Tag Archives: WOFF

“Prophetic Charisma” by Len Oakes (2)

   This is the second post in a series which will highlight the insights found in the book by Len Oakes while comparing his observations and conclusions to my personal experience inside Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). This work by Len Oakes titled, “Prophetic Charisma” – The Psychology of Revolutionary Religious Personalities (copyright ©1997 by Syracuse University Press, Syracuse, NY, ISBN 0-8156-2700-9) has captured my attention. While I hope to find answers to certain questions which have been generated over the last three or more years, I also am excited about the additional inspiration which I anticipate from studying this material.

   The first post served as an introduction to Dr. Len Oakes, to the concept of “Prophetic Charisma”, the idea of a “prophet” as well as the notion that despite the many differences of those who live as a “prophet”, there are many similarities. Dr. Oakes believes that these similarities can be observed and conclusions drawn to help us not only understand the person as a “prophet”, but the followers and even society as a whole. I must admit that the prospect of learning from this book and the subsequent studies it will lead to, seem very intriguing.

   Dr. Oakes shares that his study involved three phases. “The first began in 1972 when I attended an encounter group run by a charismatic psychotherapist.” (page 3) Oakes “was twenty-four years old” at the time and he was so impressed he moved into the leaders home with a small group of other “followers”. “The relationship ended in 1975 when I moved on…Three years later this leader founded a rural commune. In 1980 I visited this community… At the time, I was enrolled to study psychology at the local university. During my visit, the leader invited me to join his group and to document its history, adding, “This will be the greatest social laboratory in the world. There is enough research to be done here to keep you busy the rest of your life”. (page 3-4) So began a ten year stay inside that group for Oakes. He married there and his children were born inside that group. He counted himself as “an inside outsider in the community.” “There were times when I defended the group passionately to outside critics, and other occasions when I flatly opposed the leader’s directives.” (page 4)

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“Prophetic Charisma” by Len Oakes (1)

   This work by Len Oakes titled, “Prophetic Charisma” – The Psychology of Revolutionary Religious Personalities (copyright ©1997 by Syracuse University Press, Syracuse, NY, ISBN 0-8156-2700-9) has captured my attention. This book may be the source of several posts as we work through the research and conclusions of Dr. Oakes. The following is a short biography that would have been current as of the date of publishing. As a note, with a little research, I did find an address and telephone number for Dr. Oakes in Australia; however, they have not been verified.

“Len Oakes is a senior consultant psychologist with the Cairnmiller Institute of Melbourne, Australia, and completed his doctoral dissertation on the psychology of charisma at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. He is a member of the Australian Psychology Society, the New Zealand Psychological Society, and the International Society for Hypnosis and has published articles on communal studies, the psychology of religion, and the counseling issues associated with new religious movements. He is the editor of the journal Psychotherapy in Australia.”

   The foreword was written by Sarah Hamilton-Byrne. She wrote a book titled, “Unseen, Unheard, Unknown: My Life Inside the Family of Anne Hamilton-Byrne”. (link to more about the her book- http://www.leavingsiddhayoga.net/unseen.htm )   She explains the purpose and direction of Dr. Oakes’ work and applauds him for taking steps to explain some rather difficult questions. Since her explanation of the book is so precise, I will quote bits and pieces of the foreword with my comments interspersed, in order to set the direction of this series of posts. “In this unique contribution to our understanding of the social phenomenon of charismatic groups and those who lead them, Dr. Len Oakes explores the psychology of charisma and proposes his own theory of the five-stage life cycle of two types of prophets – the messianic and the charismatic – from their primitive narcissistic beginnings to their ultimately inevitable implosion or demise.” (page xi)

     Continue reading “Prophetic Charisma” by Len Oakes (1)

Thoughts on Thought Reform – From Another Source

    The resource text for a previous post titled-  “Dr. Margaret Singer – Voice for the Cult Survivor”  found here: https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=3789  was taken from this book:  “Recovery From Cults” – Help for Victims of Psychological and Spiritual Abuse– Edited by Michael Langone- (copyright © 1993 American Family Foundation – ISBN 0-393-31321-2). As I have continued reading this work, I found another reference that I viewed as worth sharing. There are so many resources mentioned in this book, I can see several posts reviewing the material found inside this book.

