“Lord, Save Us From Your Followers”

    “In the spirit of wondering why we all can’t just get along, filmmaker Dan Merchant takes to the streets to ask the average folks about religious faith and why it seems to be such a divisive force in America’s so-called “culture wars.” (from DVD cover) This film, Lord, Save Us from Your Followers, is produced by Virgil Films and is a Thunderstruck Film, Inc release from 2008. The movie is subtitled “Why is the gospel of love dividing Amercia?” With a title like that how could I pass it up when viewing the Netflix® options?

    This movie has so much content and so many subjects and points to make, it is hard to select just a few and relate them in this post. Admittedly, my perspective after being many years in Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) was very limited when attempting to understand all of the references to recent events and folks in the news who had things to say about religion. Why? It should be obvious, while in WOFF the exposure to the news and outside world is LIMITED to none. So, when the movie mentioned Bono and showed a clip of George W. Bush praising him, I did not know who Bono was- still don’t. Apparently he has helped alot of folks.

    The film maker travels to different cites wearing a suit made plastered with different religious or Christian bumper stickers and emblems that may be found on a car. He stops to allow folks to view them, and then he begins asking questions meant to learn how others think of Christians and religion in general. The responses are genuine and sincere which is a definite plus to the richness of the movie. However, not all the people interviewed spoke positively of Christianity or Christians.  The film in rated PG-13 due to some language and subjects discussed. It was hard to absorb the full effect of the movie with one viewing.


    Dr. Tony Campolo is interviewed and quoted several places in the film. I had not heard this man in years! He has a fresh perspective, at least to me.      Find out more about him here…  http://www.tonycampolo.org/  In the first clip of him, he quotes St. Augustine: “The church is a whore, but she’s my mother.” He then goes on to explain if it were not for this group that is guilty of many wrong things, we would not have the Bible and new believers! This made me stop and consider the last few years and my plight and flight away from WOFF. No, I am still not ready to cede that Jane Whaley and WOFF serve a viable purpose to bring others to “know Jesus” since I am not convinced that happens at WOFF.  But I will consider other parts of the church, though mistakes are made, can serve a purpose beyond the muck and yuck. Dr. Campolo also said, “A movement can exist without a God, but, not without a devil!” Oh, so true. There may doubt with some, as to who is the head of WOFF, but for sure there is a devil!  Everywhere! Let me say right here, that this movie may not even mention the word cult or propose to answer any questions on that subject; but I found some insights in the movie helpful in understanding my involvement in WOFF for so many years.

    Again, there is so much content in this movie, I cannot cover all of the main points except to tell certain snippets of what struck me. Dan Merchant, as a Christian, gives this insight after talking to many average folks across America: “We don’t know how we sound to others.” He goes on to explain that many folks outside the church are repulsed at what they see as a “Christian” always saying how right they are and how wrong others must be. It turns folks off. When hearing this, I became aware of how I must have sounded in years past, before and during my time at WOFF. I now see and hear how many in Rutherford County view WOFFers and it rings true with this statement. As a WOFFer, I did not know how others truly saw me. We were constantly told by Jane and Sam how outsiders loved us and wanted to be with us. Well, some may have wanted to be with those in WOFF, but for how long? Now that I am out, I hear of those who think that though WOFFers are friendly and cordial, many think that WOFFers are arrogant and haughty – as the only ones who “know Jesus” or who will make it to heaven. If I had an idea that I was that way in WOFF, I did nothing to change the impression. While in WOFF, do as WOFFers do. Does the WOFF attitude turn you away?

   Another statement made in the movie, “The gospel of love turned into the gospel of being right.” Oh, I was struck again as I remember the feeling of smugness of being in WOFF and being “right”. Dan Merchant does not directly address WOFF, but yet, in this observation he does as life at WOFF was all about being  “right”, doing “right”, living “right” and “helping others to be right”. “Right” in this case meant doing right by the one who knew what “right” was- Jane. Several places in this movie I could see how far I had moved away from true Christian love during my time in WOFF. Does that sound possible or plausible for those who know WOFF members? Was it just me, or have other WOFF members slipped in this regard?  

   Later in the film, Dr. Campolo says this; the major problem in the church is not the gay issue or the abortion issue. What will destroy the evangelical church in the next 25 years is the willingness to be at home with the commercialism and consumerism in this world.  (paraphrased) Ouch! Oh, has he been to WOFF? Yes, I lived there and saw the big – whatever- as a standard to judge if a person was “blessed”. Another man in this film admits that “Prosperity is the biggest part of our faith right now.” Do we chase what some consider as the American privilege and not the rewards of serving God and God’s people with our works of faith? Dr. Campolo, “Our kids are growing up as consumers and not people committed to the mission of God.  This applies to WOFF, it is sad to say. How can you tell? How many children AND adults clamor for new clothes, shoes and purses for every Brazil trip? There is a trip coming soon.

    Dan Merchant says he began to see that his “faith” was the ailment and not the cure. As he interviewed folks, he began to realize that many had problems with Christians and not with Jesus. People had a more pleasant idea of Jesus than of His followers. One lady expressed it this way, “Conservatives don’t get to set the agenda for God.” Wow…

    The film ends on an upbeat note as Dan visits a homeless ministry where people are helping others regardless of their station in life. It was so refreshing to watch, I had to run the DVD back and watch it twice. No one was comparing themselves to the lack of others. But they were helping others with basic needs and showing love. I did not hear “ministers” telling others how many devils they had or how they should “just believe God for deliverance and things will get better.” No, what I saw was not “normal ministry” while at WOFF.  It gave me hope.

      Thank you, for taking time to visit and read this blog.  Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. The author is not a licensed mental health professional and encourages those that need professional help to seek it. The intent of the material is to inform and be a resource. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. There are readers at WOFF. Comments are invited from all readers, including present or former members. Polls are not scientific and no private information is gathered.

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       (Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, the information about WOFF is from my memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be. ) Scripture references are Amplified Version unless otherwise noted. (Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation ) This is post number 237.

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