Tag Archives: Word of Faith Fellowship

A Day at The McDowell County Courthouse….

Historic McDowell County Courthouse
McDowell County Courthouse

On Tuesday, January 29, 2013, there was a meeting of the local District Bar to vote on nominees to refer to the Governor. He would then pick one person to fill the vacant judgeship in District 29A. Last I heard, there were ten names on the original ballot. As many readers know, Frank Webster was one of those names. In the previous two posts, I have voiced my questions and concerns. Today was the day when my concerns would either continue or they would be directed in other areas.

Continue reading A Day at The McDowell County Courthouse….

“…try to love the questions themselves…”- Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926)

We continue with questions that would help us in the vetting process for Frank Webster. The process is needed since Mr. Webster has put his name on a list of potential candidates for appointment by the Governor of North Carolina to an open judgeship in District 29A. The meeting to determine the three names that will be forwarded to the Governor will take place on January 29th at 1:30PM.  If Mr. Webster secures enough votes, his name would go on the list. The Governor would select one person within sixty days from the list or the candidate with the most votes would automatically be appointed.

Why do I feel I am qualified to ask these questions? The answer contains two parts. First, I am a citizen of the District. How judges rule can affect all citizens of the District. Second, I am a survivor of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) and have spent time in the group where Mr. Webster is considered one of the leaders. Some of these questions are pertinent to any survivor of the group. Questions about why and how I allowed the teachings and doctrines of WOFF to affect my life are ones I have been asking myself since I left the group in July 2008. Answers to these questions can help process and put in perspective the events inside WOFF. When I reflect on the intense influence and yes, control, that Jane Whaley has over members of WOFF- it is humbling to know how many years I spent there. Stepping back, I would suggest that it was my pursuit of religious enlightenment or fulfillment and subsequent trust of someone who I thought had acquired that, which brought me to WOFF doors. Was it the same for you, Frank?

Continue reading “…try to love the questions themselves…”- Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926)

Will the Next District Judge be influenced by Jane Whaley?

Who can dispute we are all influenced to one degree or another by the people we live around, the places we live, and the books and media we are exposed to, all of which gives us “help” in making the choices which fill our everyday existence. Life at Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) took the seriousness of this “influence” to a whole new level. As many know, my time under the influence of that group was a total of sixteen years. For the first ten years, I traveled back and forth from Greenville, SC to special meetings, seminars and fellowships. I lived in Forest City, in a WOFF household from October 2002 until July 2008. All of that to say that my perspective on the effectiveness of Jane Whaley to influence her members is one I experienced for sure.

What areas of your life as a member of WOFF were influenced by the teachings, rules, edicts and opinions of Jane Whaley? It may be easier to say which areas were not subject to her power. For example, it was preached over and over you need to be careful the music you listen to. Listening to music that is “not of God” can take you away from God and eventually “out of the move of God.” This was translated – away from Jane and WOFF. Who can deny that music does stay with us for years? Do you still remember certain jingles or tunes from commercials you watched as a young person?

Continue reading Will the Next District Judge be influenced by Jane Whaley?

Scientology vs. Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) (two videos)

Thursday, I had two text messages that came close to each other asking if I was watching NBC. I was not but, turned it on quickly to catch the show “Rock Center” with Brian Williams. It was riveting and in a way shocking to hear the survivors of Scientology recount their observations and then know how much they mirrored my life inside Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). Oscar winning director and writer, Paul Haggis left Scientology after 34 years. The segment had two parts. First was the interview with Paul Haggis- from which the video clips are shown.  The second part featured a family that talked of their ordeal to leave Scientology – as a family. We will comment on the interview with Paul Haggis first. There are two videos and I will comment on material from both, but maybe not in order.

From the outset, Scientology denies any validity to the claims of Mr. Haggis or the James family. They put out several statements attacking Paul Haggis’ claims as basically baseless and unfounded. He is labeled “The Hollywood Hypocrite”. We all expected that and are not surprised. However, I found Haggis’ observations believable, and at the same time frightening. To experience what I did inside WOFF and then hear that similar things go on in other groups is still bewildering. That is because while in WOFF, even though the ordeal was real, you still thought you were the only group who could have such dynamics affecting its members. In many cases, you thought you were the ONLY person being treated this way.

