Tag Archives: WOFF

“Best of Rutherford” Results- Mixed for WOFF

Before we get to the results for the “Best of Rutherford 2013” survey, let me explain certain mistakes I generally make. First, I make the mistake of thinking that others outside of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) and the drama circle around them even care about it. It is apparent to me as time goes on, that not everyone in Rutherford County first off even knows about WOFF and second- even care. And furthermore, just because someone has been touched by Jane Whaley’s gift does not make them perceptive enough to understand the darker side of the activities inside of WOFF. So, when you don’t know and you don’t care to know- then you don’t have a reason to pay attention to any of the happenings concerning WOFF or its members.

All that has been said to help explain that Matt Clark, editor of the Daily Courier, has given me no reason in the past to think he has an opinion one way or the other about the drama surrounding WOFF. In times past, he has been non-responsive to any issues I have introduced. A few days ago, I again made the mistake of thinking he had a reason to care. My opinion is now that he has a newspaper/website/Facebook® page to oversee. After considering what I had to tell him, he must have thought it of no concern since he already knew the results of the survey and he knew I did not. I respect him for that and will go forward with that understanding.

Continue reading “Best of Rutherford” Results- Mixed for WOFF

Again- “Best of Rutherford”- How do we vote, Jane?

This past December was again the voting for the “Best of Rutherford”. This is a survey for the lack of a better term, where people have the opportunity to select businesses or individuals that they consider the “Best of Rutherford” County. I had been aware of the contest in years past and had written a review of the results from the 2011 survey. The post was titled- “Best of” WOFF Conflictions, Conundrums and Confusion… written February 6, 2012. That post outlines some of the conflictions and conundrums for WOFF members and for those living around them. In all honesty, I had forgotten about that post until I began preparation to write this review. Oh, but before I review those results, let me share about the events from the last couple of weeks.

A couple of weeks ago, I was talking with Bryan Bullock who recently exited Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). Seemingly out of nowhere, he began to talk about a meeting he had been a part of during his last few days at WOFF. He asked if I knew about the “Best of” survey done every year. I said yes. He said you do know how WOFF handles that? I asked him to tell me. He said in the meeting he was a part of Josh Farmer and Lisa Millwood stood at the podium as 400 ballots were passed out. Then the categories were named off and Josh and Lisa would tell members who to write down as “the Best of the Best.” If there was confusion as to who to select– he said Jane’s grandson was on ready to run down to the office and ask his grandma who to vote for. Upon securing the golden revelation, the grandson would run back down the hall way to the sanctuary to tell Josh so he could pass on the selection to the eagerly waiting members. I was not shocked but intrigued at the scenario. Can you see the wide-eyed child being schooled in the fine art of vote rigging running down the hall as such an eager and willing participant? He along with all the other children watching this must have just known that this was “God’s will”, right? This is the way they roll at WOFF! This is what is taught to children and adults alike at WOFF! Go Jane!

Continue reading Again- “Best of Rutherford”- How do we vote, Jane?

Gilbert Talks Taxes… on WCAB!- Updated -Video!

 On a recent trip through the town of Ruth, I drove past Gilbert Carmona’s office. He has had an office there for a while and I did not think it strange to see his van there at such a late hour. What I did notice was a white vinyl sign. As I drove closer I read “Gilbert Talk Taxes” WCAB Sat. 9:00AM.” Wow! Gilbert is going to be on the radio! Why is that such a big deal? Because he is a member of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) and they are not supposed to EVEN LISTEN to the radio! Well, how can this be true? I needed to know more. So, I emailed WCAB to verify the program and the time. Sure enough Lou Gilliam sent me back a reply saying the show will be on Saturday mornings 9:00AM to 9:30AM. And get this… it is supposed to be streaming!

Lou even wrote, “Yes we will stream the show. If you do not hear it please call the station. Sometimes the streamer will flip off by itself and unless we are staring at it we miss it. We are on Northland Cable and if the cable is interrupted in any way there goes the streamer. So please call if you do not hear it.

 Well, what do you say about that?Have the rules changed at WOFF? Or does Gilbert “have ahold of God at such a high level he can be trusted to go on the radio and not sin?” Besides Ray Farmer and Christie, his wife, who will be allowed to listen to him and guard him? If there is a call screener, and they are not a member of WOFF, how will they know who has ahold of Jesus and can talk to Gilbert and who does not? Will the commercials during those 30 minutes be other WOFF-member owned companies? Such questions intrigue me.

