Tag Archives: Raimund Melz

Update: Pastor Asks for Clarification

   In a recent post titled: Update: Raimund Melz – Mountain Rock Church – Pictures- found here: https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=4099 , I mentioned the church that presently occupies the building which had been home to Mountain Rock Church. The pastor of Macedonia Baptist Church, Russell Clark, contacted me to give clarification to his association with Raimund Melz. As a courtesy, I am posting the meat of our email exchange in hopes or clearing up any unintended errors.

From the first email received from Pastor Russell Clark:

 “I’m Russell Clark; I have been the pastor of Macedonia Baptist Church for the past 10 years. We were previously located at Hickory road in Anderson. We have been at our current location on Concord for the past 3 years. Macedonia Baptist Church is in no way associated with Mountain Rock. Your blog write up, with our sign pictured, was brought to my attention tonight by some concerned church members and I thought it prudent to address the nature of our relationship with the previous occupants- there is none. If you have any questions please send an email or visit at our blog. On our blog, you will find several years of history concerning our fellowship. …. (emphasis added)

Continue reading Update: Pastor Asks for Clarification

Update: Raimund Melz – Mountain Rock Church – Pictures

   In previous posts, we have drawn from the movie “Join Us”. We have provided several posts reviewing material in the movie. The film is presented by Interloper Films along with Lusitan and was produced by Ondi Timoner and Vasco Lucas Nunes. (Copyright© Third Floor Productions, LLC 2007). The film has a dedicated website with supporting information. The site is www.joinusthemovie.co . One of the posts was titled: Join Us – Reflections and Comparisons (3) link: https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=3511

    Toward the end of the movie, I found several points of interest I believed worthy of mention. My point of reference was/is comparing and contrasting the material found in this documentary of members of a religious cult in South Carolina to my time of involvement with Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) in Spindale, NC. We have noted several comparisons in previous posts, but yet I have found more.

   Near the end of the film, Patrick Provost-Smith a Professor of the History of Christianity at Harvard Divinity School was shown saying these words: “Anyone can claim to be a pastor, if they have a following… What one can look at in terms of a warning sign for realizing one is involved in an extreme group is that one can no longer account for one’s self as a human being as a person with thoughts, with ambitions… if only your pastor can tell you who you are to the extent that you have no story left of your own – leave.”  Does this happen at WOFF? Do any of the faithful regular members have their own story or does Jane Whaley tell them who they are – either directly or indirectly through the use of religious mind control? Quite frankly, while I was in the group, I did not have see how much control WOFF/Jane and her leadership had over my life. I was under the illusion until the last few months of my time there that I was in control of my life and “walk with God”. What a joke! That was the major part of the deception.  In my opinion, WOFF members do not see or are even allowed to admit to themselves or others that there is a problem with WOFF-life. WOFF members are required to check their religious freedoms, as well as other freedoms that others in this country enjoy- check them at the door give them up for the faux promise of “fulfilling their call” and making it into heaven. It is no wonder people leave that group in emotional turmoil and upheaval. There is such an adjustment to make when exiting any religious control group. “Join Us” documents some of the struggles.  

Continue reading Update: Raimund Melz – Mountain Rock Church – Pictures

Let Me Explain, If I Can…

     Yesterday, I began to consider certain aspects of my time in Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). The group is led by Jane Whaley and has been in the news lately. See the previous post “WOFF Member Sues Clerk of Court (1)” found here.. https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=3549  In reflecting back on my many years under the teachings of Jane Whaley, I realized during that time, it did not dawn on me that living the WOFF life could be hurtful to relationships inside or outside of WOFF. Even if the thought had come that living in WOFF may be detrimental to relationships with family and friends outside of WOFF; those thoughts would soon be replaced with thoughts such as “this is the cost of following Jesus”, or “they just are not walking where we are walking where we are in the Spirit,” or “after all, Jesus said – “Who is my mother and my brother?; But, those who do the will of God.” And for sure, I am doing the will of God and this is just what happens, some will follow Him and some will not…  

    Here is another thought that may not be verbalized every time, but for sure is internalized in the hearts and minds of WOFF members. When they shun or ignore or stop seeing or cut off, either a present or former member and/or a family member outside of WOFF- it is for the good of that person. Yes, in WOFF, that is taken from various Scriptures such as this one:

   For the Lord corrects and disciplines everyone whom He loves, and He punishes, even scourges, every son whom He accepts and welcomes to His heart and cherishes.” Hebrews 12:6

    This is the line of reasoning that allows WOFF members to cut-off ones they love. It is an effort to keep the teachings of Jane Whaley. The effect becomes a closer and tighter knit group of those who agree and never doubt or question anything Jane Whaley says or does. Those who “attack” Jane are the ones that may simply question her authority to do and say some of the things she does and says in whatever area of life it may be. Pick one; there are many areas that Jane regulates in her members’ lives.

   Continue reading Let Me Explain, If I Can…

Join Us – Reflections and Comparisons (3)

     We have provided several posts reviewing material in the movie- “Join Us”. The film is presented by Interloper Films along with Lusitan and was produced by Ondi Timoner and Vasco Lucas Nunes. (Copyright© Third Floor Productions, LLC 2007). The film has a dedicated website with supporting information. The site is www.joinusthemovie.co . I have been intrigued by this film. It is no doubt the most intimate look at real ex-members of a religious cult. This cult was in Anderson, SC and was named Mountain Rock Church. The pastor was Raimund Melz. He and his wife, Deborah, exercised control over their members predicated on the idea that they were “family”. From all indications, Raimund Melz was the one who made the decisions and exercised the discipline.   

    In the second clip from the movie after the trailer (shown below), one ex-member, Tonya, is telling a counselor that the members were unable to know what sin was, the pastor had to point it out. “…You have to have him point out the sin, …because you are a dumb baby, dumb sheep..You can’t see them (the sins)..So, he has to be the one, he hears from God, you are inmature, he has to point them(the sin) out…” And then in a moment of revelation, this ex-member says to the counselor, “You act like you have seen this before?” The counselor answers- “.. This is what we hear all the time…” This exchange started at one minute and three seconds into the clip. I was glued to this exchange. Why? Because, for years while in Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF), Jane Whaley would be asked by members to tell them – what is sin? Did I do right? What should I have done different? While I was in WOFF, members were continually chided and berated for not knowing what was sin. While in WOFF- Jane ruled and made the determination who did right, who did wrong and what to do about it. She determined who got punished and how.  The only source of the knowledge of sin was Jane Whaley. In reality, Jane replaced the Holy Spirit in member’s lives as apparently did Mr. Raimund Melz. But, from the counselor, we learn this happens all the time- IN CULTS!

    Continue reading Join Us – Reflections and Comparisons (3)