New Identity – How It Develops – Part 2

     In reviewing the last post about a Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) “identity”, it is plain that new subjects were introduced which could lead in many different directions. For now, let’s review the concept of a new identity for WOFF members, how it would develop. There may be a few more posts on this subject as there is a lot of “ground to cover”.  These observations will be based on experiences from my time there and my readings after leaving WOFF. In all cases, I will share my opinions and personal observations unless noted otherwise.

    The Christian hope is based on change through salvation; old man to new man, sinner to saint. Folks in the Bible who experience major changes include: Saul to Paul, Peter from denier to Apostle to martyr; the doubting Thomas to the believer of Truth. So, that is not up for debate. You expect folks to change once they come to experience true salvation. This change is from the inside out – directed by God and not man’s wishes. The change that a believer in Jesus experiences is not a change orchestrated by the Law as in the Old Testament. Israel tried that and the results speak for themselves.

    The Apostle Paul was clear that not everyone would change into the same personality or gift.

 5so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. 6We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. Romans 12:5-7

18But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. 19If they were all one part, where would the body be? 20As it is, there are many parts, but one body. 1 Corinthians 12:18-19,  New International Version (NIV) Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by Biblica

     Would it be safe to say your spiritual gift would reflect in many ways, your identity personally in Christ and in then the local church and the Body of Christ in general? Not everyone would expect the same gift or even the sameness in their identity. There would be the same “Spirit”, each with a different expression of that identity or place in Christ that they had been given. Can we agree?


      In Janis Hutchinson’s definition of identity, she mentions personal, group and national or cultural identity. “Identity, on the other hand, is the assurance individuals, culture, or nations gain as a result of having both roots and story. .. It promotes self-esteem and a positive self-image, collectively or individually. Without it, individuals are strangers to themselves and to others.” (Out of the Cults and Into the Church, copyright 1994 Kregel Resources page 98)  So, could we say that since each of us would have a different individual roots and story that our identity would have different qualities and expression? It is true, in Christ; we would be of the same Spirit. Also, in Christ, there is a place for individual expression as sure as God expresses His love in the unique expression found in His creation of nature. He made the many kinds of flowers, birds, trees, insects… on and on we could go. Can we agree there?

     When you look at WOFF members, what do you see? Is there the expected individual expression evident in the membership? Is it odd that there is such an overwhelming sameness in dress, hairstyles, mannerisms and language usage? When you, who have never been a member, look at the WOFF website, what do you see? Is there as much individual expression in choices of outward appearances as you may expect? Where do we also see the same degree of uniformity? Would that be in the military? Or would that be other groups like FLDS or Mormons or Hari Krishnas or ??  Would it be safe to say that the uniform outward appearance is orchestrated from within the group? I think so. I know so.

    In my opinion as a former member, because of the legalistic cult mind control at WOFF, a member has their gift or place in Christ and thus their true identity, frozen and a new one redirected to fit Jane Whaley’s perception of who she needs them to be. The methods of control do not allow for WOFF members to explore who they are “in Jesus”. As mentioned in a previous post, inside WOFF the authentic identity of a person becomes covered over by the cult identity formed by the group. (see this link )

   The choices in any area at WOFF are few and the results are evident. Have you seen the WOFF website? Former members continue to comment that folks not familiar with WOFF, exclaim as they see the pictures how “Everyone looks alike!” Does this surprise anyone who has been a member?

    While I was there, I noticed the sameness of dress. Why? Because you had to be aware of what was acceptable and what was not. You were expected to change when the changes were announced. There was not room for the “negative” thought of why we all needed to look alike. We were told, “This is God’s way for us to dress”. There were times that we were all addressed on certain things to wear of not wear. That has been covered in the “WOFF Don’t” series. (see this link )

     In WOFF, it was risky to buck the ordained dress, hairstyle or approved word, toys, games list or any other thing accepted as the standard. To go against anything ordered by Jane Whaley was risky. To make choices that showed individuality were viewed as “rebellion”. There definitely was pressure on individuals and as a group to “flow” together. Being  “out there in your own” was regarded as rejection not only of “God’s ways”, but rejection of Jane and the membership as a whole. To reject your WOFF given “individual identity” or how that fits into the group’s identity was something not to be tried and expect to stay a member.

     At WOFF- the machination to form everyone into the image or identity that fits Jane’s purpose is plain to notice. For reasons probably far to strange to mention here, Jane Whaley’s pre-occupation with outward appearance and conduct rules- stifled the individual God given gift and identity that each was to become and therefore molded them into the person best fitted for WOFF purposes.

    Word of Faith Fellowship is the “total transformation” camp— you come in one way and while you are there, you transform to the WOFF standard or you are gone! “If you won’t give up your “sin” you are outta there..!!! Can any of us imagine that Jesus would require the same tunics or sandals to be worn by His disciples? If so, I don’t remember reading that in the scriptures. We have yet “scratched the surface” on this subject.

   Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. The author is not a licensed mental health professional and encourages those that need professional help to seek it. The intent of the material is to inform and be a resource. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. There are readers at WOFF. Comments are invited from all readers, including present or former members. Polls are not scientific and no private information is gathered.

    Look on the right side of any post for the option to subscribe by email for notifications or RSS feeds notifying of new postings. It is a great feature. Also, find more posts by selecting “Categories”.

      (Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, the information about WOFF is from my memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be. ) This is post number 115.

One thought on “New Identity – How It Develops – Part 2”

  1. This is so true!!!! It is as if there were molds cast and YOU WOULD FIT INTO WHICH ONE AUTHORITY SAID WAS FOR YOU!!! I became such a negative person while I was involved in that fellowship!! I have a GOD given sense of humor and I love to laugh!! But it was not Godly to laugh so much. Yet I was constantly rebuked for being negative.!! I was constantly told that with my “past” that I had to be extra careful. Not be around men, that no Godly man would be interested in me, Men were only interested in me for one “thing” Yes I am an unwed mother, I did commit sin…I repented and GOD HAS FORGIVEN ME AND WIPED MY SLATE CLEAN!!! HE DOES NOT CONSTANTLY BRING PAST THINGS UP TO BEAT US UP!!! So why would a church(cult) do so? They never forgive or forget. It was as if I would need to be brow beaten by this cult and be very glad that they considered me “worthy” to be a part of the working “drones” that they had. I was to work hard and give much to support the “ministry” I think not!! I am grateful to Father for everything and I am grateful for the people I met. I do love them, I just wish they would see the deception. GOD is not being served there JANE AND HER CHOSEN FEW ARE!!! GOD created me and Jesus loves me and the Holy Spirit guides me!! I am loved and blessed. I am in a smaller(but growing) fellowship that worships GOD and helps me grow in HIM. THEY LOVE ME FOR WHO I AM AND WHAT I AM BECOMING IN MY JOURNEY WITH FATHER!!! John, thank you for this site. It does help so much. Keep up the good work!!

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