Continue reading Gilbert Talks Taxes… on WCAB!- Updated -Video!

If He Stays… We Forfeit!

(revised 01/15/2014)Tuesday night, I took a call telling me about a series of events that happened Monday evening in Rutherford County. I had to ask the person to repeat the scenario and then call the person involved to get clarification. What follows is a paraphrase of what was told to me. Former Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) member and adopted grandson of Jane Whaley, Patrick Covington was at a basketball game in the Rutherford County. Word of Faith Fellowship was playing another local church. Patrick walked in and sat away from members of his former group. A few minutes later, Lt. Leon Godlock, who was affiliated with the team opposing WOFF, approached Patrick. He had been talking to Frank Webster and his crew just previous to this. He said I can’t require you to leave, but, I am asking you. Patrick asked why? Godlock said that the WOFF team has said they will forfeit if you stay and my team really wants to play.

So, picture this, grown men saying that they will take their toys and go home if Patrick Covington stays in the building. GROWN men who say they are Christian were laying down the law so to speak, that if one person, who many of them had seen grow up inside of WOFF and had “prayed” for him and “helped” him “take hold of Jesus” and “helped” him get many “breakthroughs”… were telling an off duty Lt. Leon Godlock for the Rutherford County Sheriff’s department to convey their demands to get Patrick to leave a public place. If he does not leave— why we just won’t play! Wah, wah, wah…

Continue reading If He Stays… We Forfeit!

When is life made cheap? (video)

As I sit here at a very late hour, relaxing after a long day of domestic tasks, I am looking forward with bitter sweet anticipation of sharing with you the questions and insights that this past week held for me. Not every week is like this past one. Many slide by with no events to note. This week however was different. Rarely do I see such a week coming, but these last few days have been filled with serious reflections and new insights. Let me explain.

During these last few days, I have had a few opportunities to talk to Bryan Bullock, the latest survivor from Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). I have been able to ask him several questions and have not been surprised at many of the answers. At some point, I asked him if he ever witnessed people being slapped inside WOFF. He said – yes, in prayer. He went on to share other things that we may review later. But, the main question I had was if he could again confirm the physical abuses inside WOFF. Some he had seen himself, some he had not. The understanding that physical abuses continue inside WOFF did not surprise me – it just concerns me deeply every time it is affirmed.

Continue reading When is life made cheap? (video)

Another Exit Drama – December 2013

Earlier this week, I received a call about a man who had left Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). After a couple of more phone calls, I agreed to meet him and hear his story. The following is not a comprehensive narrative but a short version of what would take several posts to cover. To no one’s surprise, EVERY survivor of WOFF has a unique and often heart wrenching story of emotional upheaval, confusion and heartache. This man’s story is no different-sorta.

The survivor’s name is Bryan Bullock. During his stay in a local prison, he had contact with other churches in the area. While inside, he had heard some negative things about WOFF over an incident with a Christmas tree. While WOFF members were visiting the prison for a time of ministry, an inmate plugged in the Christmas tree lights in the same room as the gathering. An unidentified WOFF member promptly unplugged the tree and said “We don’t celebrate Christmas.” That event stuck with Bryan, but who considers Christmas traditions in early spring?

Continue reading Another Exit Drama – December 2013

The Life-Changing Moment(s)

A few days ago, a blog reader shared a link to another blog with me. This particular blog was new to me; however, the person writing it had left a group/movement of which I was familiar. The movement was patriarchal based as opposed to Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) which is a matriarchal based structure.  In recent days, the posts on the blog—“Under Much Grace” have captivated me attention. About the time I was introduced to these posts, I had outlined struggles which face those inside of WOFF in a rough draft of a post. In my musings, I began to outline the inward struggles of a faithful WOFF member who has begun to doubt the foundational beliefs of the group or the supremacy of the leader’s gift.

From my notes: The Jane-vow

When WOFF members struggle with leaving — they have a choice; will they privately and publicly deny the one foundational belief inside the group that Jane is the only one who can “speak for God”? Once that unwritten, yet sacred, foundation is denied by members then the “benefits” of association with WOFF– are GONE. These benefits may include camaraderie, protection, provision, fellowship and “friendship.” Breaking fellowship or shunning present members can come by one merely expressing a desire to leave. By doing so, you are in danger of or have already disavowed the one and only reason the group exists- the edification and support of Jane Whaley- the Jane-vow.

Continue reading The Life-Changing Moment(s)