Memorial Service Music Concerns “the Toddlers”

      Memorial services at Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) were times to bring in family members and other visitors. Jane Whaley would deliver the key address or eulogy about the person who had passed away. Family members, church members or other friends of the deceased would be allowed to come to the podium and speak about their memories of the person. Every effort was made to make the family and visitors comfortable. I never witnessed a memorial service with loud prayer, blasting, deliverance, open rebukes for WOFF members or “church-family matters” being discussed. No offerings were taken or announcements made when family or visitors were already in the sanctuary. These were times to “put your best foot forward”- so to speak.

      Before every “special” service or seminar, the church would be cleaned top to bottom. (literally) The chandeliers would be cleaned all the way down the baseboards. Air return vents would be cleaned. Years ago, before one special service, (I don’t remember which one) I was with a group of men in the sanctuary men’s bathroom with toothbrushes scrubbing the grout between the tiles in the floor. If the wall paint or trim paint was scuffed, it would be cleaned and/or painted. The carpet could get a cleaning as well as the brass door plates polished. The landscaping around the building was inspected for weeds. The school building may be subject to the same cleaning, especially if visitors would be invited to view the school after the meeting or service.   

      The memorial services were rehearsed and planned to the most minute detail. Each song was practiced and met with Jane’s direction and approval. Seating was planned as family and visitors would be in the front two or three rows of the middle section of the sanctuary. Many times, during a memorial service there would be portraits of the person who had passed, placed in the front of the sanctuary with a few tasteful flower arrangements . There would also be a pictorial presentation of that person’s past shown on a large screen up front. Music would accompany the slide show, at times. There was a bulletin with the order of service printed. This was only done for special services such as educational conferences, graduations, weddings and memorial services. Weekly services had no printed program or order of service. The weekly services were always subject to change according to Jane Whaley’s  directions.  

     Following the memorial service, the family, friends and members close to the deceased would be led to the fellowship hall for a reception. The food was mainly supplied by members of WOFF. The youth or young adults would usually be called on the serve the food and take up the dishes. Certain groups would be assigned clean-up tasks. All assignments to help would be announced just before or during the practice for the memorial service. Each situation was different in deciding the place for the children. Some times, the children would gather in the school building for the service, watching on closed circuit monitors. (televisions) After the service, they would have their own refreshments in the school cafeteria. Since the fellowship time for the adults could extend a couple of hours, the children would be allowed to fellowship and play games.


      The burial customs for WOFF members generally were the following. Jane Whaley taught that embalming was unnecessary. “We work very closely with the coroner to obtain the death certificate and follow the law; then bury the person (hopefully) within 24 hours of their death”. WOFF has their own cemetary behind the church-member owned business complex on Shiloh Rd. in Forest City, NC. Circumstances are different in every case, but burying someone as soon as possible is the preferred course. No caskets were allowed in the sanctuary. A small graveside service may be held as soon as relatives could get in to town or when it was convenient. The memorial service could then be held later as planning was needed for that event. Cremation was not practiced as Jane taught that the scriptures showed the burning of a body as a sign of “the curse of the wicked”.

     A few years ago, one fellow who had left the church was escorted back in to a service by his son. He was given a opportunity to repent before everyone for “attacking” Jane with his words. He had cancer and was not given long to live. There was a memorial service for him after he passed away. There were several family members of this man that were still in WOFF. The slide show sharing his life was put together by several of his grandsons. They used some instrumental arrangements of some old hymns and some WOFF songs. (I do not remember the exact song list…) These grandchildren had been previously allowed with some other children and youth to learn how to play many different instruments. These musicians were slowly being allowed to accompany the guitar, piano and electric keyboard during regular services. I am not sure, but the grandchildren may have performed some of the music for the sound track.

     Nothing was said from the pulpit during the memorial service, but at the next church service;  several got up to say how they enjoyed the memorial service. Someone asked Jane about the music during the slide show ? – there were no words being sung to the music! Jane began to ask some questions. The slide show and music had not been “checked out” by her or anyone in leadership! Who put the music and slide show together? The young men, (grandchildren of the member who passed) stood and took “credit” for the production. Jane asked them “Who did you check with before playing that music in the sanctuary?” They admitted, no one. Jane and someone close to her, began to tell how the instrumental music caused certain toddlers much distress! The toddlers who stressed,  had never heard music without someone singing the words. “That is not God”s way!” The words to a song are always sung while it is being played. The young men were rebuked before everyone and later went to Jane Whaley to repent. Later, public confession was made in front of all.

      One person rose to say that this just proved that many of the children were allowing the playing of instruments to “take over their heart”! They were more eager to practice or play their instruments than read their Bible! The consequence was Jane Whaley put a halt to children and youth playing musical instruments. This ban was in place for many months. I am not sure when it was lifted, but I understand certain youth have been allowed to play their instruments. They must have gotten a “breakthough”. Since my time ended in 2008, I do not have the latest update in this area.

     Read these last few paragraphs, again. The distress of toddlers, one in particular, changed the direction of several other children and youth. This was a common practice at WOFF. If a toddler had a negative reaction to some practice or some person, then the whole direction of the church could change.

    “Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.  Benjamin Franklin

      Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. It could very well save their life. There are readers at WOFF. Comments are invited from present or former members.

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      (Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, the information about WOFF is from my memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be. )

2 thoughts on “Memorial Service Music Concerns “the Toddlers””

  1. I’m cool with saying cool or cool beans or whatever expression that is not obscene to express myself. But I’m NOT cool to letting a mere woman or mere man tell me what is cool or not cool to say.

    Whaley just makes up all of her self made dogma as she goes along just to see how far she can control people. Has nothing to do with faith or salvation and certainly does not have any biblical foundation.

    Life at W.O.F.F. is very similar to the Pavlov Dog experiments. And another foreign experiment that was proved a disaster for humanity. Communism. W.O.F.F. is about as unAmerican as one could perceive yet it is allowed to continue within the borders of this free country.

    It’s modern day slavery, if you ask me.

    W.O.F.F. is as far from Christianity as Islam is. Jane Whaley would fit right in with Afghanistan’s Taliban.

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