We have posted several times on blog about the rules or “don’ts” put upon members of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). It is understood that in a group like WOFF, the rule count may ebb and flow, but the general direction of the number is up. Until I was out of that group, I did not stop to count or consider the effects of the large number of behaviors regulated from the pulpit in spoken rules on among the members in unspoken rules. Many rules were so ingrained, that you don’t know of them until you leave and see others who do not follow the rules or adhere to the “don’ts”. Then you begin to examine your reason for doing or not doing something. It is then you begin to see the massive number of detailed regulations that were imposed on you as a member of WOFF. The details of the rules can be debated or argued as to when and why and who made the rule. Today, we will look at the effects of the rules other than the obvious behavior modification. What mindset evolves after being under so many rules? Here is the list I posted earlier. No, the rules were not written at WOFF, therefore it was easier to manipulate and deny the existence of so many restraints that were issued. (WOFF Don’t List WOFF Don’t list from 03 10 ) This list spans the 16 years of my involvement in that group. I feel VERY sure some have changed and new ones have been added.
These next quotes are from the documentary- “Join Us”. The film is presented by Interloper Films along with Lusitan and was produced by Ondi Timoner and Vasco Lucas Nunes. (copyright© Third Floor Productions, LLC 2007). Here is the link to the second post for that film…https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=3464 Kristy Sullivan is describing her time and her thinking while in the cult called Mountain Rock Church in Anderson, SC. She and her husband have since left the group and received counseling at Wellspring Retreat. I use this quote as it typifies the result of living under the control of a cult leader. From what I can see and determine, Mountain Rock Church has LESS number of rules than WOFF. Their dress was less monitored and they were able to celebrate some holidays. So, the comparison would not be absolute, but it does give a great indication of the emotional state of being in such a controlling environment.