COVID-19 in WOFF- Does it take someone dying to get real help?

The terms “Coronavirus” and COVID-19 have exploded into our world. Starting as a trickle, the terms have replaced “Trump” as the key headline search term. Is there any wonder why?

As of this writing: “Worldwide confirmed case reaches 1 million, with more than 50,000 deaths”

Today, I was reminded of something I knew and ignored. Faithful members in Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) do not easily access COVID-19 information. In fact, some risk strong discipline for reading sources not pre-approved by leadership. Most disturbing to learn is the information about church members testing positive for the virus and is not shared with all members.

You find that hard to believe? I don’t. I find it irresponsible, dangerous and criminal. Keeping vital information from all members is a deceptive tactic to avoid the obvious questions that follow when exposure is discussed.

Questions such as:

  • Am I or anyone in my family at risk?
  • How do I prevent getting this virus?
  • How many people in WOFF have been tested and who was the first to be positive?
  • If I have symptoms – what do I do next?

Today, I will depend on the expert knowledge of others to answer simple questions and then tell you my struggles to get help to those inside who are at risk of contracting COVID-19.

The President’s 30 days to slow the spread – in place for April.

  • If you feel sick, stay home. Do not go to work. Call your doctor.
  • If your children are sick, keep them at home. Do not send them to school. Contact your medical provider.
  • If someone in your household has tested positive for the coronavirus, keep the ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD at home. Do not go to work. Do not go to school. Contact your medical provider.
  • If you are an older person, stay home and away from older people.
  • If you are a person with a serious underlying health condition that can put you at increased risk (for example, a condition that impairs your heart or lung function or weakens your immune system) stay home and away from other people.


  • Wash your hands for 20 seconds with soap and water, especially after touching any frequently touched item or surface
  • Avoid touching your face
  • Sneeze or cough into a tissue or the inside of y our elbow
  • Disinfect frequently used items or surfaces as much as possible
  • Avoid social gatherings in groups of more than 10 people
  • Practice “Social distancing” even in small groups- Six feet apart

There are other guidelines and some specific to states and cities. Last week, I watched a video on The specialist had 40 years studying infectious diseases. He said the spread ratio was 1 to 8. People are asymptomatic for several days and contagious before showing severe symptoms. An infected person can spread the virus for days to several folks and not know they are doing it.

Information out of Korea revealed a religious sect – “cult” became one epicenter of many infections because of the delay in showing symptoms and continued mass meetings. I see this as possible, if in fact WOFF continues to meet in groups which do not practice social distancing.

There is so much information about COVID-19 and how to avoid it, when to be tested or if you get tested. Reviewing all of it is not practical here. Let’s talk about the last 24 hours.

Late last night, I read a post on Citizens Against Corruption and Abuse. This post revealed five cases inside WOFF. From the post:

“As of right now, we have confirmed through local and state officials that two employees of Freight Works, two public school teachers, and an RN within the church are confirmed positive for COVID-19.”

Naturally, I was alarmed. There was previous information showing the WOFF was still meeting in smaller groups and in a text, Jane – Grandma Jane-

“This is Grandma Jane I personally don’t feel we have anything to worry about with the virus by coming to church”

The date of the text was unclear, but the post was dated 3/31/2020. This could have been in the previous week.

In years past, when the flu spread quickly through WOFF or there was bad weather; members would meet in homes and Ray would visit the homes to pick-up the tithes and offerings.

The COVID-19 is not the flu or a snowstorm. This plague has put a halt to this nation. For WOFF to defy warnings because Jane did not “personally feel” there was anything to worry about is delirium.

Also, alarming was the case count on the NC DHHS site for Rutherford County as 9. Of which how many were in WOFF in addition to the five knowns?

The question: who or which agency has the level of authority to stop WOFF from ignoring the Governor’s order effective on March 30th of no more than ten people in a single room still practicing social distancing? What happened last week can’t be changed. Members had already been exposed. What can be done going forward?

Two pastors in other states were previously arrested for defying their states’ orders. Admittedly, in Rutherford county to think of such an event is surreal and laughable. Who was responsible for enforcing the Governor’s declaration? Is it worth the paper it was written on?

Calls to the Rutherford County Health Department were met with the expectation that I wanted the names of the infected individuals. I knew that was not going to happen. Afterall, I knew a few of the names. I wanted to know what happened once a person’s test returned positive. What could they do or not do?  Were they compelled to disclose all the people they had been in a room with or had any close contact with during the last fourteen days or longer? I knew the answers would give me some idea of how many real exposures could have occurred in WOFF. Also, I would learn just how practical contacting each of those folks to warn them had become.

A person at the Health Department directed me to the Rutherford County Emergency Management (RCEM) number. I called and posed my questions. The lady repeated to me what I later found on the FB page for this department. She told me of Strike Force teams of paramedics who were sent to interview people testing positive.

From the RCEM FB page dated 3/30/20:

  “The Rutherford County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) has developed unique medical strike teams to check in on patients suffering from COVID-19. It is the best medical practice for patients to isolate at home and treat with fluids, an anti-fever medication such as Tylenol, and rest. However, with several high risk populations, Rutherford County wants to provide special focus on their needs.

