Tag Archives: WOFF

“Breaking the Chains”- by Shari Howerton- Introduction

    In an earlier post titled “The Church at Rock Hill” found here.. https://religiouscultsinfo.com/2010/06/the-church-at-rock-hill/  we began reviewing the movement started by William Sowders. It was a brief review and only served as an introduction. The post included a couple of links for information on Sowders and a summary of a testimony from a former member of one church in this group in California. I listed aspects of that testimony that contained similarities to ones I had seen in my years in Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). The movement was brought to my attention through the free service from Google® called Google Alerts®.

    This was my introduction to a movement begun in around 1914 and at its peak had about “75,000 believers in 300 congregations in 31 states.” (Source here– http://www.dmgac.org/about/leaders/ a church within group)  The leader, William Sowders died in 1952. Recently, a book written by a survivor of this group, Shari Howerton, came to my attention- again through Google Alerts®. “Breaking the Chains” Overcoming the Spiritual Abuse of a False Gospel (Copyright © 2009 by Shari Howerton, ISBN- 978-0-9713499-4-0) –The author was born to a family in a church in that movement. She stayed in that group under the pastor, Cornelius Mears, for 43 years. Near the beginning of the book, she provides more background that helps understand the impact of the doctrines and practices on the lives of its members.

    As I have been reading this book, I have seen several things to note. First there are some differences in the leadership of the church Howerton was a part of and WOFF. The leader(s) in the Sowder movement were men and at WOFF, the leader is a woman- Jane Whaley. There are some similarities on many levels between to the two groups. We will mention one likeness here and we will note more of both, in future of posts.  

   Continue reading “Breaking the Chains”- by Shari Howerton- Introduction

Let Me Explain, If I Can…

     Yesterday, I began to consider certain aspects of my time in Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). The group is led by Jane Whaley and has been in the news lately. See the previous post “WOFF Member Sues Clerk of Court (1)” found here.. https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=3549  In reflecting back on my many years under the teachings of Jane Whaley, I realized during that time, it did not dawn on me that living the WOFF life could be hurtful to relationships inside or outside of WOFF. Even if the thought had come that living in WOFF may be detrimental to relationships with family and friends outside of WOFF; those thoughts would soon be replaced with thoughts such as “this is the cost of following Jesus”, or “they just are not walking where we are walking where we are in the Spirit,” or “after all, Jesus said – “Who is my mother and my brother?; But, those who do the will of God.” And for sure, I am doing the will of God and this is just what happens, some will follow Him and some will not…  

    Here is another thought that may not be verbalized every time, but for sure is internalized in the hearts and minds of WOFF members. When they shun or ignore or stop seeing or cut off, either a present or former member and/or a family member outside of WOFF- it is for the good of that person. Yes, in WOFF, that is taken from various Scriptures such as this one:

   For the Lord corrects and disciplines everyone whom He loves, and He punishes, even scourges, every son whom He accepts and welcomes to His heart and cherishes.” Hebrews 12:6

    This is the line of reasoning that allows WOFF members to cut-off ones they love. It is an effort to keep the teachings of Jane Whaley. The effect becomes a closer and tighter knit group of those who agree and never doubt or question anything Jane Whaley says or does. Those who “attack” Jane are the ones that may simply question her authority to do and say some of the things she does and says in whatever area of life it may be. Pick one; there are many areas that Jane regulates in her members’ lives.

   Continue reading Let Me Explain, If I Can…

Exclusive Brethren Compared to WOFF (2)

     Concerning the Exclusive Brethren:For 175 years the sect has counted among its strange proscriptions – no public entertainment, no novels, no eating with outsiders, no university, no membership of other organisations of any kind, no shorts (“God has no pleasure in the legs of a man”), no party walls shared with non-Brethren, no films, no radio, no television and no mobile phones – an absolute ban on worldly politics.” This is an excerpt from the article found here.. http://www.smh.com.au/news/national/hidden-prophets/2006/07/01/1151174401719.html