    In the “Introduction”, Langone outlines the purpose of this book. He mentions that it “does not aim to be an overview of the cult phenomenon… Instead, the book tries to illuminate general principles pertinent to understanding conversion, post-cult problems, and post-cult recovery. It also describes practical techniques for facilitating recovery from cultic involvements.”(page 1) I see this book taking a while to read and digest. 

    In this post, I will take definitions for “a thought reform program” found in this resource text and compare my experience from my time in Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). Jane Whaley is the leader of WOFF. I spent sixteen years either directly or indirectly under her teachings. My time in that group came to a close in July 2008. Since that time, I have been searching for answers to many questions about my time there, my reasons for being involved in that group and the lasting effects of being a part of  WOFF.  So far, questions have been more numerous than the answers. We move forward.

Continue reading Thoughts on Thought Reform – From Another Source

When Religion Becomes a Weapon…

   Often inspiration for this blog comes from things I see and hear in my everyday life. Other times, I remember events from the past or read books about cults and cult recovery and see subjects that I need to explain and/or explore. Sixteen years of life in and under the teachings of Jane Whaley, the leader of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF), provides me with plenty of events and revelations to write about. Also, there are listed several books and documentaries that offer some understanding and help to unravel the subject of mind control, cults and cult recovery.

    This evening, I was considering the subject of spousal abuse. My first encounter with this dark subject was in 1992 in Summerville, SC. I was involved in helping a couple who attended the church where my wife and I were in leadership. The man seemed calm in most instances, but in fits of rage would hit his wife. Confusing? Yes, it was. He said many of the “right” things and would be gentle and agreeable during most every counseling session. There were children in the marriage and he had a good income as a self-employed mechanic. His mother was also a church member and was a large financial supporter of the church. The confusing part to me was how could abuse happen inside of a marriage that was meant to be a benefit for the parents and a haven for the children? How could something that started out with such good intentions turn out so bad and hurtful to all parties? How could it go on for so long and not change and get better? The answer was complicated and only led to more questions. Let me explain.

    One of the common misnomers of any abusive relationship is that the abuse would be obvious to those on the outside looking in. That could not be further from the truth.  I would say there is a natural desire in any relationship for the two parties to want to make it work. Why else would they enter into the relationship? Both may have a reason to ignore the dysfunction and go on “hoping” for better days. And when things are not working or seem to be sliding in the wrong direction, sometimes one person who is not to blame will take the blame because it is easier for them to understand. I am not a professional counselor, but I have seen it many times. Just having relationship problems does not mean you automatically know what the solutions were/are for the problems. Many times people need help to make things right inside a relationship. Why? One reason is that the person causing the issues many not want to see their responsibility in the problem and an outsider can help focus and move the relationship in the right direction.

    Continue reading When Religion Becomes a Weapon…

Anne Frank Remembered

   This film recently came to my attention and caused me to reconsider several questions and points which have been considered previously in posts on this blog. The film, “Anne Frank Remembered” was written and directed by Jon Blair. (© The Jon Blair Film Company Ltd. 1995, in association with the BBC and the Disney Channel, part of the Sony Picture Classics collection) The documentary is a moving account of the life and death of Anne Frank as told by her writings and several survivors as well as footage of her father, Otto Frank.

   My earliest memories of learning about Anne Frank were from a play that my elementary class attended in Abingdon, VA. This may have been in the seventh or eighth grade. I don’t remember much about that evening, but I came away with a sense that there was a lot more to the story than could be portrayed on stage. There were terms used and concepts portrayed that I knew nothing about. What I have learned since then as well as in this film confirmed those thoughts.

