Tag Archives: Join Us

..Children are the most venerable to cults…

    We have written about the documentary- “Join Us” in previous posts. (The film is presented by Interloper Films along with Lusitan and was produced by Ondi Timoner and Vasco Lucas Nunes. (copyright© Third Floor Productions, LLC 2007) This is a movie which includes the stories of several families making their way out of a religious cult in Anderson, SC. The families travel to Wellspring Retreat and participate in counseling sessions meant to help them learn about the systems of control they had been under. I recommend this documentary for anyone seeking a more clear understanding about cults and their effects on the members. Recently, I watched the documentary again.

     I was struck by two comments by two experts in the film. These comments were about children. They helped answer for the questions I have had as well as ones I get from others, as to why Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) sought/seeks to control the children to such a high degree. We will look at the comments and explain how these insights help understand WOFF and other religious cults.

   Both comments come in chapter 5 about the thirty minute mark. The first is from Robert Lifton-Psychiatrist and Author of Mind Control Model: “Children become symbols of the future. It is as if you can create ideal children according to your cultic standards, then you are realizing immortality.”

   The next comment is from Jorge Elderly- Academic Director for the Center of Investigation of Christian Institutions-“It must be said that children are the most venerable to cults. They are defenseless, they are voiceless. They are at the mercy of whatever mad instruction someone got from supposedly heaven and lead the kids to a very big hell…”

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Do You Think It Is Possible?

     As many readers already know, I spent many years under the direct or indirect influence of Jane Whaley, the leader of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) in Spindale, NC. Since my departure in July of 2008, I learned many things about my time spent inside WOFF. Even now, 32 months later, I admit there are areas of my life where I still recognize the influence of WOFF teachings and more specifically the teachings, sayings and doings of Jane Whaley. The process of recovery continues. As I move forward, I have been reading accounts of survivors of other groups and seeing the similarities between their groups and life at WOFF. These similarities are fascinating to me since while at WOFF, I was told and believed that there was no other place quite like WOFF. A person could travel the world and not find a place filled with such love and support. For many years, I believed it. Then as the control upon my life became tighter and the methods became clearer, I began to doubt that what I saw and how I was treated was actually God’s plan. As the curtain over my eyes was lifted, I began to see how others were being treated in a new light. This all came into play as I made the decision to leave WOFF.    

     One aspect of life at WOFF was the continual naming of devils that Jane or someone in leadership would discover. In a previous post titled, “Jane Whaley Said…” found here- https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=3449    the following paragraph was included:

    Some children get that “math devil”.  Yes, there are “math devils” in her school room! Jane made this statement June 1, 2008 standing in the breezeway (actually, it may have been the hallway near the fellowship room in the office building). She was talking to a visitor that came with me to the graduation ceremony that evening. Jane was telling how wonderful her class of four and five year olds was doing. Then she lamented that sometimes they get the “math devil.” In Jane’s world, there are lots of devils. Each one has a name and if you don’t know the name, ask her. She will tell you. While at WOFF, the entire list of “devils” that were named, I could not retell. There was the “video devil” for those watching DVD’s in their van… There were “ping pong devils” for that’s right, folks playing ping pong. Here is a quote from this (that) post… Jane had said folks may have a “music devil” if the music occupies too much of their time or a “religious devil” if they read their Bible too much. There was a “control devil”, a “money devil”, a “foolish devil”…  the list goes on and on and gets longer as Jane Whaley needs to demean another member in order to further her control over them and others. See here… https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=1976

   Continue reading Do You Think It Is Possible?

Rules, Rules, Rules – The Results?

     We have posted several times on blog about the rules or “don’ts” put upon members of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). It is understood that in a group like WOFF, the rule count may ebb and flow, but the general direction of the number is up. Until I was out of that group, I did not stop to count or consider the effects of the large number of behaviors regulated from the pulpit in spoken rules on among the members in unspoken rules. Many rules were so ingrained, that you don’t know of them until you leave and see others who do not follow the rules or adhere to the “don’ts”. Then you begin to examine your reason for doing or not doing something. It is then you begin to see the massive number of detailed regulations that were imposed on you as a member of WOFF. The details of the rules can be debated or argued as to when and why and who made the rule. Today, we will look at the effects of the rules other than the obvious behavior modification. What mindset evolves after being under so many rules? Here is the list I posted earlier. No, the rules were not written at WOFF, therefore it was easier to manipulate and deny the existence of so many restraints that were issued. (WOFF Don’t List WOFF Don’t list from 03 10 ) This list spans the 16 years of my involvement in that group. I feel VERY sure some have changed and new ones have been added.

    These next quotes are from the documentary- “Join Us”. The film is presented by Interloper Films along with Lusitan and was produced by Ondi Timoner and Vasco Lucas Nunes. (copyright© Third Floor Productions, LLC 2007). Here is the link to the second post for that film…https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=3464   Kristy Sullivan is describing her time and her thinking while in the cult called Mountain Rock Church in Anderson, SC. She and her husband have since left the group and received counseling at Wellspring Retreat. I use this quote as it typifies the result of living under the control of a cult leader. From what I can see and determine, Mountain Rock Church has LESS number of rules than WOFF. Their dress was less monitored and they were able to celebrate some holidays. So, the comparison would not be absolute, but it does give a great indication of the emotional state of being in such a controlling environment.

Continue reading Rules, Rules, Rules – The Results?

Let Me Explain, If I Can…

     Yesterday, I began to consider certain aspects of my time in Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). The group is led by Jane Whaley and has been in the news lately. See the previous post “WOFF Member Sues Clerk of Court (1)” found here.. https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=3549  In reflecting back on my many years under the teachings of Jane Whaley, I realized during that time, it did not dawn on me that living the WOFF life could be hurtful to relationships inside or outside of WOFF. Even if the thought had come that living in WOFF may be detrimental to relationships with family and friends outside of WOFF; those thoughts would soon be replaced with thoughts such as “this is the cost of following Jesus”, or “they just are not walking where we are walking where we are in the Spirit,” or “after all, Jesus said – “Who is my mother and my brother?; But, those who do the will of God.” And for sure, I am doing the will of God and this is just what happens, some will follow Him and some will not…  

    Here is another thought that may not be verbalized every time, but for sure is internalized in the hearts and minds of WOFF members. When they shun or ignore or stop seeing or cut off, either a present or former member and/or a family member outside of WOFF- it is for the good of that person. Yes, in WOFF, that is taken from various Scriptures such as this one:

   For the Lord corrects and disciplines everyone whom He loves, and He punishes, even scourges, every son whom He accepts and welcomes to His heart and cherishes.” Hebrews 12:6

    This is the line of reasoning that allows WOFF members to cut-off ones they love. It is an effort to keep the teachings of Jane Whaley. The effect becomes a closer and tighter knit group of those who agree and never doubt or question anything Jane Whaley says or does. Those who “attack” Jane are the ones that may simply question her authority to do and say some of the things she does and says in whatever area of life it may be. Pick one; there are many areas that Jane regulates in her members’ lives.

   Continue reading Let Me Explain, If I Can…