    This post is part two of a comparison sent from a survivor of this religious cult group called –“Exclusive Brethren”. He has taken the list of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) “don’ts” that was posted earlier on this blog and reviewed it for similarities with the Exclusive Brethren.  The survivor who we will call “Paul” has taken the list and commented after every few rules with his observations. The list of “don’ts” can be found here.  WOFF Don’t list from 03 10  Follow down the home page of this blog for the first post in this series. Also, the first post about Exclusive Brethren on this blog can be found here. https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=3198  

    These comments are from an email returned to me from “Paul”. His comments will be italicized after he quotes from the WOFF list. My comments will be after his comments. 

Comparing the list between WOFF and the Exclusive Brethren From Paul

WOFF Rules on Pictures, Videos and such….

Don’t take pictures during a regular service.
Don’t make your own recording of a service.
Don’t bring visitors unless you tell someone in the office so they
can tell Jane.

EB- Pretty much never ever happens.(Paul mentioned in the previous post that visitors were very rare, to none, in the EB)

Continue reading Exclusive Brethren Compared to WOFF (2)

Exclusive Brethren Compared to WOFF (1)

  A survivor of a religious cult group called –“Exclusive Brethren” (EB) has taken the list of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) “don’ts” that was posted earlier on this blog and reviewed it for similarities.  The survivor who we will call “Paul” has taken the list and commented after every few rules with his observations. The list of “don’ts” can be found here. (WOFF Don’t list from 03 10)  The first post about Exclusive Brethren on this blog can be found here. https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=3198   

    These comments are from an email returned to me from “Paul”. His comments about EB will be italicized after he quotes from the WOFF list. My comments will be after his comments.  

 Comparing the list between WOFF and the Exclusive Brethren From Paul

WOFF- Do’s-
You will be required to attend every service. If for some reason
unforeseen at this time, you miss a service; you will be required to
listen to the tape at the church. (Death, severe illness and surgery may
be considered excused absences.)

EB- Yes, in the early stages of the cult known as the Exclusive Brethren
which here a
fter will be refer to as the EB, there was a rule of strict
adherence of need to be attending all services .Members risked being put
under assembly dis
cipline by way of separation for a period of time, and
communication for any who were not repentant or those who became
repeat offenders
. However, these days these rules have needed to become
xed a little, this being because of fear of losing to many of the
youth should t
hese rules be kept as strict as they once were …. (in my
Public scrutiny has also played a big part in the relaxing of
these rules
, the EB doesn’t want to seen as a domineering cult by the
.    (That is what WOFF needs- PUBLIC SCRUTINY!)

Continue reading Exclusive Brethren Compared to WOFF (1)

WOFF Member Sues Clerk of Court (1)

   Though the suit was filed November 30, 2010, the local newspaper is just now reporting the story. The Digital Courier (www.thedigitalcourier.com) reports Ramona Hall is suing Robynn Spence, the Rutherford County Clerk of Court. Ms. Hall is alleging that she was not re-appointed due to her membership in Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF).  The suit also claims Laura Bridges was not re-appointed for the same reason. The claim is based on religious discrimination which violates State and Federal Laws.

   In the suit, WOFF is described as

“…Word of Faith Fellowship (“Word of Faith”), a Protestant, Non-Denominational church, whose members believe in powerful prayer in tongues and do not participate in the celebration of commercial holidays or the playing of secular music ….

     There is so much to comment about concerning this situation; I really do not know where to start. Let’s start with the description of WOFF. As a former member, I am not surprised at the self-description or that it would leave out some vital points. A more accurate description would include that fact that WOFF does not play ANY MUSIC not APPROVED by Jane Whaley. That INCLUDES, but is not limited to Christian music, hymns, and instrumentals of any type. (at least, while I was there.) Yes, I realize that what type of music NOT played is NOT the main point. The point of the description is to outline that for which WOFF feels like it has a right to do or believe and yet, others may not think so or agree with. As having been on both sides of the fence and having great respect for the laws that have allegedly been broken, let me state IT IS THE DEED- NOT THE CREED.  It is what is DONE inside of WOFF that I know violates human decency and good common manners. There are basic rights guaranteed by the same Constitution that Ramona claims was violated; which are denied the faithful WOFF members! In a former post, I have outlined the rights. Here is the first post of relevance in that series… https://religiouscultsinfo.com/?p=2677