Continue reading Scientology vs. Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) (two videos)

“… a special spiritual class…”

This is the second post in review of the book,   “One Last Kiss” written by Michael Cuneo. (Copyright©2012 by Michael Cuneo, St. Martin’s Press, ISBN 978-0-312053972-6) The subtitle reads “The True-Story of a Minister’s Bodyguard, His Beautiful Mistress, and a Brutal Triple Homicide.”  The first post is found here: “One Last Kiss” by Michael Cuneohttps://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=5265

The book outlines the story of Chris Coleman who grew up in a home where the father was a pastor. After a career in the military, this young man landed a job with a very prominent ministry.  Chris would later be convicted of murdering his wife and two sons apparently in hopes of taking up with his new girl friend. We ended the previous post describing Chris Coleman, the convicted murderer, and his attitude: “He believed he occupied a special spiritual class. That what counted for sin for other people didn’t count as such for him. And as far as disabusing him of these delusions over the years, his parents likely only would have strengthened them.” (page 318 emphasis added) This post will review the author’s ideas on the development of this attitude of being in “a special spiritual class” and its consequences.

Continue reading “… a special spiritual class…”

Courtroom Drama in Rutherford County (video link)

Rutherford County Courthouse Jan 2013
Courthouse Jan 4, 2013

On Friday, January 4, 2013, in the Rutherford County Courthouse; I was witness to the courtroom drama involving four Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) members and a former member, Jerry Cooper. The case stems from warrants issued after incidents which took place October 16, 2012 in Rutherford County. This case has been reported on this blog. Here is a link to the most recent post about this drama- The Present Drama(s)https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=5275

Let me first say I was not there for the first motion which the judge granted. That was to bar cameras from the courtroom. This stopped the local television reporter from filming what turned out to be a very long day. I did arrive in time to see several cases dispensed before getting to obviously the main case on the docket- North Carolina vs. Jason Gross, Gilbert Carmona, Chris Hall and Randy Fields. Also, I left at 2:45PM and was not able to stay for the entire proceedings, as it was sometime around 5:00PM when things were wrapped up, so I told. During my time there, I did see Jerry Cooper testify and be cross-examined. Michael Lowry testified for the State and then was crossed examined by Mark Morris with a very few questions. Now, that seemed odd since Mr. Morris was named in the initial complaint in February 2012 filed by Michael Lowry… I am no law scholar but, doesn’t that seem strange?

Continue reading Courtroom Drama in Rutherford County (video link)

The Integrity of Government

Seems odd to even question the integrity of a branch or level of government, right? How could one even ask the question regarding the integrity of a level or branch of government has been compromised? Well, a level or branch of government is made up of individuals who have been asked to perform certain duties. They are asked to make quality decisions based on their job description which hopefully accurately reflects the laws of the jurisdiction over which they have charge. Has the integrity of government ever been compromised? Of course it has. Why? Because the processes and services provided are only as good as the individuals who fill the positions in that governmental office. History is filled with examples of government failing the people they have been asked to serve and protect.

One example which continues to unfold is the drama unfolding in Cherryville, NC. The turmoil in the local government has caused the citizens to lose their trust in government. Several individuals acted in ways to crush any integrity which was supposed to be within that organization. The decisions of individuals caused the loss of trust and reflected in them a lack of integrity. Many of the misdeeds were over money and power. Here is an article from the Gaston Gazette which outlines the troubles and the outcomes to this point.

New Cherryville city manager must try to restore trust

Published: Wednesday, November 28, 2012 at 20:05 PM.

“When Ben Blackburn starts a new job as Cherryville city manager on Dec. 1, he’ll be taking the reins of government in his hometown for the second time, and he’ll face some mighty big challenges.  

(source link… http://www.gastongazette.com/opinion/our-opinion/new-cherryville-city-manager-must-try-to-restore-trust-1.56429 )

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