Tag Archives: Mormons

Striving For Perfection and The True Gospel – C.A.R.M.

    Recently I was researching the teaching on perfection and its origins. I came across a source which included a post with the above title… “Striving for perfection and the true gospel”. The post can be found here… http://carm.org/striving-for-perfection . The site is run by the Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry. First, let me say I have not read everything on this site, everyone should proceed with caution and decide on their own about the material located there. However, the first article I found gave some very good points explaining the trap involved with the teaching on perfection in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons). Here are a few quotes…

“The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints teaches that its members are to strive to be perfect.  This perfection, hopefully, results in exaltation, in becoming a god.”

“As you can see, the Mormon is taught that he must triumph over sin, that he is saved by grace after all he can do, and that he must be perfect.  In fact, many Mormons have told me that the gospel is the Law and Ordinances of the Mormon Church, further verifying that forgiveness of sins in the LDS church is dependent upon the persistent and necessary effort of the Mormon to keep the Laws of God.” (emphasis added)

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