Tag Archives: Robynn Spence

WOFF Member Sues Clerk of Court (1)

   Though the suit was filed November 30, 2010, the local newspaper is just now reporting the story. The Digital Courier (www.thedigitalcourier.com) reports Ramona Hall is suing Robynn Spence, the Rutherford County Clerk of Court. Ms. Hall is alleging that she was not re-appointed due to her membership in Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF).  The suit also claims Laura Bridges was not re-appointed for the same reason. The claim is based on religious discrimination which violates State and Federal Laws.

   In the suit, WOFF is described as

“…Word of Faith Fellowship (“Word of Faith”), a Protestant, Non-Denominational church, whose members believe in powerful prayer in tongues and do not participate in the celebration of commercial holidays or the playing of secular music ….

     There is so much to comment about concerning this situation; I really do not know where to start. Let’s start with the description of WOFF. As a former member, I am not surprised at the self-description or that it would leave out some vital points. A more accurate description would include that fact that WOFF does not play ANY MUSIC not APPROVED by Jane Whaley. That INCLUDES, but is not limited to Christian music, hymns, and instrumentals of any type. (at least, while I was there.) Yes, I realize that what type of music NOT played is NOT the main point. The point of the description is to outline that for which WOFF feels like it has a right to do or believe and yet, others may not think so or agree with. As having been on both sides of the fence and having great respect for the laws that have allegedly been broken, let me state IT IS THE DEED- NOT THE CREED.  It is what is DONE inside of WOFF that I know violates human decency and good common manners. There are basic rights guaranteed by the same Constitution that Ramona claims was violated; which are denied the faithful WOFF members! In a former post, I have outlined the rights. Here is the first post of relevance in that series… https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=2677

  Continue reading WOFF Member Sues Clerk of Court (1)

A Letter to the Churches- From ??

     Recently, I learned about the letter which had been sent to several churches in Rutherford county. As the information came to me, several of the envelopes were addressed by hand. Possibly three different folks writing the addresses. There was no return address on the envelopes. The postmarks were from Charlotte, NC. The letter is posted below:
Unsigned letter sent to Churches
Downtown Activities

     The person who composed this attempted smear campaign against Robynn Spence did not have the courage to sign their work. The photo is reported by many as taken by Ramona Hall’s daughter.  (see here for previous post about Ramona Hall’s campaign –http://tiny.cc/lhi4c )    So, who could have been behind this? You tell me. The person composing this letter was a coward at best and was definitely showing their true colors. Whoever was involved in this letter campaign meant to stir up certain churches to encourage voters to shirk a qualified candidate, over a personal choice the candidate made. The key point is not if Robynn Spence chose to drink a beer. Drinking a beer does not disqualify a person from public office. (Presdent Obama reflects this point) The key point is the delivery method of the messenger. This shows the letter writer’s approval of using control and intimidation. The person who used this “tool” is really the “fool”. Are these the methods that this person condones and proposes to use, if they were to win the election to the Clerk of Court position? Would the “tool” be used again while administering the official duties of the office? Who colluded with the candidate and gave their approval of such a tactic? You tell me. Which candidate will go on record as denying their involvement in any way with this attempted smear campaign? If anyone has a written reply about this matter, please send to this address: author@religiouscultsinfo.com or post a comment.  

     Continue reading A Letter to the Churches- From ??