A survivor of a religious cult group called –“Exclusive Brethren” (EB) has taken the list of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) “don’ts” that was posted earlier on this blog and reviewed it for similarities. The survivor who we will call “Paul” has taken the list and commented after every few rules with his observations. The list of “don’ts” can be found here. (WOFF Don’t list from 03 10) The first post about Exclusive Brethren on this blog can be found here. https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=3198
These comments are from an email returned to me from “Paul”. His comments about EB will be italicized after he quotes from the WOFF list. My comments will be after his comments.
Comparing the list between WOFF and the Exclusive Brethren– From Paul
WOFF- Do’s-
You will be required to attend every service. If for some reason
unforeseen at this time, you miss a service; you will be required to
listen to the tape at the church. (Death, severe illness and surgery may
be considered excused absences.)
EB- Yes, in the early stages of the cult known as the Exclusive Brethren
which here after will be refer to as the EB, there was a rule of strict
adherence of need to be attending all services .Members risked being put
under assembly discipline by way of separation for a period of time, and
ex–communication for any who were not repentant or those who became
repeat offenders. However, these days these rules have needed to become
relaxed a little, this being because of fear of losing to many of the
youth should these rules be kept as strict as they once were …. (in my
opinion) Public scrutiny has also played a big part in the relaxing of
these rules, the EB doesn’t want to seen as a domineering cult by the
public. (That is what WOFF needs- PUBLIC SCRUTINY!)