Attorney Cash’s ‘money-play’

When I described the lifeless faces of those in attendance in US District Court this past Thursday, I neglected to point out one person who was visibly gleeful. Attorney Stephen Cash represents Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) member, Marion Kent Covington. Mr. Covington has pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit wire fraud and will be sentenced this coming Thursday afternoon. Attorney Cash was all smiles as he watched events unfold in the sentencing hearing for Jerry and Jason Gross.

The Grosses also pleaded guilty early in the investigation. Both Jerry and Jason Gross received probation sentences of three years with a few months of home monitoring.

During the proceedings, Cash sat in the back texting and smiling. I believe he was smiling because of four things which took place in Courtroom 1.

Cash heard Judge Martin Reidinger review his connection to WOFF and ask the three attorneys directly involved in the hearing if they objected or had questions since he was not recusing himself. To Cash, this was critical. He was counting on Reidinger remaining over his client’s case.

Cash also heard in the summary comments before pronouncing the sentence, Judge Reidinger admitted he found this case “hard to understand.” The Judge lamented it “pains me to see cases like this.” Cash heard these comments as a loud signal. He had the chance to help the Judge “understand” his client’s decision process to participate in the “scheme” and be nearly guilt-free.

Next, Judge Reidinger admitted he read the character letters for the Grosses. The connotation was that he was impressed.

And to top this all off, Cash heard the Judge’s specific reference to those (significant number of WOFF members) in the gallery who would “forgive” and “accept” Jerry and Jason and help them to not repeat this conduct.

The look on Cash’s face reflected giddiness! He had witnessed two solid repeatable strategies which he could orchestrate to reduce or transform any potential prison time into a probationary sentence.

He will pack the gallery and submit numerous character letters. This worked for Jerry and Jason. Plus, he knows he will be allowed to speak on behalf of Kent on Thursday. He will align his comments to play off the Judge’s “pain” and inability to “understand” these events. What a victory he could have if he were able to get a previous felon, who pleaded guilty to Federal wire fraud charges, off with only probation!

Can you see why he was smiling?

Friday, Cash submitted into court records 13 sealed exhibits which I have no doubt are super-sweet character letters telling of Kent’s high moral fiber and love and compassion for any and every unfortunate who crosses his path.

Why do I think this? Because the character letters for Jerry and Jason were not sealed. Several of them called the crime the Grosses pleaded guilty to a “mistake.” Nearly all stated that Jerry and Jason had “repented” and would certainly never repeat what they were accused of doing.

Two medical professionals, a retired Captain from the Rutherford County Sheriff’s office and a young attorney were among those who pleaded with Judge Reidinger for “favor” in the face of this “mistake”- after all, they have “repented.”

WOFF member, Josh Valentine, a practicing attorney in Shelby included this in his letter:

While there is no question Mr. Gross made a mistake, I can tell Your Honor that he has taken full responsibility and is very remorseful for his conduct. Mr. Gross and his wife are two of the sweetest, most caring and devout Christians I know and I pray he can find mercy and grace in the eyes of this court.

“… I do not believe society would benefit by sentencing this man (Jason) to prison. Instead, I believe it would inflict significant and unnecessary pain on so many who depend on his support. I have no doubt that Mr. Gross has learned from this experience and will not repeat this conduct. I sincerely hope the Court will consider granting a probationary sentence in this matter.”

I read the letters before Thursday; certainly Cash had already put in his order for more of the same or even “better” letters. More attorneys, CPAs, medical professionals, employees, retired whoever’s seeking to bend the ear, ease the “pain” and bring “understanding” to our Honorable Judge.

Cash is working a strategy that looks like “money in the bank”- for Kent.

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(Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation) This is post number 660.

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