   Before I go further, let me acknowledge that the direction I am headed in this post will be doubted by some and scoffed by others. Members of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) of which I was a part of for many years, will no doubt mock and scoff at many of my observations and conclusions. I would/will not be surprised since when I was in that group, my reactions to such conclusions would have been the same. This is only confirmed in my thinking by the continued cooperation between the Christians United for Israel (CUFI) group and WOFF. From a connection with Leigh Valentine, WOFF has become a part of CUFI and has displayed their “Holocaust Museum” exhibit at a few CUFI conferences.

   Continue reading Anne Frank Remembered

The Impact of Cults on Health

In one of my recent searches for information on cults, I came across a document that caught my attention. The document was a syllabus for a class taught to those in the medical profession- specifically nurses. The title was “The Impact of Cults on Health” – written by Anne Tapper, RN, MA, MSN. She is a therapist/case manager at the Opioid Treatment Program, Philadelphia Veterans Administration Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA. The material was interesting and several quotes worth noting here. The source document is here The Impact of Cults on Health

The purpose/goal of the continuing education class is stated as familiarizing nurses with healthcare issues related to cults. The material covered would help folks to:

–          “Identify six characteristics of a dangerous cult and three ways they affect health

–          Name nine symptoms of membership in a cult

–          Describe six types of help that may be needed by those recovering from cultic involvement”

Do you realize what this says of the medical profession as a whole? There is obviously enough evidence in the medical community to openly admit and address the needs of ex-cult members from a medical perspective. There is enough concern and foresight to offer nurses and others in the medical profession baseline knowledge of cults and the effects they have on the health of members! From the course outline, “A conservative estimate is that between two million and five million Americans have experienced cult participation1. With this level of involvement, even a low incidence of abuse is likely to mean that thousands of people are affected.”

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What is “Framing”? How Is It Used at WOFF? (3)

   This is the next post in the series on “framing”. Our source text, which is authored by Kelton Rhoads, Ph.D. is found here.. http://www.workingpsychology.com/index.html . In the previous post, we covered the definition of “framing” written by the author: “A frame is a psychological device that offers a perspective and manipulates salience in order to influence subsequent judgment.” We covered several aspects of how this influence tool is used at Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). My opinion is that this framing tool is compounded with fear to actual form a “fear-frame” that explodes on its hearers with such power to freeze the listener and hinder rational decisions. Jane Whaley has constructed a total control environment for the WOFF faithful. This control is exercised many times with the use of such “fear-frames” as we have explained in the previous post.

    This post will review the hideous evil behind that use of such “fear-frames”. Rhoads continues to explain the use of frames in the source text. He begins be citing work from another study. “Kahneman & Tversky (1979) were interested in understanding the conditions under which people made conservative or risky judgments. They observed evidence supporting what they called “prospect theory:” that the prospect of a loss has a greater impact on decision making than does the prospect of an equivalent gain.” (Kahneman, D., & Tversky, A. (1979). Prospect Theory: An analysis of decision under risk. Econometirca 4, 362-377; Econometrica 47, 263-291. emphasis added)  He covers the findings of this study as they measure a person’s gains against their losses. The study found that “The pleasure of winning money is less intense than the pain of losing the same sum!” It is not practical to repeat word for word the information Rhoads gives to support this study. I recommend you use the link provided and read it for yourself.

    Here is a synopsis of what I took away from the reading. “Again, we humans hate to lose. We’d rather not win, than lose!” (Kahneman, D., & Tversky, A. (1982). The psychology of preferences. Scientific American, 246, 160-173. Emphasis added) And Rhoads writes in summary.. “We know that a human’s first priority is not to lose–gains are secondary to the “no loss” rule. Thus, framing a decision in terms of possible loss should motivate a person more than framing the same decision in terms of possible gain. And, given various obligatory caveats and constraints which we explore later, subsequent research largely supports the contention that humans are acutely loss-averse and thus extraordinarily sensitive to loss frames.” (emphasis added)

   Continue reading What is “Framing”? How Is It Used at WOFF? (3)