WOFF Member: Are you enthusiastic AND resentful?

Can you be enthusiastic- all excited about your belief and approval of all the things WOFF, while also at times, at least inwardly, very negative and screaming to leave? Yes, this condition happens to many members. It is not the “Devil in you” causing this back and forth. Let me use the following text to explain what is happening to you.

Members of groups such as WOFF can be excited and evangelistic about their group one minute and then “… the potential for a sudden reversal of sentiment, for the release of bitter emotions directed both at (the controls used in their group) and the (leaders) that perpetuate it.”  

Has this happened to you or someone close to you? Singing with their whole heart while jumping up and down to “God’s music” one minute, and not long after, scheming to leave as soon as they see a way out?  Yes, it could be evidence of their fine-tuned ability to play along to get along and stay out of trouble. The daily dynamics of WOFF-life require always reading the prevailing winds and moods of the leaders and predicting how to stay low and out of the radar..  

Stop to think about it. Living this way is not a rewarding life. Always suppressing the doubts so they don’t slip out. Is this how you live? Do you harbor contradictory thoughts or feelings about life in WOFF?

 The previous passage is adapted from a book written by an author who has observed and interviewed many people who lived in groups like WOFF.

Robert Jay Lifton  (born May 16, 1926) is an American psychiatrist and author, chiefly known for his studies of the psychological causes and effects of wars and political violence, and for his theory of thought reform. He was an early proponent of the techniques of psychohistory. (here)

In his book, “Losing Reality- On Cults, Cultism, and the Mindset of Political and Religious Zealotry” (originally published 2019) Dr. Lifton gives a great explanation of what he observed over the five plus decades of his work.

“I’ve come to recognize that the mental predators are concerned not only with individual minds but with the ownership of reality itself.”  

Ever wonder why life in WOFF is so intense? 24/7 – every detail reviewed, every thought exposed, every deed and intention put into “the light”? The goal of the leaders is to own and define your daily reality. This effort seeks to separate you from the desire to direct your own choices or even know that you have choices. If you don’t recognize your ability to choose, you will not exercise your ability to choose anything different than the choices set before you. Those daily choices are defined by which person in your church? Who owns the WOFF reality?

In his book, Lifton recounts many historic political and social events from China. Each event is related to the efforts to reform or “re-educate” the people of China. He describes “the Hundred Flowers episode” from Mao’s rule.  During this brief period, the restraints against criticism were lifted and Chinese citizens were encouraged to voice their concerns about the methods and the leaders of China. The list of grievances and the intensity of emotion behind the complaints were so intense- the leaders began to shut down the open gate and penalize those who dared to speak against the leadership.

“The Hundred Flowers episode is important because it revealed that in a reform-saturated environment, there is the potential for sudden reversal of sentiment, for the release of bitter emotions directed both at the thought reform and at the regime that perpetuates it. Behind such reversal lies the latent resentment that thought reform builds up in varying degrees within virtually all who are exposed to it. This resentment originates in the basic human aversion to excessive personal control, a phenomenon that I call the “hostility of suffocation.”

… In other words, thought reform is able to promote an emotional contagion- of resentment as well as enthusiasm.”

The very nature of where you live generates excitement for WOFF-life and at the same time, resentment towards the over-reaching requirement to sacrifice inner personal choices to remain a member.

Lifton did not say the resentment was unwarranted. He advocated it as a natural reaction to the “suffocation” of individual’s ability to choose and direct their own life.

There is an inner voice, sometimes soft, sometimes loud.  This voice is not the devil. It is part of your God-given nature. You’re yearning for freedom to choose and thus accomplish what your maker put in your heart. That is not “sin.” That is righteousness seeking expression.

Ponder these things and resolve to follow your heart, your inner voice. In the end, you are responsible for that calling. Don’t ignore the desire to be free to choose. Follow that desire.

Dr. Lifton recently gave an interview to Dr. Steven Hassan. Take time to listen. Lifton’s comments on the present conditions are revealing and worth your time.

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Thank you, for taking time to visit and read this blog. Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. The author is not a licensed mental health professional and encourages those that need professional help to seek it. The intent of the material is to inform and be a resource. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. There are readers at WOFF. Jane told me and Josh confirmed it.

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Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, for posts written by John Huddle, any information about WOFF is from his memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be.

Scripture references are Amplified Version unless otherwise noted.

(Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation ) This is post number 681.

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