Category Archives: WOFF Updates

Handout for New (or Present) WOFF Members

     Recently, a regular reader mentioned I should publish a “handbook” for WOFF members. Actually, during my stint with the property management company during my days at WOFF; we did have a handbook or handouts for new residents. It was called a “move-in” package. So, the idea is not new. However, before I unveil my efforts; let’s go over a few points. This list is meant to inform only. There is no way for me to guaruntee the total accuracy or completeness since many of the “don’ts” are subject to change or multiplication. Also, my days at WOFF ended in July of 2008, this will not be a complete list. Other “don’ts” have been discovered since my departure. This list is totally illustrative of what could be done with the information known at this time. That is the long way to say this is the “short version”.

     Here are some excerpts… ( the numbering is different for these items…)

  1. Don’t wear jeans. (exception may be for construction work..maybe..)
  2. Don’t wear shorts.
  3. Don’t wear sleeveless dresses or tops.
  4. Don’t wear dresses above the knees.

     The entire document is here- 

     Yes, there really are that many “don’ts” to remember when you live in “Don’t-dale”.. Does this list make sense? It is the short version of all the don’ts I heard over my years in Greenville and WOFF. Do you think that potential new members would be able to look over this list and still consider joining WOFF? What could be so attractive to allow someone to join a group like this when BEFOREHAND you have the list of “don’ts” and rules?

     To many folks, the attraction begins with someone at WOFF providing a job and/or a place to live. How many times did I see a single person or a young couple given a job or place to live conditional on their frequenting the services and learning the “do’s” and “don’ts” of  WOFF? Many would come, few would stay for one reason or another. If they stayed, often it was not for long. Could at least one of the reasons be the strict list of “don’ts”? So, WOFF leadership and Jane Whaley; consider using this document or one like it to give to potential members. Cut to the chase and see if any are willing to put themselves through these rigors when they know ahead of time what the routine will be! After all, isn’t that the only fair thing to do? Why wait until the new members have adjusted the job and maybe even the housing; then start increasing the “don’t” therapy?

     There were people from many different nations living in WOFF controlled housing. Several worked for the church -member owned property management company that I worked for during my stay at WOFF. I cannot say for sure that all the proper forms were completed when hiring folks from other countries for the property management company. That was not my area of responsibility.  In fact, one day between October of 2007 and March of 2008; I was asked to take a deposit for the property management company to the local bank. In addition, I was given a check to cash. It was made out to the son of one of the company’s owners. The teller at the bank made a comment to say I did not look like the owner’s son, but cashed the check anyway. The son of the owner would not get the cash. I was instructed to drop it off to one of the Brazilians working in Spartanburg, SC. He would give it to the young Brazilian for whom it was intended. It was his weekly pay for working with the property management company. Why would this Brazilian not be able to cash his own checks? Did he have proper papers? Or was this a case of something else? “Service” above and beyond? Were there others at WOFF in the same “predicament”?  All this brings us to another “don’t” – You don’t ask people from other countries if they are legal? Is that on the “Don’t List”?

    Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. It could very well save their life. There are readers at WOFF. I hope this is a help to them.

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      (Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, the information about WOFF is from my memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be. )

WOFF Member Runs for Clerk of Court

     This is the link that shows the full list of candidates seeking the position of Clerk of Court for Rutherford County.

     The subject of this post is not new information to those closely involved with WOFF or with the Rutherford County courthouse. However, upon learning of Ramona Hall’s name being on the Democrat primary ballot; it sparked questions for me. At this time, I do not feel qualified to comment on Ramona’s job performance or knowledge that the position requires on a day to day basis. I suspect if there were issues in that area her tenure working in the Clerk’s office would have been shortened.

     All that being said, other questions must be posed. Having the total responsibility of the Clerk of Court’s office would be a new challenge for Ramona Hall, as for anyone who takes the position for the first time. She would be making decisions in many areas of interest to the citizens of Rutherford County. (See this link for a brief list of the duties of a Clerk of Court in NC… ) I was surprised to learn the duties of the Clerk of Court. The Clerk has many of the same powers of a magistrate. These duties include being able to issue arrest warrants and search warrants as well as being the judge of probate.

     The main question that must be posed is this: In times of deep distress or conflict in making professional decisions would Ramona Hall use her spiritual advisor – Jane Whaley for a source of counsel? I cannot say for sure. However, from what has been spoken by Ramona in other stressful personal times, she did ask Jane for counsel. What else could be expected for members of WOFF? She would not be “submitted to authority” if she did not seek counsel of some sorts from Jane Whaley and/or others in leadership.  The decision to be placed on the ballot was not done in haste without counsel, I feel certain.  The voters of Rutherford County must feel comfortable with the possibilities.

     In reality, every candidate may have a person or persons that they seek counsel from in making professional decisions. I do not know about others. But, I feel comfortable posing the question in this particular case. It is food for thought for the voters of Rutherford County. I will not be voting in the elections for Rutherford County.   

     The website listed on the sign below has a picture of several folks standing with Ramona and her family. Four of these folks are members of WOFF. No, I am not surprised. Again, the voters of Rutherford County must feel comfortable with all the possibilities should Ramona’s campaign allow her to obtain a new job.

Ramona Hall
Campaign Sign
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      (Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, the information about WOFF is from my memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be. )