Each Strike Team consists of one or two paramedics or EMT’s who will provide a follow up well check via phone or in person of COVID-19 patients that are under self-isolation protocols. They will also perform vital sign checks on these patients and work closely with Rutherford Regional Health System’s providers to utilize telemedicine services if needed. The EOC in conjunction with Rutherford Regional Medical Center, will stay in contact with these patients to monitor how they are progressing. If a patient become critical, EMS will transport them to Rutherford Regional for additional resources. Frequency of contact will depend on availability of medical resources and the total number of patients…”

This all sounded good, but I did some math. If only eight WOFF members were positive and no more became sick, (unlikely) these paramedics would be tasked with checking on these folks once or twice a day. How likely is it that no more WOFF members or county residents will get come down with the virus?

Is it sustainable throughout the next several weeks or months?

Once I expressed my doubts, the lady on the phone said let me have a supervisor call you back.

A few minutes later, “Lee” called me and asked how he could help. I repeated my understanding of how the Strike team worked and added my concerns for the real potential for rampant numbers of infected WOFF members. I reviewed the information learned about the continued meetings and confirmation which I had by then that knowledge of the positive member cases was not being shared with all church members. The risk of transmission was greater because of practices within the group.

Lee did not seem to grasp just how devastating this could be. So, I asked what happens when a person tests positive.

He began to explain something totally different from the Strike Team process. He said nurses called the infected person and interviewed them on the phone. They ask for names and numbers of contacts “two-deep”. Not just who that person encountered, but who did those people encounter? The numbers just increased tremendously!  

One infected person not knowing they were contagious could attend a conservative eight meetings at WOFF in the previous 14 days. Add the second level and you are at least in the hundreds of possible exposures! Some people would be encountered multiple times and that is the point. Staying exposure free inside of WOFF is a near mathematical impossibility.

The dynamics of their signature practice of blasting deliverance prayer normally means closer than six feet. Communal living, car-pooling and the practice of hugging equals many chances for members to come in contact with the deadly virus.

Lee continued to try and sell me on the idea that each positive case would be contacted once maybe twice a day to verify their needs. I told him he is looking at hundreds of calls a day as the cases increase.

Lee, “We have enough resources.”

I know what it takes to make over one hundred calls a day. It is tiring.

Next, I asked him for the list of questions the nurses used. He refused. “The nurses are trained in asking and understanding the nuances and how to proceed.” He flat refused and directed me to the CDC website.

That was a joke. There is no obvious way to secure the questions- Why? I ended by asking him if the infected person assured the nurse that he or she would contact the exposed folks- would that be allowed? “No, most definitely not.”

I thanked him for his time and asked if he would talk to me in the future. He agreed.

What have we learned today? WOFF continued having meetings and not practice social distancing as late as the end of last week. Jane took it upon herself to greenlight the meetings. At least eight members have tested positive according to my sources. Some members didn’t know of any positive cases until today. Local government agencies refuse to believe there is a potential explosion of cases from WOFF. Lee at the REMS believes they are ready for the next few weeks with daily calling possibly hundreds of exposed folks. The questions nurses asked infected folks are secret.

According to the Order signed by the Governor- “Executive Order should be enforced by local and state law enforcement officers.” Who will do that in Rutherford county? Do we need to call Raleigh to find out?

Also, “A violation of this Order… is punishable as a Class 2 misdemeanor…”

It is a crime to violate the State Order. But when will the right people take this problem seriously?

I must ask, what will it take to get the attention of the right people and recognize the possibility of severe loss of life in Rutherford county because of COVID-19? My answer is watch for the backhoe heading into the WOFF cemetery. They dig their own graves and try to bury members within 24 hours of them passing away. Maybe then folks will know things are real.

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Thank you, for taking time to visit and read this blog. Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. The author is not a licensed mental health professional and encourages those that need professional help to seek it. The intent of the material is to inform and be a resource. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. There are readers at WOFF. Jane told me and Josh confirmed it.

Comments are invited from all readers, including present or former members. Polls are not scientific and no private information is gathered.

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Guest posts reflect the opinions of the writers. Their opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of John Huddle or any other persons affiliated with this blog.

Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, for posts written by John Huddle, any information about WOFF is from his memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be.

Scripture references are Amplified Version unless otherwise noted. (Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation) This is post number 675.

2 thoughts on “COVID-19 in WOFF- Does it take someone dying to get real help?”

  1. I’m not from rutberford county. I am simply an onlooker who loves the church and the people of faith in all its glory and with all its blemishes.
    I don’t know the history of this conflict or the details of its origin. But what I can easily discern without doing any deep research is the way you have taken statements like the one “jane” sent and spinning it to spur suspicion and conspiracy.
    Word of Faith churches by and large are charismatic and take the Word serious. I am not, nor have I ever been a Word of Faith member but to call them a cult and to try to destroy them says far more about you and your heart than theirs in my humble opinion.

  2. Marshall,

    If I were standing where you are standing and had only the knowledge you have- I can see why you make your conclusions. Please, continue to learn.

    Thank you,


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