Do We Attack That Which We Don’t Understand…

This is one post which may sound confusing to some and lame to others. I will attempt to explain what I have been thinking about and observing over these last few weeks and months. Truthfully, I was attempting to sleep and this subject caused me to get up and begin to write.

In a previous post, I explained my thoughts as a member of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) when a former member organized a protest along the road leading by the church access road. The post was titled: The Day the Protestors Were Beside the Road… . In this post, I express my questions and put forth the idea that effective protestors may be ones that don’t scream and yell. In other words, show outward aggression. Maybe my idea on this has been filtered through my personality and experiences. Nonetheless, it is what I believe.  While inside WOFF, I definitely saw the aggressive attitudes of the protestors. It seemed like they were purposing to attack the WOFF members, though during my time there, we were never touched- as far as I know.

Some may say, John, you are a fine one to bring up this issue. You stand alongside the very road that the other protestors used. You hold signs and make it known you believe WOFF is UNSAFE. And that is true. But, I have learned some things along the way. One shocking thing I have witnessed is the aggression that some residents in the county express toward WOFF members. Having been on both sides, I see no reason for any hostility. Why? It is because I have been on both sides of the road – literally. I know there are well-intended folks inside WOFF. I sincerely believe most, if not all, are deceived into thinking that working their way to salvation is the key. Even if it is not admitted, by simply observing the practices of the group, one can learn the true pivotal beliefs which power the legalistic behaviors. Who could deny that Jane Whaley is the center point of this “Christian” church?

But, time and time again, I hear some county residents express anger similar to that which was reflected by the road that day several years ago. Why? Why would folks express such anger? I think I have at least part of the answer. Could they have experienced some injury? Well, some have been injured by the breaking up of families- whether immediate or extended. Yes, I know that one up close. Others may have been “injured” by the understanding that something ominous and unhealthy exists among their community. How does that change? Do others agree that WOFF is a danger?

In many ways, both sides of this issue- those who stand by the road and those inside WOFF, tell of some injury. WOFF members are told that their “freedom of religion” is being threatened way or some other freedom is being violated. That is a frequent focal point for WOFF members when defending the beliefs and practices of their group. Having been inside for many years and now outside, that defense is bogus. For those inside WOFF, the “freedom” part of the “religion” is a fantasy and a farce. Individual freedoms suffer a sudden death upon entering WOFF and taking up the signature beliefs and practices. Why are members required to sacrifice their individual rights in order to stand among a group claiming to want to practice their “freedom of religion?” Does that sound logical?

While inside WOFF, I was not clear as to what was the REAL injury that was occurring. While in WOFF, the injury is to one’s critical thinking skills, which are gradually impaired the longer you attend; though I would never have admitted while in the throes of WOFFness. So, can we also add “blindness” to the list of injuries to WOFF members? The hunger for what “benefits” offered at WOFF serves to blind many to the cost of those “benefits”. How much “freedom” is there in that scenario?

What is the point? John, why do you stand by the road and hold signs? In a few words, I have been injured and am now seeking healing. A part of the healing will be to disconnect from the heat and hurt of the injury and move forward. Another part of the healing for me is to warn others – inside and outside WOFF- that what I know about being inside WOFF was/ is dangerous. Those who enter and become members of WOFF will certainly be injured in some way, whether emotional, physical and/or spiritual. The friends and relatives of those who join WOFF either have been or will be injured. Relationships will be severed or at the very least- impaired. Years of life will be wasted and squandered serving the ever increasing needs of the group.

In closing, I add that because I understand the practices, beliefs and doings of WOFF members, I see no reason to cause them physical or emotional harm. That will naturally come the longer they stay in the group and under Jane’s control. They need our prayers. They need our help. That being said, knowing the group dynamics and the results of being a WOFF member, I cannot in good conscious hope for them any level of success or prosperity. I hope they absolutely fail in every WOFF-laden purpose and endeavor – quickly and completely. And as that would come – I desire that every former member, who agrees to receive help, obtain that help – to heal and obtain a stable, sound and beneficial life.

For that result – I will work as long as I am able. Who will join me?

Thank you, for taking time to visit and read this blog. Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. The author is not a licensed mental health professional and encourages those that need professional help to seek it. The intent of the material is to inform and be a resource. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. There are readers at WOFF. Comments are invited from all readers, including present or former members. Polls are not scientific and no private information is gathered.

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Guest posts reflect the opinions of the writers. Their opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of John Huddle or any other persons affiliated with this blog.

Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, for posts written by John Huddle, any information about WOFF is from his memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be. Scripture references are Amplified Version unless otherwise noted. (Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation ) This is post number 401.

4 thoughts on “Do We Attack That Which We Don’t Understand…”

  1. John,
    I hear the humility in your words. You are to be commended for your dedication to make people aware of this cult, your heart to help those who are in need, and your constant search for the “truth” in serving a loving God. I know I speak for the many lives that have been affected by Jane Whaley, thank you for all your hard work. Awareness is the key to freedom.

  2. I stand with you, brother. Folks who read our blogs should understand that we are fighting out of love for those people in and out of WOFF. There is no place for anger in this fight. The healing doesn’t come until you confront the pain and the source of the pain. Real faith is always willing to be challenged.


  3. WW-
    Thank you for the encouragement. There is plenty of room on the frontlines for those willing and able to join.


  4. Lahna,

    Thank you for your kind words. I am encouraged and hopefully more focused on the critical issues in this battle.


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