  Continue reading WOFF Member Sues Clerk of Court (1)

The Net Effect

    Many companies or ventures of some type look at the “net” effect or in some cases- the bottom line. Is the company or group producing or providing that which they promised? Granted this view is not always the best assessment of a plan or purpose, but it is a valid one. After spending 16 years either directly or indirectly under the teachings of Jane Whaley, what is the net effect? For those still in Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF); what has been the net effect or outcome of that stay? Has Jane Whaley produced in their life that which she promised? Or have there been other effects of WOFF membership that were either unpredictable or unplanned? Or effects that worse yet, were unaccounted for in any previous assessment?

   As an example, one could say that the net effect of politicians has become spending money. Many would argue, spending someone else’s money – quite frequently and quite profusely. Is that the expected or projected net effect of any form of government? What was the original plan of a central or state government? But, alas, this year will be more evident than in years past, politicians “effectually” spend money.

    Closer to home, what does Jane Whaley and her group promise and what do they deliver? What is the net effect of a membership at WOFF, whether that is for a few months or a few years? Jane says in so many words, Jesus came to set us free from sin and teach us how to walk perfectly in Him. How could anyone who has been at WOFF for any length of time- forget? So, do WOFFers live free from sin? If that is the case, why do they frequently hear from Jane how sinful they are and how likely they are to be kicked out and how more likely it is that they are going to hell if they leave her and the WOFF fold? If Jane could deliver on her stated goal to teach others to walk sinless as she does, then why all the countless hours of prayer “to get the devils out”? If she was sinless, then would it seem likely she could teach others to walk in her sinlessness? Well, the student is no greater than the teacher. That is if the teacher is truly teaching.

   Continue reading The Net Effect

The Appliance Repair Man – Was Right

   During my time in Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF), I worked for a property management company owned by a family in the church. This position started after being called into Jane’s office. Jane introduced me to the owners and said they wanted to ask me about a taking a job. She had apparently given her approval. All things considered, I thought it would be a way to keep from traveling so much since at that time I was going back and forth to Greenville, SC, working part time. I was wrong about the travel.

    Soon after that meeting, I started my first tour of duty in late November or early December of 2002. At that time, I began by doing some painting in some properties located in Rutherford County. During the mornings, I worked part-time for a while until a full-time position came open. I was given the position which included renting out houses and apartments in the county as well as collecting the rent and processing the evictions. I had no previous experience in this kind of work. My cell phone had at least four lines forwarded to it at times. The phone rang ALL the time. 50 or 60 calls a day or more came into that phone. I was required to answer it because many were leads to rent out the next apartment or duplex. The phone traffic was a big shock to me. It was very stressful to say the least. At times, I wanted to crawl up in a corner and cry. When I told this to the wife of the pastor who came from Greenville, she said, “Sounds like you are being trained for the ministry.” That answer did not stop the calls or make it easier to answer them. Soon, I learned how to screen some calls and lessen the traffic, a little. But, the stress and pace was quite different from my experience in consumer finance.

    As that job was given to someone else in the church, I was moved. January 1, 2003, I was handed the keys to an apartment complex in Gaffney, SC. (Church members did not celebrate New Year’s Day so; working that day was no big deal.) The owners of the company had just purchased the property from a man in Greenville, SC. He was older and from my perspective now, much wiser. Regardless, I began showing, and renting apartments. I was also in charge of collecting rent, scheduling maintenance as well as managing a group of storage units on the property. As I was handed the keys, I was told, “Call us if you have questions.” The problem was that couple was headed to law school and were busy with lives of their own. My education was really just beginning when it came to managing apartments.

    Continue reading The Appliance Repair Man – Was Right