truth Fellowship, our hunger for the magazine began to wane. Certainly by the time we moved to Spindale in 2002- the magazine was off limits and held no content which was meaningful to those “walking with God” and serving the Lord at WOFF.

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