Tag Archives: Jorge Elderly

..Children are the most venerable to cults…

    We have written about the documentary- “Join Us” in previous posts. (The film is presented by Interloper Films along with Lusitan and was produced by Ondi Timoner and Vasco Lucas Nunes. (copyright© Third Floor Productions, LLC 2007) This is a movie which includes the stories of several families making their way out of a religious cult in Anderson, SC. The families travel to Wellspring Retreat and participate in counseling sessions meant to help them learn about the systems of control they had been under. I recommend this documentary for anyone seeking a more clear understanding about cults and their effects on the members. Recently, I watched the documentary again.

     I was struck by two comments by two experts in the film. These comments were about children. They helped answer for the questions I have had as well as ones I get from others, as to why Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) sought/seeks to control the children to such a high degree. We will look at the comments and explain how these insights help understand WOFF and other religious cults.

   Both comments come in chapter 5 about the thirty minute mark. The first is from Robert Lifton-Psychiatrist and Author of Mind Control Model: “Children become symbols of the future. It is as if you can create ideal children according to your cultic standards, then you are realizing immortality.”

   The next comment is from Jorge Elderly- Academic Director for the Center of Investigation of Christian Institutions-“It must be said that children are the most venerable to cults. They are defenseless, they are voiceless. They are at the mercy of whatever mad instruction someone got from supposedly heaven and lead the kids to a very big hell…”

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