Who is Jane Whaley to you?

As a part of recent book signings for “Locked in”, I have fielded questions from attendees. The ranges of questions include certain ones which try to comprehend what type of leader Jane Whaley was or is now.

Today, I will quote from a resource written about dangerous groups and point the question to other members of Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF). Ray Farmer? Josh Farmer? Mark Morris? Brooke Covington? Karel Reynolds? Will you take the following descriptions of group leaders and decide what kind of leader you are following? This description was not written specifically with Jane Whaley in mind. So, do not get defensive and think I wrote this myself or gave the authors the inside scoop. If none of this applies, then tell us your own words

Our resource for this post is a book titled, “The Cult Phenomenon- How Groups Function.” The text was originally written in French in 2003 and translated to English in 2006. The authors are Mike Kropveld, Executive Director of Info-Cult and Marie-Andree Pelland, Doctoral Student in Criminology- Universite de Montreal. (ISBN-2-9808258-1-6) I bought this book in July of 2014 at the International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA) conference in Washington, D.C.

We will quote one small section. However, the book is a well-documented resource to understand the problems of dangerous groups, as well as the steps some European countries have taken to protect its citizens from the harm these groups can bring.

From the text:

Leader-follower relationship

Relationship with a good guru. (The footnote explains the term “guru” here is synonymous with leader- spiritual leader)

It is difficult to describe the leader of a group as good or bad. Every guru or leader can have harmonious or problematic relationships with certain members of the group. 76

A “good” leader:77

– Has good knowledge of the group’s writings;
– Has been the disciple of several masters, and asks many questions during the learning process;
– Lives according to His or Her teachings.

The condescending guru

This type of leader has a paternalistic attitude toward members of the group and is over protective and secretive about the leader-follower relationship. Although the leader’s intentions are to reassure and protect the members, in exchange, he or she some time demands extreme submission from members. In this situation, the spiritual or personal growth occurs through the leader’s teachings and the leader-follower relationship. The objective of the group is to promote the leader’s spiritual growth so that the participants can share in his or her higher knowledge.

The spiritual abuser

The spiritual abuser may be described as a leader who uses spiritual, biblical or other writings to inflict feelings of guilt on members. The leader uses divine languages or prayers to address social, psychological or health problems.

The swindler guru

Swindler gurus can be described as leaders who constantly ask their followers for money. These leaders live in luxury while their disciples lead an esthetic life, sometimes below the poverty line. This type of guru often does not accept questions from members and expects them to follow whatever he or she tells them. (page 52-53)

I do agree that it is difficult to ascribe one label for Jane Whaley that fits in every case. For different members, she relates to them differently and changes the type of leader she is according to the need at the moment. In my opinion, she is an excellent chameleon.

Ray, what kind of leader is she – today? Do you see her as the good leader or the swindler? Has she become the condescending leader or the spiritual abuser? You are the Vice President of WOFF, Inc. Do you feel as honored as the title you hold?

Josh, instead of her asking you for money all the time, does she require your extreme loyalty- even beyond good sound reasoning? Have you obeyed her contrary to your own comfort level? If so, at what cost?

Brooke, does she put guilt on you for what you do when you are “not hearing God?” Have you then in turn been the vessel of her guilt, pouring out on others in order to secure your value in her eyes?

Karel, Karel… listen to your own description of the Nazis you studied. Learn from what you teach others. Your awakening will be obvious when it comes. You have known in your heart for years what kind of leader you follow and still the war inside you rages. What price have you paid for your membership in this group?

Mark Morris, did your uncle know something you are only now learning?

To the other members of leadership and the regular members; what kind of leader do you follow? Has Jane obeyed the rules she requires you to follow? Why or why not? Do you tire of her spiritual excuses for why she can have and you cannot have–the very luxuries that your tithes and sacrificial offerings buy for her? Are you tired of the excuses you accept to keep the doubts in check?

Former members: what kind of leader did we follow? Some former members do continue to express support of Jane. They call her “Mother Jane” or “Grandmother Jane.” Do these titles speak to the paternalistic nature of their relationship? Some former members do not continue to speak well of Jane, why?

I have said it many times; Jane can be as sweet as jelly toast. Then at other times, she rages with what she refers to as “the anger of God.”

Members present and former, what say you? Honestly. Who is Jane Whaley to you?

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Scripture references are Amplified Version unless otherwise noted. (Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation ) This is post number 559.

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