WOFF Defendants First Appearance- 4+1

Thursday morning, defendants named in the Matthew Fenner case gathered at the Rutherford County Courthouse in Superior courtroom number two. Gathered with them were family, friends and leadership from Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). I attended to support Matthew and be a witness to the proceedings. The first part of the morning session was filled with probation violation hearings. A wide assortment of folks made their way to the attorney’s table for defendants. Some were wearing striped clothing.

Present were the four defendants who still live inside WOFF. Brooke Covington, Sarah Anderson, Justin Covington, and Robert Lewis Walker, Jr. Family and friends of this group were gathered close to the front. Karel Reynolds, dressed in black and Jayne Caulder were sitting further back as guards and witnesses – I suppose. Josh Farmer, David Blake Caulder, Mark Morris and Caleb Farmer were all in and out of the lawyer’s area up front. Caleb was in zone defense and actually perched near me briefly. He did not speak, but he did nod. During the morning, glances and stares were exchanged between the WOFF sections and the right side of the courtroom. As with most every other courtroom, the acoustics were terrible. I sat on the second row and still had to strain to hear. The temperature climbed until the always moving bailiff adjusted the temperature controls. I sat in the unofficial press corner with a survivor advocate, a reporter from the AP, a reporter from the Daily Courier and one from rccatalyst.com. Family members and other supporters of Matthew took seats near the back of the room.

Just when it seemed like this session could stretch in to the afternoon, the judge called for a fifteen minute break. Judge Davis left the room for a while; I stayed to chat with those around me. During this break, the four WOFF defendants were lead to the front by Mr. Farmer where each one in turn raised their right hand and appeared to take an oath! Yes, I was a witness to the swearing. Though, I do not know exactly they were swearing to, but I have an idea it was to telling the truth. (maybe) Each of the four signed a document and returned to their seat on the left side of the courtroom. Once the session was called back into order, the last few probation cases were heard. Then the players moved into position, it was show time.

“Sarah Anderson?”

Sarah rises from her chair and glides through half door separating the players from the sitters, easing to her spot beside Mark Morris. The dialogue was difficult to hear, but catching bits and pieces I heard the Judge ask Sarah if she was understood the charges against her. He advised her of her right to a public defender if she could not afford an attorney. Yes, just a formality with faithful Mark beside her. She was instructed to step forward and sign a waiver for the right to a public defender and told her next court date would be August 19th. After these remarks and having signed the waiver for public counsel, she resumed her glide back through the half door and out of the courtroom or at least away from the action at the front. Her husband followed on a short string right behind her.

“Brooke Covington?”

Brooke strides confidently through the half door which by now is very tired. She plants herself beside Mark and appears to brace for the Judges questions. She does not need a public defender as Mark is still by her side. She acknowledges that she understands the charges against her and proceeds to the court secretary’s table to sign the needed document. She leaves and heads to the back of the room. Her husband jumps up as if on a string and also heads to the back of the room.

“Justin Covington?”

Justin tried unsuccessfully to hold back a smirk as he walked through to attorney land. He knew his part, this would be easy. All he had to do was copy Brooke and Sarah. So, he did. He waived his right to a public defender and signed the paper. His part finished, he walked briskly back to join his partners in this show.

Where was Adam Bartley? Would he skip his first appearance?
My thoughts raced as the possibility loomed.

“Robert Lewis Walker, Jr.?”

Robert Lewis stood to make his way down the path well worn by now. He was addressed in the same manner, said his part, signed his paper and was released to join the others. The young lady sitting beside him all morning had stuck her finger in his right pocket and pulled the outer edge earlier when no one was looking. When he pushed open the half door to exit, she smiled large, proud that her man had done good! He returned her smile with a larger one. Together, they joined the exodus.

“Adam Bartley?”

Suddenly, down the center aisle, almost at a trot, appears Adam Bartley! His countenance was serious, no grins on him. He neatly trimmed facial hair announced his non-WOFF status. His gate portrayed his desire to get this over with. A lawyer, maybe the assistant DA, stated that Mr. Bartley already had his first appearance. Like the others, he stood beside Mr. Morris. The reason for his appearance was unclear. He was given some instructions which I could not hear and like the others, his next appearance was set for August 19th. Once he broke clear, I don’t think he stopped to talk or chat. No, his purpose was clear. He made a beeline exit to places unknown with an increasing speed. He appeared very uncomfortable at every point and with every gesture.

As turning off a light switch, the purpose for being in that stuffy courtroom was gone. In no time, the crowd had dwindled to a few stragglers. What is courtroom etiquette? Let people have time to exit before you make your way out, especially if those folks were on the other side. I stood among a very polite group of folks. Caleb hovered Farmerishly by the exit door, so we made our way down the stairs speaking in hushed tones.

After some brief conversation outside, I went to my car and sat taking in the moment. What had just happened? Were five people just processed through on felony assault charges- four WOFF and one non-WOFF? Yes. It did just happen. Why was the next appearance in August? So much will happen between now and then. August seems like light years away. I knew that there must be a reason for the delay.

One thing for sure, Josh and his team will be prepared to “defend the will of God!” They will have time to reframe the events, reframe their understanding of the facts and present their reframed logic in a most convincing way. The process for them will be to reframe the past as if there never was any physical harm done to Matthew. This will be accomplished by also reframing the present by changing their rules of engagement for deliverance, blasting and loud prayer. Once the past and present are reframed and repositioned in their minds, then they will announce with confidence they never have, never do and never will physically harm members of their church. With utmost confidence they will again announce- “We have nothing to hide!” Why? Because the past, the present and the future will have been sanitized in their thinking and throughout their universe.

Will the sanitized redo of WOFF-life become reality for the members? We can count on this. We who have lived inside WOFF can agree that one day, at least one member will knowingly or unknowingly show disrespect for Jane’s gift, Jane’s wisdom, her sinless life. Then my friend, the beatings will begin-again. (If they have ever stopped) It will only take one member to insult the high places in God that Jane lives in everyday. Then, instead of letting people go to hell, she will do it personally or she will have her ministers pin them to the ground and drive the devils out of them. What happens after that is called a rerun. Only in this go ‘round, there will be more to lose.

As sure as the sun rises in the east, this will happen. I write this not because I can see the future. I write this because I have seen the past. Until Jane’s beliefs about herself change, the past will repeat itself. This is a simple fact.

Thank you, for taking time to visit and read this blog. Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. The author is not a licensed mental health professional and encourages those that need professional help to seek it. The intent of the material is to inform and be a resource. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. There are readers at WOFF. Jane told me and Josh confirmed it.

Comments are invited from all readers, including present or former members. Polls are not scientific and no private information is gathered.

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Guest posts reflect the opinions of the writers. Their opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of John Huddle or any other persons affiliated with this blog.

Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, for posts written by John Huddle, any information about WOFF is from his memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be.

Scripture references are Amplified Version unless otherwise noted. (Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation ) This is post number 509.

2 thoughts on “WOFF Defendants First Appearance- 4+1”

  1. It all sounds so familiar. No one has succeeded in bringing the Community of Jesus to trial yet, but the behavior and attitudes are the same. I especially identified with your description of how they will sanitize the past and present. The leader of CJ did this back with the Chronicle tapes when she said light sessions had stopped and children were not separated from their parents.

  2. Carrie,

    Thank you, for reading and your comments. When a person is inside a group such as WOFF, sanitizing might be called “going to a higher place in God,” or “seeing things at a higher level.” When the actions of the group are rewritten and euphemistically renamed, it usually is to cover up guilt. Sobering.

    More updates coming very soon…. Hoping to the best for you…


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